I just got my ancestry results and i'm quite surprised, i thought for sure i'd be mostly anglo or germanic...

I just got my ancestry results and i'm quite surprised, i thought for sure i'd be mostly anglo or germanic, i have fair skin and hair.
What do you guys think?

Attached: Ancestry.png (1200x2161, 396K)

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Fuck off

i think you've voluntarily entered into a database which will be possibly used against you in the future, also these tests have been proven to be bullshit, so congrats you should have just set the money on fire and then shoved it up your ass. they added the minority bullshit to make you think you should care about sub humans, but you shouldn't and you dont owe them a fucking thing.

Gas yourself!

Mutt of the Mutts.

I actually received it as a Christmas gift, otherwise i would have never done this
show flag
I couldn't agree more

these DNA testing companies aren't even real. I bet that's with your testing interval confidence of 50% right? biggest scam on the planet so called commercial DNA tests that monetize and sell your data for profit. it's honestly amazing that people are still stupid enough to send these companies your DNA

Microbiologist who does NextGen HiSeq Illumina sequencing regularly.
These tests are designed to run 1 sample 50 times per kit to average them and get an accurate result.
They likely run 50 samples once per kit and report the results.
They also use SNPs to determine location, and these have a high frequency with one group, but usually around 95-98%.

So to add statistics to your results, a 95% CI.
(Number given)*0.1+0.05
So if it is 50%, then read it as 50%+/-10%.
If it is 5%, read it as 5%+/-5.5% or Not significant from Zero.

Dios mio...

They already have enough, if they can sell a handful of these a year they can track everyone. Ill try to short hand explain how.
With current sequencing techniques they can accurately determine upwards of 32 degrees of separation and with a minor error rate determine 128+ degrees of separation. You and your mother are 1 degree of separation for example.
They can also determine maternal linage with mitochondrial sequencing.
With traditional testing on a sample they can determine
>blood type
>rough age
Then plug it into the metadata from sequencing you can tell the sample is
>16 degrees of separation from person A
>32 degrees from person B
>8 degrees and shares a maternal blood line with person C
>ect, ect
Then plug it into standard databases for birth, and boom, target.
They have already tried this and leaked it to the media to find a few killers with success and lack of public outcry.

proof of my skin and hair being fair

Attached: IMG_20190204_094132133.jpg (541x961, 55K)

Weird I feel like I can still see your face.

as long as you don't see my eyes or facial features i could care less.

what's up pueblo bro? or you're probably ute i guess.

Attached: 47230843_268694570503587_5696452508080144384_n.png (480x569, 93K)

My father was born and raised in Utah, my grandmother was descendant of Mormon pioneers while my grandfather had the native in him

I'd post mine to make you feel better. Don't really care if the glowies get me anymore. My phones broke though unfortunately.
We look almost exactly alike, so thanks for doing the DNA test lol, I'm gonna use the rsults as my own.

Attached: 1532917456515.png (1123x1204, 101K)

definitely ute. mountain warriors.

Dios mio

Attached: 1vetj3.jpg (640x754, 59K)

Whats funny is i get my looks from my mother, when me and her visited Germany people would mistake us for Germans.

Hebraic creatura

Attached: c0b62f5f253f9e9aa34ff86171e79c666f6c04865c8539910cfd91ff59f8b011.png (258x330, 46K)

I'm jelly of people who have some Jewish in their dna test. It means you can trace your lineage back to God's chosen people!

ay caramba
el abomination de las americas in the flesh

You are about 85% white and only 14% non-white and native Americans are not that dark so why are you surprised you have fair skin?

Holy shit, you’re more mixed than a tossed salad

that's very interesting
thanks for posting lad

Having fair skin and hair doesn't mean you're White. With results like that I'm sure they're showing up in your facial features. Which means here in Europe you look like a:


and that's coming from a Bulgar...

fucking bait




Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-10-12-01-10-693_acr.browser.lightning~01.png (625x615, 210K)

A mamzer (mongrel) may not enter the assembly of the LORD; to the tenth generation no one related to him may do so either.
--Deuteronomy 23:2

Sorry but 10% makes you a Jew.
You have to go back

Why the fuck would you give these kikes your data?

>Deuteronomy 23:2
this verse speaks of illegitimate birth. you know it takes like 5 seconds look this kind of stuff up right

Attached: 1510529818318.jpg (945x709, 177K)

I'm actually curious what you guys look like, i posted an outline of my face, i have a sharp jaw and i'm not hook nosed like the kike i supposedly am.
i'm sure you all have the jaw of a female and breathe through your mouth.

>Native America
>What do you guys think?
I think your great grand pappy was dipping his peace pipe in the local bush.

Attached: 1548312800607.jpg (1144x931, 81K)

My great grand pappy was actually married to a native, pretty spot on user.

ay dios mios los mos goblino compadres



You're welcome. It is just a rough estimate on what the variability would be if I was comparing it to my data and other data I have seen from these methods.

Nope your translation says "bastard"

But the correct translation of mamzer is mongrel, just like in

I could go on for hours but God clearly came for the Israelites. It was their blood that was important.
Ask yourself. If your son is from your brother then God doesn't let his children in the temple for 10 generations ?
or does it make more sense that if a Hebrew had a child with say a Cannanite, that his blood would be defiled for 10 generations ?

It means mongrel.

No other race or ethnicity can become Judahites. Thus, we have a non-Judahite people impersonating and claiming the authority and inheritance of Judah.

The rabbis are well aware of what a mamzer is, but they are very much hoping you will never enquire as to the meaning and significance of that word, for no mamzer can ever be a member of the congregation of Yahweh. (Deut. 23:2)

This explains why Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 condemns them as "those who say they are Jews [Judahites], and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." (Rev. 2:9)

Attached: Adam was white.gif (450x518, 48K)

ay madre maria de los mostro americano el grande

so is it accurate to say that all those 0.5% nigger results are bogus?

Every single DNA test post is a shill psy OP to build a pol database. Everytime anyone if you faggots fall for this and post a screenshot, that screenshot has a unique ID embedded tracing you back

I think you should fuck off with your shilling kike.

Why do some Mexicans have so much French DNA?

please explain to me how this is shilling you ugly slavshit?