Ex-righthand of Geert Wilders in The Netherlands converts to Islam

Former MP Joram van Klaveren has become the second prominent member of Geert Wilders's PVV party to convert to Islam.

Dutch source:


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aavisie.nl/nieuws/politiek/24879/Raadslid Wind (CDA) neemt openlijk afstand van Nashville-verklaring/

God is dead, we have killed him.

Cuckold of the purest form.

Doesn't surprise me in the least. All the anti-government parties are bound to be filled with two-faced traitors that are only there to steer the party in the globalist direction or to neuter them. Just like at how quick D66 pulled an 180 and almost overnight went from a pro-referendum party to full-on dictatorship cocksuckers.

Also friendly reminder to never trust protestants, they're literally jews by a different name.

>mfw pol is becoming a muslim board

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Islam is redpilled and is the only way that save the white race. Just look at the balkans. Albanians are the whitest and most based people there, while all of the christians like serbs are swarthy race mixed subhumans.

They're getting ready for the muslim takeover, when all the faggots, feminists and progressives will be stoned on the streets, and the white man will gladly join them.

There's a lot off with those "religious critics" and, also happens, supporters of Israel.

Why not just say "I don't want more immigration"? That's all there is, and it is politics. But no, there they go reading Quran for the first time and so forth.

Notice how he didn't just apologize for any wrong facts they said of Islam (there aren't a lot, most of what PVV says is accurate), he went and converted completely. This guy was either a moron or a shill from day one.

Wow. What a fucking piece of shit. God is watching.

>join them
I'd rather take the opportunity to kill all my enemies as they gather in one place.
Get the fuck off Jow Forums you goatfucker loving faggot.

Like that wasn't the plan all along ...

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Islam is a good religion for the whites, and the only religion that can get our birth rate back to normal and fulfill the 14 words.

Yes Brother!

You're wrong. Mormonism is the real red pill.

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Mormons suck nigger toes like Mitt Romney. Muslims practice good animal husbandry by castrating niggers before they are able to reproduce.

Selling their souls thinking they will get a seat.

Disgusting demonic failures.

Your inbred thinking is what ISLAM creates everyday.

>you will live to see the extinction of the Dutch from Earth
Good fuck those swamp Jews

Oh look! another inbred troll trying to sell DEMONIC SCRIPTURES.

Damn you smell bad...cockroach.

He's not Dutch.

Not by ethnic-genetic inheritance.
He looks like an Egyptian. I assume he is a jew (crypto/sephardic) playing stupid games.

Who cares. Why even register it?

Breakin news : Fat tosser behaves like a fat tosser.

Islam is the only way whites are surviving the next century with any semblance of dignity. Liberalism has totally neutered the Church, so these fantasies of returning to a trad Christian Europe are just that. Whites need to adopt Islam to cleanse their societies of degeneracy and blunt the rampant hypercapitalism. This, combined with extremely stringent immigration laws, will save you from Brazilification.

How do they deal with the women are property aspect of Islam. How do they cope?

They embrace it

desperate attempt by failed politicians to regain some relevance

what a cuck

what a faggot

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Albanians are inbred and disgusting barbarians, more gypsies than real people. They are definitely the worst people if the Balkans.

katholieke partij wanneer?

D66 are basicly EU bitches. They drop everything they stand for because it is wat the EU wants
EU wants to get rid of our referendum(scared for a brexit like event, or what we had with Ukraine) so D66 gets rid of referendum. Privacy? well, new rules would comply with other EU nations so we are for the new rules.
They are traitors working for a foreign power

pvv is aivd(dutch cia), that's why they can't join any coalition. So glowinthedarkniggers pretending to be right wing becomes muzzy larper pretending to be allah hakbar.

Vote FvD!

They are the ultimate cucks this can’t be true.

I laughed my balls off when i read the news

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He's probably tired of disloyal, useless, fat, white roasties and decided to go for some sweet Arab pussy instead. It's understandable.

