Czech Republic is currently trying to pass a law that would prohibit social media from removing non-crimininal content...

Czech Republic is currently trying to pass a law that would prohibit social media from removing non-crimininal content i.e. no more banning of politically incorrect speech. Euroshills are unsurprisingly opposed. Do you think it has a chance?

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there is always hope bro

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Who gets to decide what's "politically incorrect" speech and what's ebil Nazi hate speech

Correct me if I'm wrong but no one is trying to pass anything. It was just a suggestion by Klaus ml, right?

>porn factory of the world
>relevant whatsoever
noone cares , czechslut
go back to your set , whore

Most Euros are scared of free speech because they're indoctrinated to believe it will threaten their security.
>ib-but f you let anyone say anything we'll have mass shootings like in the usa.

There is way mote german porn than czech porn

I found this which should theoretically mean that national law trumps EU law.
It's a draft of a law. Okay, maybe it's not Czech republic as a whole but the draft is out there so in theory it could pass.
Are you mad because we don't produce enough scat to suit your tastes?
Courts and the police.

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Why is that guy stuck in a skydiving face?


Czechland seems to be getting it's shit together like Poland, it seems that slavs are more immune to jewish lies than other races.

rum and beer.

Comes with living in lie-filled system like communism.

grass isnt greener be it here or anywhere.

I love you guys ...y are robanians so low iq

Does Romania have a Facebook snitch problem too?

When third world countries are passing more constructive laws than the first world there's something seriously wrong.

they know communist propaganda when they see it.

t. canadian

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Yeah the first world, something is seriously wrong.

Unfortunately, the attempt is probably going to fail