Why do they do it?

What is this stuff?

Attached: h.jpg (599x397, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing to see here, goys.


Attached: C2(4).webm (640x360, 2.08M)

That’s a bit obvious..
Someone is slacking

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The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI deepfake false flags by masonic predictive programming weather manipulation and fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never existed so (((they))) can continue to harvest jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the top of the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan.

It's one of two things:

Poison, or some kind of weather manipulation. Or both.

This too.

Attached: C3(1).webm (640x360, 1015K)

it's called geo engineering mixed with sedatives
this goy gets it

they are spraying you with vaporized aids

Attached: p1d3g9jvigq11.png (1132x1000, 248K)

>doesn't mention archons
>obvious disinfo shill is obvious

checked and /thread


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Tfw you realize aerosolizing fentanyl could potentially depopulate entire cities

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High altitude military planes using nuclear tracking equipment to ensure no rogue atomic weapons of any sort are hidden within US borders.


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I've never seen these type of things here

Barium, Aluminium, Strontium
>shill posts
didnt read

Ive been noticing that it seems to come in waves. There have been periods where there is none of that shit for a while, like weeks, near me. But, when ever I do see some I also see people here or on /x/ saying that they are also seeing a lot of those trails at the same time. In other words, it seems extremely coordinated.

It would be interesting to see what results we would have if a series of cameras were aimed at the sky over various regions taking a photo once every 10 minutes.


Assessing the direct occupational and public
health impacts of solar radiation management
with stratospheric aerosols

This paper explores this information gap. Using
available evidence, we describe the potential
direct occupational and public health impacts
of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for
SRM, including environmental sulfates, black
carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide

so um..when abouts did american sperm count start dropping

jews tricked them into spraying us with poisons, saying it was going to save the planet.

And our leaders bought that shit.

>And our leaders bought that shit.

like the idiots they are.

Strontium and barium, same stuff you breathe in on New Years and 4th of July

What the spray is has been debated for the last 3 decades. Some conspiracy researchers think that it's the government/military inoculating us against bio-weapons. Others think it's the government/military spraying us with shit that messes with our brains and bodies.

The spraying happens over all regions, not just urban centers. It's happening over rural and suburban and industrial, and places in the middle of nowhere. I've taken a lot of cross-country train trips across America, and this shit is happening out in the boonies, too.

>implying they arent in on it

They know exactly what they are doing

I just listened to an old Art Bell Coast to Coast radio show from the mid-90's. He talked about a news article he'd read that day about lowered sperm counts. So the lower sperm count in the West has been happening since mid-90's, and very likely much, much earlier than that.

We already have declassified documentation about chemtrails. Of course they claim they stopped doing it in 1960.

Not saving the planet. They do it knowing what it's about. They purposely test chems and bioweapons on smaller towns. We know they did this shit before after it came out during congressional investigations and nothing changed to stop them.

Attached: lab12brn1.jpg (600x548, 59K)

>no mention of elvis, bigfoot, or d. b. cooper
Absolute shill.

>>implying they arent in on it

some of them are, sure.... but the ones that aren't in on it think it's for geo-engineering.

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mfw this will be the truth in the end and pol is always right.

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I wonder how long it's expected to take for the sprayings to have effect. If it's metals, that build up in the body over time, then I guess intermittent spraying like you are describing makes sense. But if it's something more fast acting, maybe the spraying is to dull the populus before a happening

Shit that made to much sense.

Attached: img816.jpg (450x705, 84K)

> ballast tanks in a test airframe
> This is how you test stability during flight of weight changes/shifting/loading
> thinks contrails are some chem BS
I guess we wuz sprayin chems back in WW2 too huh?

Attached: tsRdJ.jpg (600x441, 46K)

checked except condensation from jets doesn't linger in the air for 6 hours

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It's God doing it. Angels warring with demons in the heavens.

Signs of vapor and smoke, the prophecy of Joel.

Many people have reported Chemtrails without planes, or with glowing orbs.

Planes might have their own trails used by man for weather control, but that's not the main thing.

The near-mainstream "chemtrail Conspiracy" is a cover-up so you still think in material terms.

Thank me later for bringing you out of the rabbit-asshole void of materialism the Mason's would want you in

>totally makes sense

Attached: 1548426355154.jpg (600x399, 52K)

Nukes aren't real.

test airframe again....... again what are you trying to prove providing test bed pics

They do it to create cancer, mental illness, and Alzheimer's. Massive infertility rates.

There are heavy metals such as aluminum, radioactive isotopes such as cadmium, and carcinogenic chemicals

nato is doing this shit. satanic crap. got to detox weekly.

> Water vapor doesnt linger
> What are clouds
Retard, depends on humidity at that elevation. If the air is saturated with moisture it cant evaporate

same as vaxination. nwo satanism

end is coming boyos

same with posting airborne fire fighting systems


Jow Forums is always right

None of that shit is real. That's fear propaganda to keep you from coming to Christ

Aluminum isn’t a heavy metal u stupid fucking retarded maple syrup snowback nigger retard

>jewish stupidity inbound
fuck off will ya

> posting pic with the US forest service logo shopped out
> proving canuks can shitpost whilst sucking cock

Attached: contrailscience.com_skitch_120627_F_IG195_644_20120806_153612.jpg (1580x1051, 554K)

stop asking questions

Based and enlightened pilled

russia already did this in that hostage crisis where 100+ hostages OD

nano plastics coated with metals and all sorts of diseases mixed in. (((they))) are trying to pull a genocide so we know the end will come soon. god won't allow this shit to play out but dying is part of the plan anyway. the old world will perish and the fags with it.

go die leaf

Water injection was used historically to increase the power output of military aviation engines for short durations, such as dogfights or takeoff. However it has also been used in motor sports and notably in drag racing. In Otto cycle engines, the cooling effects of water injection also enables greater compression ratios by reducing engine knocking (detonation). Alternately, this reduction in engine knocking in Otto cycle engines means that some applications gain significant performance when water injection is used in conjunction with a supercharger, turbocharger, or modifications such as aggressive ignition timing.

