Spanish sentences you know

All I know is "No, no hablo espanol."

I'm trying to teach myself a second Spanish sentence. Which is "Aprende inglés o abandona los Estados Unidos."

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Fuck that, if the beaners refuse to learn my language then I don't need to learn theirs.

Puta madre cabron.

>intentionally put him self on a disadvantage
burger supremacy astonishes me all the time, you probably eat only burgers instead of a proper Mediterranean diet.

Te meto gol de palomita

Translation: your mother sucks dicks

"Aprende inglés o abandona los Estados Unidos" means "Learn English or get out of the United States.

A chuparla maricón.


I don't think you will get far being that hostile but to each their own

I already know they talk about us, that's why they laugh and talk louder when a white person walks into the room. I don't care what they're saying because I won the genetic lottery and they lost.

When you are ready to leave a Mexican restaurant raise your hand and ask for “La Cuenta, poor favor.” Now you have to sentences in beaner. The town I grew up in in New Mexico was 35% beaner. If you knew Spanish you kept it a secret because that meant you were spending far too much time on the wrong side of the tracks.

Beaners don't speak our sophisticated version of spanish.
It would be something along these lines:
"La cagaste pinche cabron"

Well in all reality, the USA is cucked beyond belief. This argument of "muh USA official language English", is incorrect. There is no official Federal language, it is up to the state to have official languages. In my opinion I agree the unofficial language is English and in order to be successful here you MUST learn English. I however think that technically until English becomes the OFFICIAL Federal language, this point used in evidence of fuck beaners need to learn English argument is incorrect.

Panamanians say “chuleta” about every third word but they really aren’t all that into pork chops. What words are sort of unique to Spain?

We say "tio" a lot, it means dude
Kinda hard to ask a spanish what they say all the time, it's more of a foreigner's work to do since we don't realize we're being repetitive.

The Spanish created many cities in America, you should respect them

Mexicans also say "tio"

I worked for a time with a Surgeon from Argentina who would make them get translators whenever we had patients that were Puerto Rican. He absolutely would not even speak Spanish with Puerto Ricans.

I went to school with some Spanish kids who insisted their families had never been Mexicans. Curasco was one name I remember. Seemed funny to me at the time.

Never heard that. It does sound nice. People tend to love and respect their uncle.

gayate pinche mojado/mayate
>shut up fuckin wetback/nigger

Catalunya triomfant,
tornarà a ser rica i plena.
Endarrera aquesta gent
tan ufana i tan superba.


"Chaval" is pretty unique to Spain, it means dude.
Never saw a latin american using this word

>Hurr, the people are part of the place
Fuck off. The spics need to leave

regresar a tu pais
Go back to your country
mexicanos es apestas codicioso ewwww stinky stinky
Mexicans are stinky and greedy ewwww stinky stinky

Yeah, in the South we say "illo", "quillo", "picha", "mi arma". In the North "maño"... In the end in every province there is a different way of refering to each other.

But we always refer to Latin Americans as "panchitos" or "sudacas", but only the ugly ones (the ones who are short, brown, big noses and lips, round big face. In Perú they are called "cholos" "puneños" and "serranos") if they are white like Spanish from Spain, you can call them too, but it's not as effective, because even the whites criollos of America hate those ugly ones too...

Go fuck yourself separatist cuck. You will die in a Spanish Cataluña ha, ha.

Tu puta madre.
Tu putísima madre.

>h-heh I'm white user heh... heh.............

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To eres muy Hermosa. Gets em every time in my American accent

Those spaniards are white

Audible kek

Dios mio, la creatura Americana

No money no colita is what my lead says hahaha

Poor, uncultured people rely too heavily on slang. Talking Spanish with anyone from the Caribbean islands is the equivalent of an American leaving your middle class white neighborhood and encountering ebonics for the first time.

should be
>Aprende inglés y abandona los Estados Unidos.


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They are europeans and have european blood, therefore whites.

Te parto la puta cabeza, chaval. Que ganas de que se líe de una puta vez. Me tenéis hasta los cojones.

Vuestro país lo creamos nosotros, y nuestra descendencia va a borrar la presencia anglosajona/germánica que nunca debió pisar NUESTRO continente llamado América.


only kikes come with that divide and conquer shit, truth is italians south frenchs spaniards and greeks have midle eastern admixture though, but still...

Tienes que volver.

El perro está debajo de la mesa

I do not consider Spaniards, Italians or Russians to be white. Finns and Greeks are borderline.

Damelo todo papito
Means get out of my country.

fuck off kike

Spaniards and Italians are white.
About Russians It DEPENDS, because there are many mongoloid russians, but an Ivan from St.Petersburg is clearly white

top kek

Con Franco esto no pasaba.

