Should have voted for Mama Meloni
>In the clip, Chancellor Merkel asked, “So Salvini is against France and Germany and Di Maio is against France?” to which Conte responded, “Salvini is against everyone.”

>Conte also mentioned his frustration with Salvini’s policy of not allowing migrant rescue vessels to dock in Italian ports, a move that has reduced new arrivals in January by 95 percent compared to January 2018.

>“He closes everything, there’s no space, it’s different for me,” Conte said, and added, “do you remember Malta, when I said, ‘Women and children, I’ll take them by plane.’ Because Juncker told me: ‘Salvini says all ports are closed.’ I said, ‘OK, it means I’ll catch them on the plane!’ We’ll take them, of course, of course, but Angela, do not worry, I’m very determined.”

>Conte also mentioned the recent downturn in the polls for the Five Star Movement, of which he is a member, telling Chancellor Merkel, “The Five Star Movement is suffering. They are very worried … they go down to 27-26 percent, so they ask themselves what are the themes that can help us in the electoral campaign.”

>Conte went on to add that many in his party see France as an opponent but Germany as an ally, to which Merkel said, “It’s a very simplistic approach.”

>The comments from Conte are just the latest crack in the Italian populist coalition after several Five Star senators outright opposed the migration and security decree drafted by Salvini.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wow i looked hard for your source but you appear to have forgotten to place it! No problem I'll let you fix that in your time! But sadly I've had to sage in the meantime.

>Paki can't Google

Thank you, now your post is more than 0/10 and will go unsaged.

Kys mate

it's over

>61 gubermints since ww2

who cares how half niggers rule themselves?

I'll add: this doesn't change what we already know. There won't be a democratic political solution to this as the conspirators are not democratic. There will be hard, hard times coming and there will be violence.

Train in a useful job, move to white areas, make yourself impressive and educate those around you. Get ready for the violence.

gettin real tired of these jews

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That's actually good for Salvini. His party went from 15% to 30% within a couple of months, and you only need 40% to form a government.


>he doesn’t understand parliamentary democracy

Hmm? He'll only take votes away from other liberal parties. That's a good thing. PiS are Zionist lapdogs but they'll cruise to another victory this year.

this would be POLAND YES

I heard that the Polish government wanted to import 100k filipinos

Didn't hear anything about it, but I wouldn't be shocked if it were to happen

>I’m very determined.”

Love to know why you are so determined against the wishes of your people.

Where is the recording?
Where are other sources?
I want to believe it, but sounds fishy.

TrAiToRs DeSeRvE tO bE sHoT

Italy for the Italians, Salvini is "against everyone" because he is only representing his own country. and you faggots act like that is a bad thing?

Italy has always been cucked by incompetent and greedy politicians.
I love my land but I utterly despise most of its people, especially the terrone filth.

Fuck off gypo

>Salvini is against everyone
Me too, i finally feel represented by my government

Salvini is only right when he fights for immigration control, but he’s completely clueless for everything else.
The country is aging, pension scheme is about to explode, growth is stagnant and politics has been reduced to an hooligan tier dispute between teams.
This year we have seen nothing relevant for growth in the budget law, nothing but subsidies for the unproductive niggers in the south.
It’s a sad state for our country.

Literally Google it. It's a fucking video and on several websites, mostly in italian

I'll never understand if these posters are schizos, low IQ, Americans ignorant of anything that isn't a burger, or a combination. Italy elected a joint government between Lega (the far right) and M5S (tinfoil centrists, but like all centrists they're basically leftists trying to steal votes from the gullible). Conte is someone neutral to both parties that was chosen as PM, he is obviously a centrist at best, almost surely a leftist. He has no real power as DiMaio (leader of M5S) and Salvini (leader of Lega) are the two who have all the power (and DiMaio is rather spineless). So if you spent 5 minutes researching before making a thread, you'd know Italy's current government is a barely-working collaboration between two parties that should by all accounts be opposed to eachother, so you'd know only the Lega part of the government is uncucked, but luckily for the Italians, Lega is the one wearing the pants (also the one that has shot up in polls after the election).

Just do some fucking research on shit before making threads you low IQ subhuman, the whole catalog is filled with retards like you shitting up the board. I bet you think Orban led the Jobbik party in Hungary too.

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Lega is not far right, just right wing.

