ITT rare Jow Forums tier documentaries

ITT rare Jow Forums tier documentaries

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Other urls found in this thread:


shot in the big foot irl

Conspiracy of silence
Empire of Dust
Passion of the christ

We live in public

Anything by wener herzog

this is spinal tap

The fog of war
Harlan County USA
The act of killing
Gothic king cobra
The hacker wars

How big oil conquered the world
Why big oil conquered the world
Rockefeller Medicine
The minds of men
The money masters
The secret of oz
War by deception

hey Jow Forums im trying to memeber this old doc about heroin usage among veterans coming back from Vietnam. VIdeo was old as hell i think it was called like SKAG or something

I'm currently watching 'Wild Wild country' by Netflix
It is about an Indian cult in Oregon

Very interesting

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Mirage Men. US Air Force spreads false rumors of UFOs to cover up their secret projects. The UFO community is infiltrated with undercover agents and most is fake news

I can't believe that only few of us watch documentaries

This is the dumbest rationalization of the UFO phenomenon I've ever heard. Why would the USAF intentionally spread rumors to cover up anything? Do they think we are so naive that we don't realize they have all sorts of highly advanced tech that they are keeping from us? How does spreading fake news about UFOs help their cause in any way?

you niggers better watch these films

based bill still

add to that list
all wars are bankers wars
benjamin h friedman 1961 speech

My Aussie friend just sent me this

This was an intelligence operation and the documentary is one of the biggest limited hangouts anyone has ever seen. Hopefully that's what you are finding "very interesting."

>all wars are bankers wars
Based Michael Rivero.
People should listen to his show and visit his website

Thunderbolts of the gods

It’s not directly pol related, but it proposes a different explanation of ancient history and of modern astrophysics that, if accepted, would definitely be a topic around here

>This was an intelligence operation


I find interesting how they tried to get control over the county. They tried to create another Utah in Oregon

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gay niggers from outer space

Solutreans the first American followed by anything by Dr Stanford from the Smithsonian.

>netflix explaining it to you
>makes no sense
This is a pattern you should learn to recognize.
I don't recall specifics, but I watched it and it's clearly just another run of the mill intelligence operation cult like Manson, Jonestown, or the rest.

The members are for the most part real and off their rockers. The leaders are promoted and aided by intelligence agencies. Every time.

>The leaders are promoted and aided by intelligence agencies. Every time.

Why? What the reason?

Operation Gladio.
Learn about how false flags work.

Attached: opgladio-book.jpg (324x499, 24K)


Adam Curtis documentaries.
Get married goy.

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Because the main goal of intelligence agencies isn't running around with guns and spying on people like they portray everywhere. The main goals are social control and they are constantly doing social experiments of all sorts.

It's an enviroterrorist doc but If A Tree Falls is a good one. The Feds got so many people to flip on each other that they all talked about their strategy. The Eco Terrorists go on a multi year arson campaign and the Feds are on the chase.

As a Russian I will demand proofs for that
It looks like a speculation

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this is a good one if you need proof that "science" is wrong.
money as debt is good if you have no idea about the FED reserve.

despite claims of "shill" toward AJ I'd love to hear why 'prison planet' shouldnt also be up there. or "agenda 21: the plan to kill you" by david icke.

There should be a doc general

I'm watching Informant right now, which is about occupy wall street/leftists getting mind fucked and screwed over by fbi glowniggers. Amazing. Everyone on pol needs to see this film.
Great redpill

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Use your brain to recognize patterns like the Rooskies are so good at in chess. You don't KNOW what your opponent is going to do or be doing. But his pattern of moves and the patterns of known positions can give you a pretty good idea. Right?

Continue watching with what I said in mind and the questions of how this makes any sense will continue to pile up.


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Well, if there are any "real" UFO incidents, either as the result of advanced human built aircraft or extraterrestrials, then it makes sense to bury them under hundreds of fake reports so the general population begins to discount all reports of UFOs.

pervert's giude to ideology

More of a drama than a documentary, but that Manhunt: Unabomber series was a relatively fair insight into Uncle Ted's ideas and life.

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Is that the guy who banged the 90 year old cult leader and the n took over?

Damn nice one, I havent seen this yet.

I have not finished watching
but on the pic is Osho

Anvil! The story of anvil

Yeah, Osho was their leader. A family friend of mine in their 40's maybe 50's was a member of that OR cult and knew him personally

Fuck guy I feel dead inside.

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They should have been very rich and made big donations
He met a very limited number of people personally

The Empire Unmasked