>drop chemicals out of a plane
>they come out of the engines

good thread on debunking chemtrail pics
and I was posting them since it is related to the topic, not because I think one way or the other on the issue, to be honest I haven't researched too much into this topic.
The pic regarding contrails from WW2 pictures is suspect though
Glad to hear leafs are living in your head rent free faggot

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I wouldn't be surprised if that's a plan that is in motion currently.

So kids can learn tic tac toe.

Once again.
All those elements are found in fire suppressant. They do stratopheric areosol injections everyday to prevent the increasing anthropogenic heat from melting the ice that's on the firmament from falling and hitting a major us city. Google "megacryometors"


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Nice, an Amtrak poster. Here's some comfy, vintage train travel for you:

Attached: SP6002GoldenStatepromo1947.jpg (1557x970, 902K)

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This......... as being someone who has been more than casually involved in aviation for over 20 years the contrails are nothing new or mysterious. I got a great view of the trails when we were ferrying two plane from FL to IL. When we broke 29k started getting contrails from the global 5500 4 miles in front of us. Since I knew both the plane we were in and the 5500 since it was the other plane we were ferrying, I can assure you there were no "chemtrail" equipment....... this bs will never die

Ahh sorry man, I thought you were pushing the meme


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mick is literally worse than every jew on this planet combined. why the fuck would I ever read anything on metabunk?

>Muh icewall
>Didn't even include Agatha
You can literally pay for flights to fly across the globe with maybe short stops to refuel you dense fuck. If you're gonna post about all the missing islands at least post the one with Agatha, your buddies from WW2 fled there.

>Believing the atmosphere is a perfectly homogenous mass

Open a fucking book sometimes
There can be lots of variations in pressure, humidity, density, temperature, etc

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when you start to notice this, over time you'll notice the patterns. pun intended. as in, the other week we had a few days of sun here in the uk, like 1-2. on the 2nd this criss crossing was occuring in the sky, lots of planes flying overhead leaving long trails behind, then on the 3rd day. the sky was weird as fuck. it was cloudy as fuck but also sunny. but the clounds were like long, thick coke lines covering most of the sky, with slight gaps in between whereby you could see the blue sky behind the clouds. a day or two later it was snowing.

... you do know that water is a product of combustion, no need to add it. However, this is not water.

Bill Gates is dumping SO2 to slow global warming

no worries, I like collecting info regardless of whether or not it agrees with my understanding, in fact I am always open to receiving contradicting info and know that the biggest danger is not being open to counter evidence or proof that your information was based on lies or obfuscation
not saying it's credible either, it is good to read opposing views even if it is possibly controlled opposition or limited hangout. Oftentimes they will admit things in their denials that are worth examining, indexing and cross referencing. Like any critical thinker you have to approach is a good detective would, I don't take anything off the table until evidence says otherwise.

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It's aluminum particles to increase fidelity of wireless broadcast signals.

you're canadian....

Saturate the cell cytoplasm of an organism with aluminum and beryllium-isotopes, use broad range surveillance radar to track masses of food, biological material and human beings. Introduce collumnated array radar equipment every 500ft (5g) and have individual tracking capability as well as weaponized directed energy and then and only then does it really not matter who has guns or how many.

You see, I'd like to think we're weaponizing the weather but more and more I'm beginning to witness evidence that the weather is weaponizing us.


Thats bullshit but i believe it.
Digits confirm.

I think that it's also possible that compounds are being added to the atmosphere to reflect or at least refract cosmic radiation, due to solar minimum.

>planes fall out of sky if you turn engines off.

I'd like to believe that we know what we're doing. The fact of the matter is...

We haven't got a fucking clue.

They said chemtrails are a natural byproduct of the engines.
This debunks that.

>balkan diaspora
the lord and emperor of kanada stated in current year (2015) that kanada is a ((((post-national)))) country
I'm getting the fuck out of here and already have arrangements in place to be gone in 5 years
good luck in weimerica, you are the main colony of globo homo and have been under hostile foreign occupation for over 100 years

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you mean methanol?

Attached: tffw.png (852x439, 344K)

>Every minor conflict will be WWIII
Jow Forums literally sounds like a jaded Bulgarian grandpa that reads Russian propaganda newspapers.

shut up canada

Never played tic tac toe?

What is rainonrequest.com?
If you're going to post some 'debunking' bullshit, at least try...
>developed in Israel

Well you actually touched onto something really classified.
You wouldn't happen to have more of that would ya?

>What is this stuff?


can you point out in that 25yr old document where they mention "chemtrails? thanks.

>and this shit is happening out in the boonies, too.
yup. pretty much anywhere commercial air traffic goes...imagine that.