She's back....
She's back
I'd hate fuck Sarah desu
What would this dog eater know about Jesus?
What did they expect? Mexico to just let them in? Americans really believe Mexico is just another state huh?
>that brown guy's face
me on the right
>tfw not getting deported
>Jesus Christ.
This is a New York Times journalist in 2019.
cry more, the innocents get first protection, duplicitous attorneys can suck on this
Fucking mem
I thought that grey corpse in the thumbnail was RBG and you were talking about her.
Fortunately she is still in a coma on life support...
>tfw even Mexico has stricter immigration law than the United States
>jajajajajajaja stupid gringo. These Americans are such fat pigs. I wouldn’t even rape this lard ass even if I was promised citizenship
why is a grown woman crying? why is the dog eater allowed to ban evade?
The journalist is crying because if she doesn’t get the story, she knows she’s going to be fired
the madman !
everyone is so happy to see the jews cry
Seriously tho my store I work at has hordes of retarded Mexicans who can't speak English. Worst part about it is they mumble in this high pitched whine.
I hate them more then the fucking mumble niggers at this point and I share more dna.
Because she is being deprived of the opportunity to undermine the interests of her ethnic group
No, the libtards who believe borders shouldn't exist have been tonguing Mexico's gritty anuses for so long they just assumed they'd be welcome into the country with open arms.
lol the article she linked was written by 3 young women "journalists" getting a whiff of learn to code soon
She's a woman, aka completely retarded.
She never heard of countries having visas and restrictions n shit, let alone has ever researched anything.
It's a female - that else than complete mental mush did u expect?!
They’re going to blame this on Trump and white men aren’t they?
>Mexico won't honor your explicit stance that WE DON'T HAVE A BORDER GUIZ
ohhh nooo, that suuuucks. i thought because democrats refuse to enforce the US border, the Mexican government wouldn't enforce their nation's border!
I think the spanish cucked them but not as hard as they cucked the flips with their bogus pope/religion/pyramid scheme
>Look at this sad specimen. And people actually want to get out of based Mexico to live in the world's biggest shithole. JEJEJ quedense con esos putos, gringos de mierda
basado y rojopillado
liberals and especially jews assume that everyone else simply bends over like biblecuck, "mexicans are the new irish with better food" RINOs
rules don't apply to them because they are the VOICE OF MORALITY
don't help gookmoot with banners
>Her daughter was standing just outside the room and started crying. She was allowed to join her mother while the pair were detained for nine hours and had to sleep on a cold floor without food or water, Phillips said. Ultimately, they were turned away and placed on a flight back to Los Angeles.
Will she be calling Mexico a bunch of racists who run nazi concentration camps?
You can't tell me these moments just happen randomly. This meme is evidence of devine intervention. We are the chosen!
>When you were smart enough to get Citizenship
She already has. She said its payback from Trump.
Note that most of the people in this image are smiling. This is a picture of a happy occasion -- a family re-uniting after a long separation. Fake news.
I see a spic who will try getting through two back doors tonight.
lul accurate
i thought this would be an RBG htread for a second
>weaponized smirking
I can't wait to roll into Palestine at the end of the war with you Jews so I can take in a Jewish harem of women and hate fuck them all. I'm not even in it for the politics, I'm just gonna capitalize on khazar milkers.
>civnats will defend this
One is this real news.
Two sounds like a good way to avoid more diplomatic issues.
>A thread died for this, it was a shitty bot thread but still.
Jews are traditionally matrilineal, so your offspring would be official jews.
They're counting on the khazar milking to save them after the Holocaust II: The Real Holocausting.
Thaz the 1, dawg.
Very rare flag, how is Nepal
make sure you gas them when you're done so they don't reproduce.
jews don't even have big tits lel
>very rare
everyone look at the newfag and laugh
DA ps quadrooople ha!
I'd milk a fucking minus A cup bruh.
I don't even like big tits.
>without food or water
They couldnt go to a shop?
Look at everyone smirking!
my sides.
>This meme is evidence of devine intervention. We are the chosen!
this, and so keking funny