the world gets destroyed every 12,000 years or so and our time is almost up. get ready people.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dude your shit is weak. This was all the rage about 20 years ago on AOL. Jow Forums doesn't shift asshole.

Update your drivers, you're supposed tbe running solarmicronova.exe

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Nope. Fuck off metatron.
Jeshua rules.

No we wont

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I am ready for the end of the Kali Yuga

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Reminds me of this old YT series of vids. Supposedly some strang stuff happened to the maker or some shit. I cant recall.

giddy up I can't wait to ride this wave of tremendous destruction

>the world gets destroyed every 12k years
youre a fucking idiot.


Death when pls

You keep saying that...

after 28 years, between 2045-2047
there is still enough time to prepare, and do not forget when the earth is resting for about 10 hours, do not go out friend

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Can you provide any EVIDENCE for this besides 1/3 of a redacted-as-fuck CIA document from the LSD era, and some breathless fanatics ranting on JewTube?
(Incidentally, the redacted portion of the document is probably all about how much black budget money was obtained and wasted researching this and prepping for it as though it were an actual possibility when it almost certainly was always known not to be).

when jupiter moves to the north pole of earth
he will be ready then to crown the earth ie
flip her for her to be born back into the realm
of light. that's when the muslim prophecy of
the sun rising from the west will come about.
not much time left too, Jupiter begins his
return 2020 dec 20th.

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No. The Adam and Eve story isn't about the world ending. How would anyone write it down or know about it if the entire world ended re'tard. It's about a catastrophic flood that wipes out 75% of the world population. I thought Pol would try and meme this into reality considering it takes out most of the Democratic states in the US.

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>the poles aren't shifting

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if you want to live on the earth's surface during the pole shift then you need gold armor to protect you from the cosmic radiation that will bathe everything since there won't be a functional magnetosphere to absorb it.
Now you know why jews are hoarding gold

>adam and eve
>noahs arc
>same story
you're one confused toothless bong, hey did you know that gingivitis promotes Alzheimer's? Now you do, and you probably have it too


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it literally just started

The Earth is bigger than we're told, we live on a smalll section of it, separated from the rest of it with an ice wall. Also Earth has multiple magnetic poles.

Explain frank

color of line indicates speed, they accelerate and they move into the same spot if you extrapolate it as it is - somewhere above straya, there's an anomaly there exactly opposite to Bermuda triangle with similar properties like swallowing ships
that's sun, does it every 11 years, earth does not, or we thought

The poles move a certain distance every year, they don’t stay exactly where you think kiddo

So because of this the world will end and the Jews will have a world of their own after they destroy the whole planet ?

You’re a no talent hack!

your taxes are payed for all those deep underground military bunkers to keep your owners safe while you and all your family get cooked

Elaborate resting for 10 hrs?

>the world gets destroyed every 12,000 years or so and our time is almost up. get ready people.
that's end of the world mayan calendar 2012 bs rehashed with "newly declassified" CIA info with moon landing twist to it, it's bunk since everything past 12k years is literally out of this solar system history - Velikovsky, based on his talmudic readings produced Worlds in collision (unfortunate title since nothing collided per se), and based on this reconstruction predicted (among other things) that Venus is hot before anybody had chance to check first hand
it is, end of story, no clockwork solar system no babbling about cycles spanning eons, no dating hundreds of thousands thousands years back, it's all bunk since it assumes homeostatic, millions of years old solar system, it wasn't so

Added bonus of explaining almost every myth, religion, megaliths and ancient technology, ice ages (settling into orbit), extinctions, mega flora and fauna (square-cube law prevents dinos from walking in current gravity), everything.

>meritocratic, self-serving ethno-religious people
>somehow it's a bad thing they get to rule over you
Are you gonna cwy, big boy?

What? I won't reverse.

In 1989 Mr. Vogt discovered evidence of the main clock cycle in the universe. He discovered six blank periods in space where no stars were visible from 977 to 1304 light years. The stars are there and there is a reason we cannot see them, the real cause of global warming. Among the six blank periods, four of them are 12,068 light years apart. This is hard evidence of the clock cycles in the universe.The author was also able to discover the same 12,068-year cycle in the sunspot cycles. A sunspot cycle is 11.09 years, eight of them is called a Gleissberg cycle, equaling 88.732 years, 136 Gleissberg cycles total 12,068 years. The sunspot cycle is a resynchronizing frequency. The Gleissberg cycle is a synchronizing frequency and it is synchronized to the main clock cycle. The 2007 book explained what causes the geomagnetic reversals and why they correspond to the ice ages. He presents evidence from the science journals that show six reversals and ice ages that C14 date to a 12,000-year repeating cycle. He has discovered the clock cycle three different ways, which is hard to disprove.

