Muslim man who attacked two Christians just hours apart, yelling 'Allah is God’ jailed

>A Muslim who spat at a disabled Christian preacher has been jailed for more than four years for attacking volunteers as they gave out food to the homeless.

>Ali Al-Hindawi, 23, shouted ‘Allah is god’ at wheelchair-bound Claudio Bogge before threatening him and spitting at him.

>The evangelical preacher, who was handing out leaflets for his local church, told the incensed Al-Hindawi: ‘I love you because Jesus loves you.’ Al-Hindawi then carried out another vicious assault on a Christian volunteer who was helping the homelessness, several hours later on 11 June, 2018.

>He taunted Kayode Ogunleye, who was working with an outreach programme for the homeless on Victoria Street in Westminster, before flying into a rage biting his fingers. Al-Hindawi then beat the volunteer over the head with a metal bar taken from a bike lock until his victim was left bloodied and lying on the floor. After the cruel assault, Mr Ogunleye told police that he forgave Al-Hindawi, wishing him ‘only Jesus’s love.’

>Al-Hindawi, of no fixed address, admitted four counts of common assault, threatening another with an offensive weapon, possession of an offensive weapon, actual bodily harm, two counts of criminal damage, possession of a bladed article and one count of grievous bodily harm.

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Wtf he’s whiter than me and most people I know.

What a waste of life. Human garbage. Slimy creep.

no one gives a shit about what you have to say tyrone and maybe take a trip out of the 'hood sometimes

Oh, look, another Muslim attacking people weaker than he is. Why aren't Westerners rising up against these subhumans and kicking their asses back to the Middle East?

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Christians deserve this though. They are such cowardly, simpering cucks. Corrupt also.
Nature is God's true teachings. They are both wrong.

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I've heard our Lizzy is about to escape Landan

He will win on appeal. He only deserves three years probation.

What race was the homeless and were Christians helping rapefugees? That's all i want to know to determine if he's guilty or not. Lets face it, in Germany many people scream "Allah is God", even Christians, since Allah means god. Mohammad is the prophet.

No one cares, Paco.

God created nature.

>Allah is God
>Allah literally just means God in shitskin-speak
>God is God

these people froth because Christians like helping others

whyyyyy tho like nigga just put your fucking hand out and have some charity!

You know very well that Allah has come to mean the Muslim god.

>Mr Ogunleye told police that he forgave Al-Hindawi, wishing him ‘only Jesus’s love.’
holy fucking shit how cucked can you get. How did we go from the Crusades to this cucked bullshit. No wonder Christianity is falling apart when these are the kind of people who practice it.

Yes but the Muslim God is the same one as in Christianity and Judaism, just on different fairy tale timelines.

Nonsense, Allah is not like YHVH at all.

>Yes but the Muslim God is the same one as in Christianity and Judaism, just on different fairy tale timelines.
Christians think that Jesus is God, Muslims and Jews don't. Please try and use your brain.

>a disabled person deserved to be beaten

Just fuck off

Natural Law and Gods Law are one in the same. Problem is when people start trying to live like and justify their actions as being animals, cause animals just suffer all their life and die as a result of their actions like the biological clock work they are. Living like a MAN is how you rise above the fray

Jesus is an incarnation of God, but they don’t think that some desert dwelling sandnigger is LITERALLY God you fucking moron.

This guy is retarded, Allah means in Arabic god, so he was basically saying (god) is god, which sounds even more retarded now that i am writing and saying it in arabic

In the UK?
Well, it must be cause he is white.

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Yes, Christians do, fool. Christians believe that Jesus is God in the body of a man. Leave your house for once and ask some people if you don't believe me.

>when Muhammad is whiter than you

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>God in the body of a man
>The Judeo-Christian God
>The same one that Muslims, Jews, and Christians all believe in
Dude you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point.

Disgusting. Islamophobia is NEVER okay.

Are you Turkish?

>The eternal Amerimutt

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A whole four years huh? Wow, what a harsh sentence for this poor, peaceful moslem, maybe he can get it reduced to four months on good behavior.

typed from the comfort of the city

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that's what happens when you become a mutt, people in the west don't speak arabic, can't read the Quran, they just sit there in mosques like retards.

>bike Lock

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>mosques like retards
business as usual, then

>Not knowing how brittish prisons work
Mate, its 70-100% muslim so what this means is essentially that he gets to go to state funded camp to make new friends

The incarnation of God would also be God.

>> Mr Ogunleye told police that he forgave Al-Hindawi, wishing him ‘only Jesus’s love.

Imagine beeing this much of a cuck.

