How likely is an armed conflict between the left and the right currently?

How likely is an armed conflict between the left and the right currently?

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It's not, unless Donald Chump decides to declare himself President for life so he can continue to destroy the economy for his own gain.

Based, lets tear this shithole down

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I would have shot those fucks if I still lived 2 mins from stone mountain, fuck. Sucks. They would be patching up API rounds where the sun doesn't shine

Pretty much zero.
The left are still mostly occupied with the fighting in Syria and the "International Freedom Battalion", even though some low-level mundane gun-organizations like SRA, RR, and JBGC have already been formed in the US. I'd say things'll get more interesting once the Syrian conflict ends and all those veterans return to teach and organize.

What's the source on your news, btw.

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I wouldn't say 0%, Antifags are pretty fucked in the head.

The screenshot is from "News2Share"


> a bunch of faggot with a few guns and minimal training against lifelong gun owners with decades of shooting experience
gee I wonder who fast this would last

reminder that the cops will be on the side of whoever shoots second

this whole exercise is about them baiting you into shooting first

>lifelong gun owners with decades of shooting experience
How do you know, didn't they bail out before the event?

>didn't show
Yeah cause the last time they did the fucking Governor of Virginia completely violated both State and Federal law and sicced the State Police on them.

I'm sure you would dear

I listened to this local radio show where they were interviewing some John Brown Gun Club guys and it was painful. The JBGC dude seemed fairly put-together aside from being an anarchist, but the interviewer was clearly pained that some of her fellow leftists liked guns and couldn't square that in her head.

>I wouldn't say 0%, Antifags are pretty fucked in the head.
It wouldn't be a conflict, it would be no-contest: communists don't know how to fight and lack access to firearms and training. It would be a curb-stomp

Its low any conflict will happen but god damn if I'm not about to go shoot these fuckers myself

Respect your enemy,

>lifelong gun owners with decades of shooting experience

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have you seen the tards who show up armed to prostests, always skinny fat dweebs who wouldn't last a day in actual combat, left wing or right.

Literally nothing will ever happen.

More accurately would be pro communist and anti American. Why does the media side with these millitants? I know they hate "Nazis" and "white supremacists" but they only demonstrate peacefully while Antifa tries to start a war on American streets.

The fact the media sides with them is enough to warrant a McVeigh on every news organization and media outlet HQ.

I posted this analysis yesterday:

the armed elements were kind of interesting. unfortunately we don't have enough footage from all the angles showing armed leftists. thankfully they did not wear masks and can be ID' be freefor forces later on. some things to notice:

none of them were wearing body armor.
they were not wearing adequate ear protection, most of them were open ears. the guys with the howard lights ears are using the cheapest and worst ears on the market.
armed faggot with red dot had covers on it. if it went hot he would not have time to react with accurate counterfire.
shotgunner was carring a crap ton of gear in his black pack. not only was it insanely heavy for him but the bag looked cheap and inadequate to the task.
the squad all used baofeng's, a notoriously weak hand held radio and none of them had push to talk mics.
as they wandered along the march they had no pre-selected arcs of fire indicating they likely did not have C&C or any veteran trainers. this means they have no TTP's and would scatter to cover when it goes hot directing ineffective counter fire.
they had no scopes longer range than 1x. any opposition out of line of sight would be invisible to them.

wrt when when or if shooting will start it most definitely will but perhaps tensions are higher during an election year. in an ideal world law enforcement takes down a lot of the commie groups on weapons charges.

>collapse housing market through retarded loans cause EVERYONE DESERVES A HOUSE
>8 years of dumping literal trillions in to your buddies start ups to "stimulate economy"
>Put even more Americans in crippling debt through your shitty healthcare "reform" because MUH LEGACY
>Bail out shit businesses to "save jobs", watch them immediately outsource
>Hamstring economic growth through absolute retarded policies
>Waste even more taxpayer money getting us involved in even more shit overseas despite being elected in 2008 saying you'd specifically not do that
>M-muh drumpf
After the shitshow that was Bush's Congress and Obama's entire presidency I had hope that Trump with a GOP Congress could turn it around, but thanks to a generation of kids taught GOVERNMENT GOOD and an increase in shitskins it's now clear the pendulum has swung away from individual rights and liberties and we'll be Brazil tier before 2050. Let's go, accelerationism now.

>Literally nothing will ever happen.

so what happen when they pass laws to get your guns ?

