Why is CBD oil such a scam/pyramid scheme?
Why do roasties constantly push this shit on Facebook?
Why is CBD oil such a scam/pyramid scheme?
Why do roasties constantly push this shit on Facebook?
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Because cbd is the shit. Take some before or after workout and you'll love it. It relaxes your body numnuts.
There's no scientific data that suggests that. You're experiencing a placebo affect. You've been tricked by doctor oz and roasties from high school.
Does it? The article says there was no control group in these 'tests' so how do you know for certain
>You're experiencing a placebo affect.
Not true. CBD definitely has an effect on the body. Problem is that dose is very dependent on body weight. So for me I have to take such a high dose it's not cost effective, where as my girlfriend can take literally a third of the dose I would need.
It’s fucking weed extract it does stuff
Only thing CBD helps is seizures. The rest is jew sales.
Are you surprised that you tubers are offering opinions and anecdotal evidence?
It doesn't have thc, soo it's not "weed extract". Try again snake oil salesman.
Sup fags. My grandmother started taking this for pain at low dosages, and it just about turned her into a potato. Couldn't get up, spent all day sleeping, barely even had a sense of mental clarity. We took her off it today and all that reversed completely overnight
So this is what happened to an extreme case: dope thinking, lack of energy and muscle coordination. I wonder why ((people)) are shilling soma to the young generation?
CBD will cure you bro, just will
Only a scam because of people not giving true CBD products. CBD motivates and is anti THC in every way. Its anti psychotic, anti depressive and anti insomnia. Smoke or eat pure CBD weed and you will no longer need THC. The main problem is sourcing quality product.
Oy vey CBD is placebo goyim, you need to take safe and non-addictive oxycontin instead
Hempworx roasties out in full force
What she was eating had high thc levels. She needs under 1% thc product. Check out ebay fren. The stuff you are looking for shouldn't get you high at all. Unfortunately this way of medicine is up to the patient to provide their own. Should be easy for you to do up there.
Ah yeah, you just needed the "right dosage goy".
I'll take some of that juice.
I smoke it, never used CBD oil.
My experience, didn't read shit.
This user gets it. Dude weed and CBD is way better than what most dumbfuck doctors will give you.
You can't reference the jew here since they oppose it because of the grip they hold on the pharmaceutical industry
Thc and cbd dont even have the same medical properties. Try again hempworx shill.
THC has medical properties, CBD is literally fucking plant matter with additives.
jesus christ, user
Sure, what ever you say hempworx representative Kathleen. How many people did you recruit today? Fuck spending your money are real health insurance. I'm I right?
>THC has medical properties.
I suffer from chronic neck pain from an injury years ago and it helps directly with the uncontrollable muscle spasms as well my guy
I'm sure you didnt supplement that with prescribed medication or anything.
>only chemical in weed is THC
dumbfuck it is an extract from weed.
okay trips you got some brand names I have 4 diff kinds at my house lets see if you are actually knowledgeable or another idiot
Bad bait thread by an illiterate zoomer.
and a BBC thread died for this.
you all need to go back to where you came from.
This. CBD is highly effective at pain relief and controlling muscle spasms for those of us who have dealt with these chronically.
Well I’ve never taken anything for it but CBD, believed the CBD wouldn’t work but decided to give it a try (no placebo) and yet it still worked. So you might want to reconsider.
CBD actually stands for Cancer Btfo Doer, because it literally cures cancer overnight my bro. Totally healthy and not a (((trick))) at all...
CBD is shilled so much because it's a way for degenerate potheads to legitimize their addiction. Remember how in the 90s and 00's potheads would go on about how hemp is the best fiber in the world and it would revolutionize the textile industry if only THE MAN would let people grow it? CBD is the same shit. "Duuuude weed isn't just for getting high it's actually a miracle cure. LEGALIZE IT! *hits bong*"
CBD may have some limited medical applications but the people hawking it as a cure for every minor ailment are just dude weed lmao retards.
You actually need to hit the gym, stop eating like shit, and stop jerking off. Then you won't need narcotics to deal with your life.
It's an extract that has non of the medical redeeming properties of weed(aka thc). Its literally plant matter juice. Try again.
Fuck off with your drugs. European men and women should stay off the dope. Drugs are for niggers.
Ah yeah, nice control study yah did there champ. Make sure you publish that in the next academics medical journal.
It is the shit. For femanons: I've had debilitating cramps every month for as long I I can remember. Pain to the point it makes you puke and lay there in the fetal position. When I take 1 dose of a good quality cbd oil it's gone for 4 hrs. Just like a pain pill would do. After 4 hrs another dose. That's been my experience. I'm expecting a large scale attack on it because ppl won't be slaves to big pharma anymore.
Hempworx shills are afraid
CBD oil has cured my homosexuality.
Placebo isn't that simple. Even if people know they're taking a placebo, they still often experience positive effects.
Cannabanoids dummy. Thc is only one of many.
PMS and cramps are a meme, they don't exist in hunter-gatherer cultures where women actually have to work instead of sitting on their asses in an office all day
How can cannabis provide fuel, at least at the levels that hydrocarbons do?
Thanks for not being a retard. There are so many retards that when i see a non-retard i don't feel like killing myself for the next hour.
Why do you answer when I specifically said FOR FEMANONS......Trannies don't count maplenigger.
I ordered CBD flower in the mail and it came yesterday, I'll be rolling a joint with it tonight to see if it does anything. I only ordered a gram so I don't really care if it works or not. The stuff looks and smells exactly like weed, its even sticky.
Sorry sweetie but you just want an excuse to eat chocolate, smoke weed and be useless
Tried it, felt no difference, it's a scam.
>snake oil salesman
she is already being useless and braindead by posting 'lol infografix XD' that don't prove anything.