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Not really surprised, a religion built on weakness(forgiveness) will create weak(forgiving) people, complete tolerance is weakness NOT kindness

imagine being unable to read the bible yet attend church services, you are at complete mercy of the priest, and western Imams are cucked as shit... while the ones in the middle-east can have memri moments

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why bother? just start shooting these people, you think jail will stop them?
we need to stop housing sub humans when they break the law, would they put someone in jail in saudi arabia? no, so make them live up to the same standard

This is the real integration .

Wake the fuck up.

Ain't it funny how holy texts allegedly containing messages from god could have useful information like chemical formulas or accurate physisics, but instead it's all cryptic poetry and instructions about how to do fucked up shit like carve up genitals?

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Yea! You tell him!

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Most things gets hijacked by demons.

Should have used email

>attacking volunteers as they gave out food to the homeless.
>Al-Hindawi, of no fixed address
he could have just asked them for a sandwich

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>plz god, hand me the cheat codes to nuclear fusion.

yeah if he did that, everyone would believe. So what would be the point of testing belivers and non-believers? There are some nice scientific tips and predictions though:

“O assembly of Jinns and men, if you can penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! You will not penetrate them except with authority.”

That's him giving us permission to go to space. Something inconceivable back then, but feasible now.

Like Bill?

>told the incensed Al-Hindawi: ‘I love you because Jesus loves you
Cuck deserved everything bad coming to him.

The Jews and Muslims don't think that Jesus was God. What is that so hard for you to understand? Christians have a different God than Jews or Muslims, end of story. Jesus is God to Christians, Jesus is not God to Muslims/Jews. Holy shit, knucklehead.

She looks aesthetic as fuck.

hahaha thanks for the laugh saudi

Why is it atheist that make the most brainlet posts?

Atheist are very dumb people.

Most of them turn into demons.. go figure.

He's a little slow on the uptake. Probably from the years of public schooling. We still love him though.

We know. Also only 4 years? What the fuck? Beating a volunteer with a bike, attacking two Christians, and spitting on someone is also an offense which name I cannot remember. Only 4 years.

Do not take my kindness as a weakness

Satan is their daddy

>Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commandments is what matters.
Try again you godless heathen kike nigger. God will purge the wicked with eternal fire.

>believing God is ALLMIGHTY
>literally HAD to die to erase/take-on sin instead of flicking his fingers.
>bible written 500 years later.

In engineering they teach you simplicity is mark of a good design. Also, Occam's razor:
further known as the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae) is the problem-solving principle that essentially states that simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones. so one God > trinity.

It checks out.

>imagine being unable to read the bible yet attend church services, you are at complete mercy of the priest
Very-Orthodox Catholics don't believe you should read the Bible. They believe it is outside normal comprehension, and you need an enlightened leader to read it and explain it to you.

Just an interesting thing to point out.

I wonder if we know for *certain* he said "Allah is God". Media outlets have gone to lengths to not allow "Allahu Ackbar" to be demonized by Muslims driving trucks-of-peace by saying that the perpetrators shouted, "'God is Great' in Arabic." They simply will not say what the person actually said because they don't want to be "Islamophobic." I wouldn't put it past a UK media outlet to do something similar. The UK are sadly in the top tier of cucked to this kind of thing atm.

I find it hard to believe a Muslim of such conviction to attack someone in the name of Allah would say something that stupid. The true language of Islam is Arabic, and someone so devout surely would understand that "Allah" = "God".

That's the literal definition of a Christian!

There are some things that God can't do. If he were to do so he would violate his nature.


We have no cause to believe you because it is in your religion to deceive those who do not share your beliefs whereas us Christians must remain truthful at all times. Matter of point claiming that the Bible was written 500 years after the events revolving Christ or implying that the holy trinity rejects monotheism. The trinity is not that hard of a concept to grasp, you must be an actual brainlet if you don't get it.

its nice to know that muslims and blacks cant be charged with hate crimes

why dont they just update the definition of hatecrime to include "only applicable to white colored perpetrators"

No shit.

Oof. Very cringey. Go take your beverage license, and have some tea, Jerry.


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This. Let the Abrahamics eat each other. So glad our future Chinese overlords harvest these “people’s” organs.

Not surprised if they did that, they want to push a narrative of victim-hood so hard they would lie, I think it depends on where he was raised, if he was raised in the west then it is probable that he does not know shit about Islam or Arabic and would do make that mistake, but if he was raised in the ME then the media are lying

>if he was raised in the west then it is probable that he does not know shit about Islam or Arabic
But how can this be? How can he be yelling "Allah is God" and care that much about Allah to attack someone and not know the simplest thing about Islam? It's too crazy!