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So what happens when we are in a blank wave?

there will be an outpour of the sun, part of the earth will burn another part of the earth we freeze (short term) (theme frozen mammoths etc ... )
then there is an area in between which remains relatively stable.

the earth stops its rotation which leads to huge floods as the mass of water continues to move due to the inertia and after about 20 hours the earth turns in the other direction, because of the heat a lot of water vapor is created which cools down in the atmosphere and that becomes an snowfall for about 15 years

about 7/10 of humanity will be eradicated

plain and simple

> this system of cycles is also mention in the maya calendar

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but the micronova causes the poles to shift

earth is flat bitches. google proved it by now removing the evidence.
better get gud with god or burn in hell.


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exactly, everything is frequency = information
and connected with each other

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also, there is nothing outside the dome but the blackness of nothing. stars are tucked to the firmament and your tv is lying. get used to it.

the bubble in which our reality will be popped and the worthy ones get a new home. eos.



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Indeed. Build bunkers asap, secretly if you have to and make sure they’re water tight.

>the poles will reverse soon
Seems highly likely
>world will get destroyed
Im not sold on this. It would be just as valid to proclaim that the surface of the earth expands when the poles flip. Until it happens and we can document it all we can do is hypothesize.

neat... i was just guessing

I’m ready for the Jow Forumse to shit

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>1 post by this ID
Definition of a forum slide thread.

There’s also the likelihood of the earth tipping with Greenland moving alittle towards the equator. Which is good for Europeans, if any survived the floods. I’ve actually got the book but haven’t read it yet.

the magnetic field of the earth is connected with the output of the sun, that is, one action influences the other, and that is the secret of magnetic pole reversal
The core of the earth therefore remains liquid because attraction force and centrifugal force interact, and so on ..........

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>the haabeding date

>mfw country is mostly under sea level
>Vaalserberg (berg for mountain) is our highest point and is technically just a hill
I'm fucked arent I?

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I was in those breads and still can't find that fucking video.

round 7 here we go.
this is the 6th, for proofs in predictive programming watch the matrix.

the position of the earth will not change, but due to the sunshine, a lot of water will be thrown into the universe, resulting in a lower sea level

that's why many pre-ancient cities have suddenly melted inland, and melted down to their foundations

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yes but it has nothing to do with the shift, mietje.

source on this? Mr vogt isnt enough of a keyword apparently.
aka google is shit

Is there a theory for that? what would be the goal?
I'm curious

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whahaha is this a kraut trying to be funny?

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6 failed attempts to control humanity
humans as batteries
idk, im not a god, I cant see beyond time, I just notice the patterns.
the matrix isnt the only reference to 6 resets.

>London under water
>Everyone with sense moves inland, waiting for new coastline
>tfw I live in FL

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Diehold foundation is a good series, I recommend everyone watch these videos.
>Causes of the Ice Age and Nova, the Greatest Secret of the United States.
That's what I found from researching as well, the increased cosmic rays from the weakened magnetic field eventually leads to a micronova and neutral matter eruption and then the pole shift.

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Nothing ever happens.

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Plasma scarring

Fucking hell.

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hello IDF

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im srsly who the fuck is mr vogt and why cant I find a source.

I was lurking a thread yesterday and someone posted a link to this guy. Was interesting till he got to praising the yids and christian dogmas

sorry forgot link

so when is this supposed to happen? dec 21 2012?

ok I found where you copy pasted the paragraph from...still dont know who he is, no first name mentioned, doesnt mention the book titles or ISBN.
thanks for the other links and stuff, I had already seen that thumbnail a bunch recently.

I keep waiting for this shit to happen, but it never does.

2012 was the zodiac alignment moving into the age of aquarius, literally nothing physical happened (except the ever rising shumman resonance frequency. its not 7hz anymore.)

lack of a magnetic field during the reversal of the poles would allow the atmosphere to be bombarded by high energy particles from the sun in the form of coronal mass ejection producing global plasma storms that would vitrify large portions of exposed land and bathe the planet in deadly radiation

your only real protection would be inside natural geological formations: caves

almost like humanity is really older than you think

daily schizo thread 173/321

I think the amount of extinction depends only on how big the sunflair is and at which position it hits (ocean, landmass) frontal or only on the edge.

but it is definitely cyclical and can not be explained by meteorological impacts, the sequence is too precise

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I found it
the guys name is Douglas B. Vogt


Mr Vogt, the author of the theory of see above, is called Douglas B Vogt...
thats it. thats the context here.

It doesn't reverse you moron it tilt 90 degree

*earth quakes your rathole* Heh, nothing personnell

are there reliable information about him?

Fuck you you morbidly dark and also probably correct nigger

that's a lot of happenings

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Kek, live in the sweet illusion while it last ....

I came here just to find one of you saying this.

Woah what the fuck is going on in poland?

I believe this is the guy
havent watched it myself yet, could be whatever.

Shalom burger

Jesus Christ ain't here on Earth for no reason

ok to clarify, the host gets the author on the phone, that isnt him.

at least Mr Vog theories line up perfectly with Randall Carlsons theories

What evidence are they removing?

youtube blacklisted conspiracies recently and the two top ones are 9/11 and flat earth
do the math

The shift has begun, pole wander is massively acceleratex, the flip will surge energy back to the sun and trigger the nova.