None of that was even mentioned
Stop being such a maplenigger like they said
this shit does literally nothing
hate all the cucks who constantly shill this shit
if you're going to be degenerate and want to kick back and chill just smoke some fucking weed plebs
I promise no one is impressed by the fact that you CBD cucks dare to be different
There is extensive scientific data that suggests it, but it says that there are absolutely no effects until you reach a certain dosage. 99% of the crap you buy is under that dosage and is therefore completely ineffective. If it costs under $40 for a bottle, you're getting nothing.
Non of your "research" has even reach human clinical trials. Try again.
Brand names? You mean strain names. You want to depend on someone else then prepare to be let down. You want shit done right you gotta do it yourself.
Hey shills be shillin. CBD be chillin. inb4 nigger.
CBD is not a magic cure-all like hippies say it is, but it has been proven to help with some things. I take drops of a CBD-dominant strain to help with tendonitis. Taking them right before the gym really helps, as I've gone from not being able to bench to barely feeling any pain at all. I don't smoke weed and honestly didn't believe any of the CBD shit before I tried it but it definitely is helpful.
Now, whether all CBD is equal is still up for debate. Some people say the shit you can buy in all 50 States is snake oil because it comes from industrial hemp, and I'd believe it.
Above my intellect user but I did find this.
It's not you're dealing with shitty people. If you don't want to get ripped off look for the OG growers and sellers, you will know they are real because they will have a few pot busts on their record, everyone else is profiteering, it's just a cash grab to these faggots.
I'm registered to grow it. Farming is lazy and useless? Who said anything about chocolate? I take the straight drops when I need them.
i hate this meme shit. smoke regular weed like a normal person you hippie faggots.
THC is an appetite stimulant and anti-nauseant. It's why people undergoing cancer treatments use weed.
That's because it hasn't been legal for the last 70 years.
this. thc to cbd ratio should be 1:50. the stuff does everything that it's supposed to. expect federal regulation within a couple of years because it's that good.
If it comes from industrial hemp it is shit for medicine but preferred for the fiber stuff. The hemp for meds is the same as weed but the thc that makes you high has been genetically bred out. It looks, smells, tastes, and is the same plant except the thc is low. There are also many new strains being developed right now to target different terpenes and relieve certain things. Some are good for smooth muscle, some for joints, some for anxiety. Its all in the development still. That's how I'm able to grow for research purposes under a university/ USDA.
Straight for the MLM hempworks. Annoying af. All of you. Get a real job.
More likely you're just dealing with neet potheads.
>>MLM hempworks
CBD and cannabinoids in general are extremely estrogenic, that's why they are being pushed.
CBD is legit effective medicine but shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary, ex. cancer, arthritis, other serious health problems.
>> extremely estrogenic
Post Sauce 1 post id. Genuinely curious
Do u even know what a pyramid scheme is you fucking basement dwelling degenerate. Cbd offers all the benefits of marijuana without getting you high
Kys fucking retard
>no scientific data
literally thousands of easily accessible scientific studies and scholarly articles on the subject
I'm sure you can link to some of those well designed studies from reputable journals, then. Go ahead, user...
All of these exist. Ironically, as a Canadian you should know, because your country is leading the international CBD markets.
You posted a kid gif with a pedo symbol in the background.
>>How bout you fuck off kike
Thank you I'll take a look.
cbd doesn't even do anything.
I took some for pain and it was like taking 1/4 of a baby asprin at most.
There's a few listed in this image. Can mapleniggers read? Find Your own link lazy shill.
I think it only works on neuropathic pain, not all types of pain.
>Muh info graph without links
Did you only take it one time? CBD has to build up in your system. Take it for a week, at least 30-60mg. Use a gel capsule, you will 100% feel it.
Dude weed lmao is what most normies believe in my area, but especially in local news comment sections. If any of you unironically support weed products of any kind you're no better than a normie
High quality indoor cbd flowers is the way to go. All the oil and vape juice is weak sauce.
Ah yeah, I'm sure the projectcbd.com 420 website doesn't have any bias whatsoever.
You retards probably gave her CBD with a higher concentration of THC. How many mg was she taking?
They're legit links, check it out if you're serious. I'd guess you're just here to troll tho.
CBD is the shit. It helps people and its going to make me a millionaire.
All you faggots who say cbd doesnt do anything, spend a day reading peer reviewed articles on the subject.
I own a budding cbd empire. I make more money in a single day than most of you guys make in a year. Pic related
It looks like you're cooking meth user
So I haventvread them all but the first one i clicked had this to say:
>>Let’s go to the source — Marijuana.com — and take heed of some ancient weed wisdom: “Doobies Make Boobies.” (Unfortunately, women seem to be immune to these boob-making effects.) For those who require more science behind their opinions, animal studies provide evidence that exposure to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, can decrease testosterone levels while also generally affecting the endocrine system. These findings only apply to the animals under observation and human studies are not at all conclusive, often presenting conflicting reports of marijuana’s effects. That said, the staid and just Mayo Clinic lists cannabis, along with alcohol, amphetamines, heroin, and methadone, as a potential cause of gynecomastia.
So that delta 9 thc is the part that has been genetically removed from this new kind of cannibas. So regular weed would be what did that.
Where can I buy full spectrum cbd carts with natural terpenes? Live resin is best imo.
go back to plebbit
That rig is not making you 50k plus a year lol. Do you expect people to believe your delusions? The legal market in WA has pathetic cbd penetration and almost nobody buys it unless they were duped by the bud tender. People want to get high not feel nothing
>I scam money out of dumb people. Those said people could use that same money on health insurance, but instead I'm charging them $60 a vial for weed juice without the thc.
Cool story kike
You glow here.
If you're to stupid to find it with that info it's not like you could comprehend it anyway.