I for one welcome our new Muslim patrol in New York.
I for one welcome our new Muslim patrol in New York
this is actually something to worry about and evidence that diversity doesnt work. DO they arrest people for alcohol
Very good
Finally the criminals have somebody that looks like them on the police force
They mainly keep their communities in line.
what the FUCK
>mulsims don't set up parallel societies that operate according to their own law
>burgers out cucklording our trudeau
>Jewish patrol
>Muslim patrol
Oh I see where this is headed
They don't have communities, america isn't segregated anymore, anyone can move anywhere and they should be subject to the laws of their entire state and no one else's.
I'm sure they will get right along with the independent, self- policing nyc Orthodox Jewish peace keepers.
Ban Islam.
Despite their crappiness, I wouldn't mind Muslims (or any other political groups) having parallel societies quite so much if discrimination was understood to be the bedrock of peaceful societal interaction and you could always choose who you wanted to interact with.
Right now, we have the worst of all possible worlds. Muslims are shuffled next to you, they have their own private societies, but you can't prevent them from intruding in any sphere of society they want to fuck up for you. It's a great deal for them, but a bad deal for the displaced natives.
Islam has already been banned by Truman. We just need to implement the laws.
Nice try, but Snopes says false.
Hopefully they do a better job beating you faggots than the Jew patrol
is that a 9/11 memorial sign in the background?
that's just taking the piss
IIRC its regular police who are muslim that get deployed to Muslim areas since Muslims are animals that need fake sharia police in order to obey the law
Sad sad bait
>diversity doesnt work.
We already know this.
The Jews have their own community patrol in NY too called shomrim. These people basically want to create ethno states within states with their own laws. It's a recipe for disaster which will ultimately lead to one group being violently culled as history has shown time and time again.
Hamas PD vs Shomrim when
Nah this one corrects itself now. Whites just want tv rights.
They aren't real police but the real police approve of them. It's like a neighborhood watch.
Fucking jew york.
The fuck does this even mean
Now that the superbowl is over, I recommend next weekend.
Why’d they stop making CVPI?
Thinking they won't arrest you for your homo degeneracy.
Some kind of safety of emissions thing IIRC. The platform is really old, even though it's pretty darn good at doing what it does.
Brooklyn unironically needs Sharia.
Islam will make feminism and homosexuality illegal
good job fishing for you,s
I’ve never drove a Taurus, but if it’s anything close to a Fusion I’d say it’s a good pick. They can look pretty slick too.
the half time show is going to be terrible
Those are both completely different from a crown vic.
I just meant it seems like they’re switching over to Taurus’ for their sedans.
Yes, and the fact your the first to mention it is, sad. We have no countries, they have all fallen, and the beast that has emerged from their corpses is pissing on the graves of all who died in the name of their homeland.
I honestly pray for wormwood everyday to fucking kill us all.
I mean thats better than huffpo ? dykes and kikes just makin shit up.
NYC has a ton of ethnic communities (former white neighborhood are for everybody, of course).
Oh, probably something like that. I haven't been keeping up with it. It's funny though because crown vics got retired from taxi duty in NYC so long ago there are people living there RIGHT NOW who think they were only ever cop cars.
I think that might make me officially old. I still remember the stink over it when NYC gave Toyota the contract and it switched over to all patels driving them.
then NYC is bigoted :^)
What does this even mean? I'm pretty sure muslim communities in america are a thing, I met some of them in san francisco, new york and new orleans, granted they do operate closer to secular muslim communities rather than from the ones in saudi arabia or any other fully muslim dominated country. Are you just pretending muslims dont address matters among themselves outside the law or are you a muslim thats nonpracticing and dont actually interact with the community?
what a retarded comment
It is. Samantha Bee famously fought against attempts to integrate poor blacks into her kids' school, just a few years ago.
someone have to patrol the thots on the streets, amerifags are so cucked so the mudslims have to do it
>there are people living there RIGHT NOW who think they were only ever cop cars.
Holy shit, I feel old now too.
