Laws regarding animal abuse

honestly whats wrong with animal abuse? if we eat meat we abuse animals and thats legal so why cant we abuse dogs and cats for fun without violating the law?

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>what's wrong with animal abuse

well don't commit any animal abuse because if you do enough of it and die you get to be the animal who is abused in the next life, that's the last way you would probably want to find out what's wrong with animal abuse

Because people that abuse dogs and cats because they can, eventually realize they can do the same to women and children.

>hey guys we execute prisoners why cant we torture them.

Because we're not savages except for you of course you're some greasy edgy faggot.

now do child abuse

I like being abused though
I wish

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If you enjoy inflicting suffering just for the enjoyment of inflicting suffering then you are subhuman.

Protecting other beings having on mind that you won't benefit from it in some way, indicates that you're a man of God.

It makes other people feel bad. Also, torture poisons the soul, even if done against an animal.

sadism is for chads
coping empath
us psychopaths are the masterrace
you cant spell empathetic without pathetic
pic related is me

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Killing animals for their materials can be done without torturing them for fun. People who torture farm animals for fun should be punished. People who think that slaughtering animals for meat and burning kittens alive are equivalent are genuinely retarded. That being said many farm animals are kept in such shit conditions that the animals suffer measurably (eg: very high corticosterone/cortisol levels) and i think this should be discouraged. Still not the same as torturing animals for fun. Animal farmers are capable of torturing animals for fun and this should be punishable. Eg: randomly stabbing cows with a fork, kicking chickens into the wall.

>torture poisons the soul
oh let me guess you are a female boomer who came here from 9gag for minion memes

Because only psychos get off on suffering, and we the majority and muscle don't like you.

muh feefees

op is a high schooler who thinks he's a twisted psychopath because he posts the n word online

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We had a thread just like this the other night...

Sadist degenerates get the rope
Causing suffering to lesser creatures just because you can is disgusting and subhuman
Did mommy spank you too much?

I can bench press 245 and run a mile in 5:21
I actually am though

lol okay
But are you sure you would meet your dreadful fate without absolute terror?

what about causing it to africans? i abuse my black gf everyday

whats the big deal if my gf wants to fuck my pitbull

Yes, you got me, I'm a 63 year old woman from facebook, you fucking retard.

OP likely isnt a sadist or a psychopath, he just likes it when people online believe he is because it makes him feel special. Not an unusual phenomenon. Some people will try so hard to adopt the identity of 'psycho' (because it is so cool) that they will force themselves to do things like hurt animals (even if they dont want to) to prove to themselves that they are a true psycho. Cringe all around.

>He thinks 245 is a lot
Lol. Saged.

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dont feed the troll sweetheart. let him yell into the abyss.

fuck off normalshit

its alot for someone who went from being unable to do a push up 4 months ago

if someone disagrees with you then they're a troll
okay got it

Yep, this user gets it

my penis pushes easily 300. i also satisfied all beautiful women in the world and found a cure for cancer.. ENVY ME INTERNET STRANGERS!!

>Harvesting animals for meat/leather is animal abuse
>Restricting children from eating meat is child abuse
Screwed if you do; screwed if you don't.
Let's just ignore leftards and carry on with normal life.

i'd advise you to instruct yourself on psychopathy

Laws regarding animal abuse are actually meant to protect humans. If you were fucked up in the Head enough to torture Animals, you're definitely fucked up enough to torture humans.

>cat a harlot snail best girl

english please

i would like to fucking crack your skull open and run you over with a car, slow and painfully.
Reminder: If you don't have love for nature or animals, you probably aren't white.

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Attacking the formatting of his post instead of the argument, while not knowing what reddit spacing means.What a stupid nigger.

I'm sorry you didn't get a proper education

You are also a stupid nigger for responding to extremely low quality posts.

here's hoping, in your next life, you're as a pig in a slaughterhouse, a kitten in a crush video, or a bear on a bile farm in china....cheers mate

only niggers and subhumans abuse domesticated animals that are pets
empathy is a human trait that niggers and other subhumans can't possess

Yes if I can eat goat when dead why cant I eat it out when alive
Really Make you think

Abuse and food should never be conflated with each other, that sets a grim perception to the way butchers and ranchers treat their livestock. Its an industry, that is under scrutiny every other day. Everytime someone even fucks up the preparation of a dead chicken someone gets angry and the government and animal rights group bash in the door. Whats wrong with animal abuse is that its needless and wasteful and under no point does it contribute to anything in society. Outside of animal fighting rings and animal experimentation which even then only benefit a select few and are carried out for a "greater purpose" instead of fun its also somewhat harmful to peoples perception of humanity. That some people feel the need to protect animals is a part of society at large. That there are those that would harm and abuse animals is a very small niche group that dont actually provide any immediate and future value to society as a whole through their actions of abuse for "fun". Personally I view it the same as gay, degenerate and furry abuse, its only good when your not doing it for fun. But, having fun doing it only makes you view them as non sympathetic and as objects. Which is fine at that moment but fucks you up in the long run.

I really really really want to sniff hanekawas taint

>if we eat meat we abuse animals and thats legal so why cant we abuse dogs and cats for fun without violating the law?
Guaranteed replies.