So it seems like Jow Forums is starting to get over the jewish hate... good riddance honestly...

So it seems like Jow Forums is starting to get over the jewish hate... good riddance honestly. im sick of pretending to hate jews, it feels weird to do.

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Jews hate you though

STFU Tyronstein

> Jow Forums is starting to get over the jewish hate

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fuck jews and nigger , fuck jannies and you too 1488 heil hitler

sick of hating??? I always thought Jow Forums is there to hate no matter what

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>people are just now realizing this place was jewish controlled
God whites are stupid

How can you get over hating jews?


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Noice. Would want nasty sex and would white knight for her in between spunkings.

Four o’clock = home time yay!

kike, I hope your entire family gets raped by a pack of niggers

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The JQ is wearing off

Jewish power is just one piece of the puzzle, and Jow Forums is finally learning that

wat about t*tks

Fuck off, JIDF.

The ones I already posted are much worse, I could go on but it would make the post longer for no real reason. Fuck roaches too though

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>So it seems like Jow Forums is starting to get over the jewish hate

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cute ket

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If it feels weird, then you don't know why to hate them. You see it as nonsensical, because you have no perception of it. We call this ignorance. To take pride in it, however, is to be arrogant.

You never had the curiosity to entertain the weirdness, and instead only scraped by, like a flake on the surface. Your hate was superficial and nonsensical.

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where can I buy one of these for research purposes

I dont care, onto the next race please

fuck off discord tranny

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I can't feel intense emotions very well. Hate is rare. It's more often contempt for them and what they do.

Imagine being such a cuck that you thank mr shlomoburg for basically mutilating your penis and ruining your ability to have sex + damaging your brain at childbirth. Imagine being such a mongrelized amerimutt that you worship the ground Israel is conceived upon more than your own country, to the point where you spend 50+ billion a year and have Israeli agents so deep in the government that they're powerful enough to pass legislation to further erode your already 21+T indebted country.

stormweenies out

Is this a challenge to post up more Kike hate threads?

Oy vey tranny

What? Fuck off, shill.

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You know what to do.

Just because of your post I'm going to hate the jews even more than I usually do. And niggers too.