Don't say this, this means
"Give me sex, sugar daddy"

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If you really want to piss off a beaner, just say the following:

(DANGER: They will want to kill you)

"Vete a hacer sacrificios a la jungla, machupichu de mierda."
"Eres un puto panchito hijo de puta."
"Coge tu taparrabos y vete a tu país a comer frijoles."
"Cállate la puta boca, ¡tiraflechas!"
"No tienes cojones a tocarme, puto maricón."

Just learn the following and say that to them if you have "cojones".

>"Cállate la puta boca, ¡tiraflechas!"
wew, fucking debastating, with so litle

>Spanish sentences you know
El oscuridad
El abominacion
El monstruo
El ogro de las americas
La oscuridad devoradora de luz
El destructor de los blancos
La creatura
El cerdo hombre
El orror norteamericano
El corrupto
El cazador de las tinieblas
El americano

They are American, they probably will make a fool of themselves and stutter while saying it.

I do not think it's necessarily a kikes thing. Many Americans are complexed because they are not Europeans and are mutts (not necessarily non-white, it's more a thing like being german and english and swiss and french...a mutt) and therefore feel the need to attack genuinely European nations he dislikes.

they don't. Only Spaniards and to a lesser extent cubans say tio

makes sense, it's safer to call them kikes, since is the effective role they're playing, with the divide and conquer


Uy, no mames seguro esa frase los deportara. /s

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¡Lárgate, mexicano de mierda!
Say it like this: Lard-ga-te (like “tent”), meh-he-canno the me-are-duh!

ah, looking to talk with your 44% ancestors mutt? plausable

>Shut up your fucking mouth, you pull arrows!

Tiraflechas = native

How to say "fucking idiot"?

Tiraflechas: injunn with bow, like savage and shiet

All this data collection, and google still can't translate spanish.

Americans, it's time to practice what you've learned. Try on this indio.

Oh, so it's more like slang.

"Puto idiota"

Que onda Guey
Pronounced like.

K Honda-Way

Means what's up dude in Mexico

Tira flechas =arrow thrower

taco taco burrito enchilada

Nah, the actual meaning of tiraflechas is pull arrows. But in this context is a slang for natives or mestizos

Maldito idiota


That's top kek, nice.

As there are many spaniards in this thread, i gotta ask
What do you guys think on latinos saying Spain is "la madre patria" and stuff like that? Do you like It?

That would be "Damn idiot".

we use the word "leche" (MILK) in a shit ton of expressions with lots of different meanings


"Tio" technically means "uncle", but when we use it to simply refer to each other, its meaning would be similar to "dude".

Well this is pretty much the truth.
Anglos shitted a lot on hour history making up all the "spanish black legend" of genocides when we were the empire that treated the indians like humans, not like all the other colonisers

>El oscuridad
La oscuridad
>El abominación
La abominación
>El monstruo
>El ogro de las américas
> La oscuridad devoradora de luz
>El destructor de los blancos
>La creatura
La criatura
>El cerdo hombre
El hombre cerdo
>El orror norteamericano
El horror norte americano
>El corrupto
>El cazador de las tinieblas
El americano
literally the american, you should say
> El (((americano)))

Puto idiota in Spain is literally "fucking idiot)
Outside of Spain "puto idiota" would mean "idiot faggot"

it's top kuk status for me

I bet you’ve got manboobs and you’re ugly as shit lmfao.




I personally like it and wish all Latin Americans recognized our King like the old days. But after Bolivar, The Genocide Idiot spread lies along with the Anglos, Dutch, French and Venetians version called "Black Legends", I doubt that most of Latinos will consider Spain as the motherland. It's sad, because a bunch of cucks who couldn't compete have to poison the minds of too many in order to "win"...

Basically the same as spear chucker, mocking natives for using stone age weapons.

Go fuck yourself separatist fat cuck.

You are subhuman and you will learn my language just so that you understand what I am saying here and now.
Death to Spain and the Spanish for creating an entire continent and race of mutt goblins all because you came over to this side of the world and couldn’t keep your dicks in your pants so you bred with the natives instead eradicating them.

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All Cubans can get the spanish citizenship if your great grand father was a spanish citizen

weird, is like an american saying motherland to the perfidious albion

"Chinga tu madre, chilito" is the most important phrase in Mexico. "Vete a la mierda, puto" is the most important in Spain.

Omg, I'm so afraid of a phrase /s. Come on Venancio, if they want to do something they need action not funny spanish phrases.

El mencho me pela la verga

that's true for all countries in the hispanosphere, not just Cuba

El coño de las Barcelonesas me hace actuar extraño...