Are people's tax returns lower because they paid less taxes?

Are people's tax returns lower because they paid less taxes?

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they're higher.

Anyone else have to file a 1099? So far my taxes are looking fucked

Yes and they're way fucking higher than they were 2 years ago. I'll risk the audit and write off every tiny thing that I can. This is ridiculous and not even worth doing self-employment at this rate.

Mine were higher this year

Do all you guys have to do tax returns or only if you're self employed?

Yeah, this is my problem.

my return was considerably lower this year. but it was because the company stopped withholding as much due to the changes and paid me more throughout the year. plebs are losing their minds over "paying more taxes", when in reality they got more money every paycheck.

Everyone who works, or has won enough money gambling, or if you made money in stocks, has to file a tax return. Self employed pay taxes through a 1099, instead of receiving a w2.

All of us do but it can get complicated if you're self employed.

Everyone has to do their own taxes here as well. Are you a shitskin that never worked or something?
In case you’re employed, your employer probably has an accounting service that does the taxes for you.

Yep, this sucks. I'm going to owe around $14k compared to $12k last year.



see this guy gets it you just have to trust trump he knows whats best its all part of the plan when we go one where we go all

I owed this year, for the first time ever.

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I'm get an extra 3500 dollars this year. Suck a dick you childless shill.

Stop acting like a blind supporter man

okay for real youve got to stop posting this


Trump is an unpredictable president who doesn't know what he's doing. Why are you worshipping someone like that

but.... he said........ he was a master at negotiation..

He is pretty predictable, he is a kike gatekeeper and all his achievements have been propped by tax payer dollars or Jew bailouts.. The dude worships Trump because he thinks it hurts liberals, when in reality he is hurting America and working Americans.

One moment he's advocating for a two state solution between Israel, the next he's supporting Israel's right to exist as a one state

One moment he's against neocons, the next he's advocating for regime change

He has no idea what he's doing

Kill yourself

>when in reality he is hurting America and working Americans.

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Trump takes what should be a steller presidency and turns it against himself with his big mouth and aggressive tweets.

I didn't work this year but I've never met a tax bracket where I did actually have to pay taxes.

>his big mouth and aggressive tweets.
That's one of the best parts you nigger