How are they starting a war by open carrying at a protest? The right has guns at their rallies and protests all the fucking time. Just because they have weapons doesn't mean it isn't a peaceful protest retard.

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>it isn't a peaceful protest retard.
They sure were peaceful at Berkeley and Chancellorsville.

go back, we don't want you here

>How likely is an armed conflict between the left and the right currently?
zero and the only people that want conflict are typically losers that larp about feeling useful

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>jumping 10 feet into soft sand with pieces of rebar everywhere

>so what happen when they pass laws to get your guns ?
They already did that, they're called red flag laws and no one has done a thing. No one will ever do a thing on the right and that's why we will lose. It doesn't even have to be violent resistance, the left got their way in the civil rights era by organizing around the country peacefully and trying to be loud to be the center of attention. the right never organizes
Don't worry buddy communism will win any day now and trump will be behind bars soon enough

They only brought weapons there because they intended to use them on the evil white supreeemists who wanted to have a peaceful gathering. The commies have been getting away with violating the civil rights of anyone who disagrees with them for too long now. We need another incident like this to remind them who’s boss:

>when a boomerpost is still accurate

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0% because anyone protesting with a gun is a blowhard

Very unlikely, as much as either side wants to admit it, they've got too much to lose and not enough to gain out of an armed conflict.


>implying peacekeepers are welcomed there either

>No fun allowed

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>can't argue his points
>better tell him to go to reddit

It can't organize. The glow in the darks are focused on anyone further right than Trostky. The only way the right can do anything is by going full northern Ireland and having small groups do attacks. Best place to strike would be NSA and Google Server Banks.

The people who go there without combat experience mostly leave with none, they don't just put green foreigners in the front lines when they really need them doing rear echelon stuff

How would armed conflict between the two even look like? Are we talking Gangland style straight up murdering people on street corners and in homes or is it just laying down some comped sushi on rallies?

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It would look a lot like the Troubles.

hasn't buzzfeed fired all of you yet?

>How would armed conflict between the two even look like?
it wouldn't happen


>Obama's entire presidency
you mean the economy that trump is currently benefiting from

It's been 3 years now.
Let me guess the recovery from the housing crisis was all George Bush.

Absolutely zero. The stability of US currency will be protected and enforced at all costs to ensure that the 95%+ of global trade that depends on USD to keep working as it should.
Everybody will be put under martial law before it even comes close.

>Let me guess the recovery from the housing crisis
the housing crisis was in 07, are you going to tell me that there zero recovery between then and now? And what policies has trump passed to aid in the economy?

I was hoping he would start humping the doll after kicking it over.

>trump passed to aid in the economy?
Tax cuts, Tariffs, Trade Wars.

>you mean the economy that trump is currently benefiting from
You don't get to play that game faggot, CNN, NBC, ABC, PBS, Obama, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, Trevor Noah, everyone said Trumps gonna crash the economy and its all on him.

Too late to take it back, its all credit to Trump now.

the shills are out in force today

>Tax cuts, Tariffs, Trade Wars.
all of have had negative effects on the economy

>Negative effects
Are you trolling or do you eat your cereals with lead paint?

>you'll never lay down some comped sushi at a communist rally
Dear CIA. FBI, AND ATF niggers this post was pure satire

a better argument would be to point out the effects of the tax cuts, the only ones who have benefited are from it are the rich


If the left escalates the violence, they'll loose.

Not quoted.
>tax cuts
Taxation is the action of taking someones money under the threat of violence and death. Saying that taxes are good for the economy is like saying robbery is good for the economy.
Tax cuts are inherently good for the economy. It means more money in the hands of the productive and entrepreneur and less money in the hand of the bureaucratic parasites.
Tariffs are taxes, you mongrel. So you have to pick one: either taxes are good or bad.
>Trade Wars
Every single president in the United States since the fed is a thing has engaged in it.

Was going to joke but he actually moves pretty good for a fat guy.

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This is some poorfag mentality.

you have to be 18 to post here

no, everyone will. and dont think authorities will be on our side. cops have arrested "far-right" protesters at their own event and ignored the antifa counter protesters who only showed up to incite vliolence

>axation is the action of taking someones money under the threat of violence and death.
if you don't like it then leave
>Tariffs are taxes
tariffs are protectionism
>Every single president in the United States since the fed is a thing has engaged in it.
and they all had end goals in sight, trump doesn't have an end goal

not an argument

I get it you losers are "raiding", but the least you could do is STAY ON Jow Forums RELATED TOPICS.