It's a lot further right than 99% of right wing parties in Europe or America, so yes, it is far right. "Far" is relative.


lega is not viewed as "far-right" here. It's mostly foreigners who use this label.
Our far right party is casapound

Hello, low-IQ Swede cuck, if you watched the video you'd see Conte calling M5S "us" and "we", you'd see him specifically mentioning how they just don't cuck shit up even more because Legs is polling higher than "us" and how he already cucked Salvini more than once.
But of course the snownigger in his cuckshed doesn't know Italian or even bothered to search for a translation before typing up stupid shit

It's almost like democracy stops working once the voters figure out how to vote themselves more free money. Pensions and democracy do not mix.

>I'l catch them on the plane
This is disgusting, why the fuck are the EU leaders desperately trying to import more migrants? What's the point?


And that is different from what I said how? Can you even read, memeflaggot? Of fucking course he says "us" and "we", they're all a bunch of globalist leftist bastards.
>But of course the snownigger in his cuckshed doesn't know Italian or even bothered to search for a translation before typing up stupid shit
Perché non ti metti la tua bandiera vera, subumano troglodita? Scriverei tutto in italiano ma allora il bidello si arrabbia.

start by showing your flag, I bet you aren't even Italian

Absolutely based
Sourceless threads like these should be banned. It's just pointless here say otherwise. Once again based.

>Perché non ti metti la tua bandiera vera, subumano troglodita? Scriverei tutto in italiano ma allora il bidello si arrabbia.
basato e rossopillolato

a lot of the media exists to sow discord. Remember the stories about the White House leaker?

but here's the thing, we didn't elect a joint gov, we elected lega with salvini as premier, m5s just screeched like the tards they are till a cucked version of what we wanted came to be.
and lega is not far right in the fucking slightest, not that a swede would know what right is

Nice moving the goalposts, faggot. Does Ahmed find it endearing?

These bastards are absolutely determined to turn Europe into an African shithole.

i never trusted m5s cucks

Bitch thinks he knows shit just because she sucks PewDiePie's dick for a living.
Says the meme country with Indonesia's flag

>Salvini is against everyone
Fucking based.
That's why i vote Salvini.

>many in his party see France as an opponent but Germany as an ally
Fuck France-mutts.
Fuck Germany-mutts.
Better the Americans and/or Russia.

t. non italian

Insufferable British Discord faggots, the worst plague Jow Forums has ever suffered.

true, the french government is our number one enemy, followed by germany.
i wouldn't count on russia too much because they have more important priorities than us

>but here's the thing, we didn't elect a joint gov, we elected lega with salvini as premier, m5s just screeched like the tards they are till a cucked version of what we wanted came to be.
Lega only got 17% of the vote, so you should be happy they're in the government with this much power. They didn't have much of a choice about forming a government with M5S, due to a large chunk of their right wing coalition being made up by FI. When this government falls apart, which will happen, Lega will win big time on it.
>and lega is not far right in the fucking slightest, not that a swede would know what right is
So how much further right does it have to be compared to the average European right wing before you call it far right? 99.99 percentile?
Thanks for proving my point about the low IQ.

The only hope is for Salvini to take an absolute majority next time. It already looks like he is taking voters from M5S.

>i wouldn't count on russia too much because they have more important priorities than us
The fuck they do.
We have a central position in the mediterrean.
Germany and France better be super fucking carefull, cause we can exit with other the EU and join putin and gie him the mediterrean.
The franco-german alliance would be cut from north africa ( aka: from oil ).

No. It isn't.

butthurt jews detector in overdrive, op kikes are swarming

all you kikes get roasted this fall.

It says that Salvini wants to recognize Guaido (makes sense, he's pro-US) and the Russian shills (M5S) didn't.

Literally no one is talking about this.

You kys, sourceless posts are time wasting and annoying

Except im not remotely a discord gayop. Im sick of the discord trannies positing sourceless shill shit and people responding.

If you are breaking and quoting from a news story then link it.