Evropa Rises

>Tfw I remember talking to people on Jow Forums who wanted me to vote for this backstabbing cunt's party because Wilders is no good

>Gideon "Gidi" Markuszower (born 27 October 1977) is an Israeli–Dutch politician of the Party for Freedom (PVV). He is a Member of the Senate since 9 June 2015.[1]

>Research by the Dutch security service AIVD in 2010 suggested that he was influenced by a foreign security service, likely the Mossad.[2] When this was communicated to party leader Geert Wilders, he withdrew himself as a candidate for the Tweede Kamer.[3]

And then the next election came and Wilders put him back on the list. Gidi is now a member of parliament.

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>Van Klaveren tells in the NRC Handelsblad that he then started making an anti-Islam book. His vision changed during his research. The book now includes objections refuted by non-Muslims against Islam.

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>convert to islam
>muslims still don't respect you 'cause you're a traitor

Honestly if I had to choose between weimar Europe or Islam, I'd choose Islam. Finally gives me the chance to throw rocks at degenerates without repercussions

Greece is the best Balkan nation

lmao what is wrong with dutch people

He choose the right thing.

CDA is een katholieke partij

Wilders is a zionist

Nice meme flag democrat. Now why don't you gather up your female family members so I can come over and have a nice fuck, you're not going to reject me are you? I'm a Muslim after all.

>one guy does a 1672
>"wtf is wrong with 16 million Dutchmen"

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so many fake shills here saying Islam is the way.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

Well if he was an average guy then it will not matter so much but considering his position then it means a lot.

Go and worship your naked man nailed to a couple planks of wood faggot.

In Islam we worship the God and the God alone. Al(the) Lah(God) Allah.

He used to be Wilders' right-hand until 2014 when he betrayed him.
Van Klaveren remained as a one-man-cuck-band with another faggot until the 2017 elections when he joined forces with (((VNL))).
This man represents nobody.

Stfu you mocro scum, get off my clay

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Actually it shows how disgusted he is with his own people choosing to go with the winning side because he keeps getting rejected by his own.

see it has to do with deserts and lack of water, it makes peeps go mental.


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what do you know about winning, you're a gypsy

de hele partij top is hervormd

gay masonic spook shit just like van doorn

I was talking about Islam but considering your drug infested brain I have my doubts you understood it.

aavisie.nl/nieuws/politiek/24879/Raadslid Wind (CDA) neemt openlijk afstand van Nashville-verklaring/


hervormd tot centrische niets-meningen

>Drugs bad mkay
you used the word winning rather odd for a gypsy. winning =/= stealing

>Get the fuck off Jow Forums
t. sjw wants safe space


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Drugs are bad yes and you are the perfect example why they must be avoided, a low iq being.

Islam is a fake religion



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>a low iq being
still makes more in a year then you earn in a lifetime. Also rather be a Dutch retard then a gypsie. btw did you know that gypsies come from poostania and were kicked out of poostania... how the fuck do you get kicked out of india... not even the kikes got kicked out of india

what in the fuck
ive been off-board for 3 weeks and the first thing i see is this

geert wilders best be fucking white hot

You aren't white. Nor do you belong in the West. You lose that designation once you join the enemy of th West.
All muslim leave now while you can
If you want to be an ally go home first. Converts not welcome either.

I vote shill. He cant be that stupid.

As a member of the Party for Freedom he was an MP from 17 June 2010 until 21 March 2014. He subsequently was an independent until his term in office ended on 23 March 2017.

3 years not party of geert
2 years not in office


My God do you not have an inferiority complex, do you suck dick with the same fervor as you are lash out?

No. Muslims don't believe or respect free speech, nor choice of religion.
So honestly you are a hypocrite by being here.
Muslims will not be welcome in the ethnostate, nor will their convert slaves

Al Shazam my brother

Both christianity and islam are semitic religions founded by arabs.

Why would it matter which one a white person decides to follow?

projecting much?

No arguments much?

what a cuck faggot. PVV is such a scam

The fucking state of clogland

good muslims are gonna need all the men they can get when they fight their prophesied war against the jews


yes you using winning as a gypsie after that you project like a faggot. anyhow here's a shekel for some coffee, you must be cold playing the accordion all day in this weather.

Now who is projecting you junkie?