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MODS ban this off topic motherfucker

I hate shit like this. I can't take it anymore. We're living next to people that want us and our families dead and proudly parade it around us, all while the media supports it and bashes any action on the other side of the spectrum as immediately far right, white supremacy, or neo nazi. The whole time I just want to break and start some shit with these fuckers. It's all just a giant fucking tease and I want this to happen already but it never will.

Maybe I should just go live in a rural area and forget that I ever lived in a society.

>destroy the economy for his own gain
This is actually how delusional leftists are

Reminder that liberalism is literally a right-wing ideology. Not far, but even at best to the right of center.

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Pic related is your average agender lefty citizen. Individuals like xim aren't in any sort of position to "go to war" for their beliefs. What will happen is lefty politicians will gain more and more political power, go for bigger and bigger power grabs, and eventually start eliminating their critics. That's what has happened throughout history whenever leftists have gained power.

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thank these two

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>What will happen is lefty politicians will gain more and more political power, go for bigger and bigger power grabs, and eventually start eliminating their critics.
>That's what has happened throughout history whenever leftists have gained power.
this. if nothing comes of all this we'd all be safer to leave the cities and wait this out

>can't debate the points
m-mods make safe space great again

there's a meeting in discord. we're waiting for you to start.

The points aren't even to be debated here. Go to Jow Forums or invite him to your Discord and have the conversation there.

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Reminder that current "lefties" in the US are not classical liberals. They are commies.

I’m getting ready to whoop some antics ass here

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Since this was an event that literally no one heard of, and no neo-confederates showed up to, I would suspect it was just an antifa stunt all along.

>tax cut benefit someone
>so taxes are not beneficial
A love this myopic vision of the economy statists have. They see it benefits someone, but it cannot be used politically, so it's not a real benefit.
I have news for you: the rich are also part of the economy, you bootlicking idiot. They use their money to make the economy grow in million different, unlike any of the politicians you love.
>if you don't like it then leave
Not an argument. You clearly cannot justify taxes ethically AND economically.
>tariffs are protectionism
Thanks for reinstating my point, dumbass.
Tariffs are taxes on imports and exports. Yes that is protectionism. Yes, taxes are bad for the economy.

I can tell you don’t have a job if you genuinely believe this, you fucking meet. I get about $30 more takehome money in my paycheck every week thanks to Trump’s tax cuts.

What amerifats refer to as liberals are just progressives that appropriated the label of liberalism.

Ash, when did you get a handgun?


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your foot is a unit

Enjoy it before you're laid off in the coming months. I'd suggest buying some extra water, canned foods, and books on how to code.

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>buisness insider
Next you will send me an article from the Checka
>the only ones who have benefited are from it are the rich
Your own sources contradict that. Everyone got a tax cut.
The buisness insider one is 4 months old and proven wrong.
And the Fortune one admits that there is an increase for medium and small businesses.

>Announcing your report
See you in 3 days

>record growth
>Da economy is in shambles
Wew leftists really are retarded

Hello Fellow Western Citizen. I to am a citizen of the West Fair and True. I too have noticed that Muslims/Left Wing Politicians/Right Wing Politicians/Ukrainians are destroying our Country/Culture/Racial Heritage. I too think the only solution is immediate civil war against our government and the easing of sanctions on Russia, which is our Friend.

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So I’m getting laid off because my employer now has to pay less in payroll taxes and can’t outsource my job to H-1B scabs as easily?

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>easing of sanctions on Russia
Of course Jow Forums supports this. We want our cheap AKs back. Shill elsewhere, nigger.

Fuck those two.

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>Dat AK with absolutely no wear on it...

While I get what you are saying, its a bit like saying atheism is not a religion.. even no contest is a contest.

I was literally unemployed for the 8 years of Obama and got a job less than a month after Trump was inaugurated.

And whenever we get a Democrat President again, our economy will get fucked again.

Tax cuts are a boon but the tariffs and trade war are a negative so he's partially correct.

Fucking why

You are aware that Trump never had a GOP congress right? Last time there was a Republican super majority in the Senate was 1930. Not sure about congress, but I am sure it is just as bad. Welcome to the reason behind Americas collapse..Pic Related. One post of a redpilled series.

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