Why haven't you ever read it?

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Fiction is degenerate


>Implying it is fiction and not a prophecy
A fucking leaf, honkhonk.

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I can't reed

I listened to the audio tape of it. its not fiction its an instruction manual


It was ok, for the first bit. Same for Hunter. There's a little bit of a blueprint there, but after that, it turns into masturbatory bullshit. Nukes? Come on. However, the military stuff with dindus is looking more and more likely, and when I first read it, I thought that would be the most bullshit. Who the fuck would choose to go with diversity hires for crucial defense positions? Except they did. And they want more.

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It's on my list of things to read, sorry for my procrastination, user.

The Brigade>Serpent's Walk>rest of the Northwest novels=Turner Diaries>Hunter

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