Former MP Joram van Klaveren has become the second prominent member of Geert Wilders's PVV party to convert to Islam.
Dutch source:
Former MP Joram van Klaveren has become the second prominent member of Geert Wilders's PVV party to convert to Islam.
Dutch source:
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God is dead, we have killed him.
Cuckold of the purest form.
Doesn't surprise me in the least. All the anti-government parties are bound to be filled with two-faced traitors that are only there to steer the party in the globalist direction or to neuter them. Just like at how quick D66 pulled an 180 and almost overnight went from a pro-referendum party to full-on dictatorship cocksuckers.
Also friendly reminder to never trust protestants, they're literally jews by a different name.
>mfw pol is becoming a muslim board
Islam is redpilled and is the only way that save the white race. Just look at the balkans. Albanians are the whitest and most based people there, while all of the christians like serbs are swarthy race mixed subhumans.
They're getting ready for the muslim takeover, when all the faggots, feminists and progressives will be stoned on the streets, and the white man will gladly join them.
There's a lot off with those "religious critics" and, also happens, supporters of Israel.
Why not just say "I don't want more immigration"? That's all there is, and it is politics. But no, there they go reading Quran for the first time and so forth.
Notice how he didn't just apologize for any wrong facts they said of Islam (there aren't a lot, most of what PVV says is accurate), he went and converted completely. This guy was either a moron or a shill from day one.
Wow. What a fucking piece of shit. God is watching.