Italy is a weak country and untrustworthy Ally. Nobody is dying for your country, let alone Russians
>M5S cucks Salvini yet again
Yep, proved OP's point.
Hahahahahahahaha hahaha, they let Salvini larp as le based nationalist right-winger while it's M5S which actually calls the shots, and they welcome refugees

>This is disgusting, why the fuck are the EU leaders desperately trying to import more migrants? What's the point?
Other than Kalergi crap and demoralisation/subversion till some final „normalisation“ could be some bankers pushing for this as they see social system colapsing and their banking schemes with it? Cause there must be some huge profits somewhere, I mean, can't be just some pure evil fucking with whitey just because? Could it be the Sauds pushing their intifada? Really curious about this maniacal mission of these „liberals“.

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So cucked we give the middle finger to everyone.

>Italy is a weak country and untrustworthy Ally. Nobody is dying for your country, let alone Russians
Or maybe they will be interested in our position and the fact that we are the fourth nation on the planet with the most gold.
Who knows!
If i were Putin i would steady us, and restrict women's freedoms, so that we could rise up like before.
A new Italian Miracle.
This, ofc, while he "keeps our gold safe".
I wouldn't mind, as long as we get our women under control.

Yes. Salvini wanted to do so, Di Mail didn't, Do Maio wins again, as he wins with Germany and as he wins by bringing refugees by planes. Salvini is Different Maio's bitch

satanic end time jews are crazy, they need no reason.

>let me tell you abotu your country's politics
Nice one memeflag.
Nothing happens without the 2 parties agreeing.
Salvini's post on twitter is just a wink towards Trump, but Lega is the first at not wanting Venezuela to turn into another Libya.

and if you think they are not in control of every govt, you are bluepilled as fuck. this is why we will have armageddon. god does not give a fuck about their kikery.

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Right. Found the answer googling my image:

As Alert Pike said: WW3 and wipe out whitey. Those really are some evil and twisted bastards.

instead you will all be gassed. literally. by a star from outer space. kek. i find this sort of humor absolutely .... galactic.

>angel of death incoming

this just means Salvini will become even more popular

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Salvini may be against everyone but he has them by the balls. Lega is the first party according to polls(that problably underestimate it's actual popularity, like they did in the last elections), if the government falls he could get enough votes to rule the entire country alone without any alliance.

>if the government falls he could get enough votes to rule the entire country alone without any alliance
That's not how it works.
If the government falls ball passes to Mattarella, who could just name Cottarelli or someone else, like Draghi once his ECB mandate is over.
If he finds enough traitors to make a majority there won't be elections.


At this point any party that would vote for an unelected government would condemn itself into total irrelevancy. Last time not even PD had the gut to vote for cuckarelli.

> ball passes to Mattarella
Sure bud.

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And then there's a Lega palace coup

this deserves its own thread. everyday.

>would condemn itself into total irrelevancy
Next vote is scheduled in more than 4 years.
That's a fucton of time to ruin things.

That's how it works.

Yeah, it that happens it won't end peacefully.

>That's how it works.
Yea, last time when shit did hit the fan we followed the rule too.
Hell, we were so on board that we went and visited Rome to give our support!

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You got a license for being such a faggot or is that the natural state of UcucK?

Fuck off schlomo

Who is Orban and why is he hungry?

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Conte deserves the noose.

Based and truthpilled


What did Kek mean by this?

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By the way someone give me a quick rundown on the power split between president / prime Minister / parliament in Italy please

>Conte went on to add that many in his party see France as an opponent but Germany as an ally, to which Merkel said, “It’s a very simplistic approach.”

I wonder under who Italians prefer to be historically?
The Frenchmen or the Germans?
I know France committed some massacre in Italy in past times but it seems to me Italian would prefer to be under French domination than German anyway.

France is the big bro but Germany is the Chad that rapes all the cute Balkan girls

At least the Germans don't give up mid way, but both are shit desu

that's one handsome cow

Is the sound clip posted somewhere? Can't find anything on Breitbart

Mail Order Bride from Poland.gif

Chads don't rape

Parliament makes the laws/approves them.
Prime minister contributes to making the laws (and waits for the parliament to approve them). Also he holds de facto the executive power.
President tries to exploit as much salaries as he possibly can.

Oh and he also has to sign each law for it to be approved (before it goes into parliament, and afterwards as well). In case of war the president becomes the supreme leader of the armed forces.
He has many secondary functions, but they're useless.

Hang the PM for treason. Do it Italibros. You've slaughtered niggers for less.


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Humans are the most worthless species on the planet

You are a high calibre fag