What the fuck dude

how to get rid of eu's retards

i agree the crusades weren't that successful but the chances for a muslim-jewish war are pretty high especially with all of the current tensions between them

>doesnt know our junkies live in houses and not outside like his relatives... it's alright I should not have called you a gypsy that was a bit harsh. No one like being called a gypsy not even the poo's they get really mad and start killing cows, just by mentioning gypsies alone.

>Not White

Good one faggot, I'm a white Muslim and I go to a majority white Mosque with many people from Bonsia and eastern Europe, most of whom have 3 or more kids.

Who gives a shit if the Prophet Mohammed PBUH is an Bedouin? the Prophet Isa PBUH (Jesus) is Jewish. Furthermore, many Muslims recognize the Gospel as being revealed in Greek, which is as good an acknowledgement of white people that you are going to get in western monotheism.

Christianity is weak, Islam is the only effective Bulwark against Marxist gender-bender drug-addled idiocy.

What else are people supposed to believe? They're not smart enough to understand books like "Free-will by Sam Harris" or other atheist books that detail the materialistic universe and don't provide comforting answers, people need to know how to organize their rituals in times of marriage and death.

Islam is a response to Christianity, it is specially designed (by God of course ;) ) to take advantage of the weakness of forgiveness that is prevalent in Christianity, it has no chance.

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it was very success full, removed retards to retardia. Imagine eu muzzies all going on a holy war for kikerusalem. WIN WIN.

>(((God))) is dead, we have killed him
Almost there Freddy
The man has a book coming out. Ever heard of a publicity stunt? This will be a good one

Taking superstition, myth and wishful thinking out of the human mind is impossible.

Even atheists use phrases like "oh my God" and maintain cultural perspectives based on western monotheism. Even if you stop believing in God, most people will still never get God out of their heads.

Based and redpilled will you kick off chinks and niggers and make a great white caliphate in Australia?

if you're truly a muslim and you read the story of jesus in the quran you would know he wasn't a jew In the quran version of the story of jesus he was literally born into prophecy

Traitor Muhammed shill. Probably a sandblasted half nigger larping to astroturf.
No such thing as a "white" or European Muslim.
You lose that designation.
And on the dotr you go with the rest of the invaders and their traitor slaves.

Muhammed disobeyed his own commandments on number of wives.
Muhammed raped a 6 year old.
Muhammed stole from and murdered innocent caravans.
Islam allows lying.
Islam plagiarized the Bible but made so many mistakes it clear from the objective observer an illiterate dictated it.
The quran is imperfect and ordered out of context. The hadith don't even make it clear.
Islam is the enemy of the west. So is secularism and humanism. They all go into the same trash pit pn the coming day.
Muslims make shit neighbors as any Coptic, Lebanese.
Its a backward regressive religion obsessed with a fabricated victimhood they themselves created no different than an sjw.
For 1400 years European Christian men stopped the sandnigger hordes at great expense from invading murderous muslims.
You are scum and you must leave while you can.
If muslims want peace and an alliance, they must ALL leave.
We cannot trust you to be respectful of Christians, to have civil discussions or to keep away from our women.
You started the war 1400 years ago, sto playing victim. Leave while you still can.

Leave while you can. You are not white nor western and we will put you on the same path as other enemies.
Choose one: boat, plane, or rope.

>Even atheists use phrases like "oh my God
When ever I her some burgers go ow my gad, I think mmm it's just like them muzzies saying allahakbar. we Dutch dont use oh my god we say Cancer this/that

ironically enough a muslim in my workplace told me there this hadith that says its a sin for a muslim to leave his islamic country and go to live in an infidel country

Undercover Jesuit detected.

If Christianity is so weak then why did it btfo of your asses when you tried to conquer it.
Christianity is not weak because God is with us.
This world will burn with you and your quran on it. Gods Word will win.
Islam is satan and you fell for it out of hatred and weakness.
Your ancestors blood cries out as a testimony against you. God will hear them and ypu will burn with the pedophile antochrist in hell.

You are weak and will be exiled if you survive the war to come.
God himself will cast you into hell with all muslim rapists.


I dont care about God and I as it stands Islam will win.