That reminds me of my zoomer sibling making a joke about the towers the other day. When I scolded him, he replies with “I wasn’t even born yet”. Really put shit into perspective.
When he’s a bit older I’m going to have him watch this.
It’s important to understand, what I believe, was the exact moment our spirit as a nation was crushed.
I hereby dub thee the Flying Squad.
That was a fuckin weird moment. The second plane hitting did it for me. In retrospect, it's hard to believe I actually fell for the whole official narrative. But fortunately I had a friend living in Brooklyn at the time who wanted me to have a look at this crazy conspiracy documentary because he wasn't sure what to believe, and that pretty much planted the seed even if I didn't know wtf was going on either.
I don't expect people who weren't around at the time to get what it was like. I wasn't around for the JFK assassination, so that doesn't affect me like it did the older generations. But I firmly believe that having as close to an honest investigation and expose as can be managed about 9/11 is an essential healing component for the country to be able to have a sober look at what things have come to.
i remember some of that footage user
i was at work that day
some of my colleagues were in the air on flights to the US and were turned back
at work we spent the afternoon trying to find news sites that weren't overloaded. we followed most of it on australian news sites because they weren't awake yet
now there are some people who question whether it really happened
It means that everyone is subject to the same laws regardless of their religious preference, that is quite literally one of the founding principles of this country. If a group is discovered trying to bond church and state they need to be investigated, not encouraged.
I didn't have a TV at the time, so even though I've been there plenty of times before it was years before I saw the video footage. That was the exact moment I was like
>hol up
>rewind that
>nope nope nope nope that's not right at all
>having as close to an honest investigation and expose as can be managed about 9/11 is an essential healing component for the country
Exactly this.
Almost 2 decades and not an ounce of justice has been served. In fact, even more of our lives have been lost, because of the lies.
I think a lot of /ourguys/ started off with questioning the narrative here. It was just too big of a thing to let slide, and apparently the perpetrators didn’t consider our instincts very much.
That was just one of many crimes against us, and someday, I believe soon, we’ll have the straw which breaks the camel’s back. I just hope there’s enough of us.
muslims always find some furtive way to carry out their shitty rituals
they're like cockroaches. shine a light on them and they scuttle away but as soon as you look away they're back at it
Boomers going down memory lane. No one gives a shit, get the fuck off my thread.
Show tummy
Well, good luck with that. Post this again in the next attack. I'll hold your survival in my prayers, unless your jewish of course.
No You get shot
>They don't have communities
>now there are some people who question whether it really happened
Wait, you mean in Europe? How?
Don’t tell this Mandela Effect shit is real, and all the little things are just a precursor to what they really want us to forget.
Yeah but they are doing it on your land. They had a parralell society already. You're being conquered dipshit.
Don’t worry muddy I already know it was our other friends from the sand land.
So is New York trying to become like Israel and Palestine?
who wants to join my pope patrol?
You just described Great Neck, except there it's more like Persians, which really gets the Jews mad.
>never forget
good goy be traumatized for all eternity. never seek deeper understanding of the event though. just remember it. remember all your friends burning alive and being crushed by buildings. ragheads did it. question nothing
>to the ay-a tolas of iran N'terrorist u enable. U habent met murica with callous bare hands!
Imagine the redneck's face lool
Only Jews don't get how ridiculous and obvious they are, and yet their whole shtick is trying to pretend like that's normal and they blend right in.
sign me up
this has to be from somewhere in Sullivan County NY
It's working in Europe, so maybe it'll catch on here, too. Allahu Akbar.
Jew Police vs Muslim Police. Cop Combat.
I guess it could be Orange or Rockland too, goddamn
You can write anything you want on the side of your car, try enforcing it though and see what happens...
>It’s important to understand, what I believe, was the exact moment our spirit as a nation was crushed.
>DO they arrest people for alcohol
They fucking should, alcoholics in public are degenerates
Takbir, kafirs on suicide watch
If you have semi literate immigrants you have no choice...
Convert or perish infidels
>DO they arrest people for alcohol
They harass women that give them boners
Someone dropped quarter xdd