Higher state of conscious
3rd eye open
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I don't know. I don't trust mine.
Your third eye is your anus
bruh, weed and dmt
Joe Rogan BTFO
this i just finished opening it earlier
dont open your 3rd eye. The daemons will swarm you with visions and youll get pretty depressed afterwards. Not worth it when astral plane is full of retards.
>use drugs that make you retarded for a few hours
>say you're transcending
lmao @ rave fucktards
>astral plane is full of retards
your whole reality is a drug experience. in other words, those drugs wouldnt work if you weren't made to have them work. hellucinogenics make you receptive to different frequencies of reality
there are prankesters and literal demons. The prankesters (probably original dwellers of astral plane) will talk to you or jack you off then there are fucking demons which will shows you the visions of hell or whatever place is scary to you. Or whatever shit is scary to you. If you open your third eye a lil bit it's just scary you get anxiety and panic attacks but it will pass but if you are some kind of hardcore faglord it can left you mentally unhinged because the daeomns will show themselves to you. And they will fuck up your brain you get scared as fuck and then just will want to kill yourself because out of constant fear.
Needless to say there is nothing to be afraid off if you are mental strong enought to withstand feeling and imaginery of never ending infinity.
so are you gonna take drugs 24/7 so you can find meaning in life? drugs are false fulfillment.
>chemical reactions in my brain are magical !!!11!
can you elaborate on the pranksters? I've heard a lot about the demons/devil.
>said the hobo tripping balls on cough syrup behind a pharmacy.
>dude drop acid and you'll see god
>dude do shrooms and you'll see god
Oh, what's god look like?
>well, he's a bunch of swirling colorful lights
Okay, what did you learn?
>we're all one, man. feel the love.
Wow, real powerful reality bending experience you had there. Totally worth permanently fucking up your brain to have a spiritual epiphany on the tier of a quote from a woman's magazine.
why is everything stuck on this frequency plane when we could be living there? how many layers of mirage is this?
just a common beings in astral plane. Dont know what relationship they have with daemons but it seems like they are there just to make you feel good, laugh or whatever. Perhaps they are just bait you to dwell deeper and make your aura stronger so demons can hook on to you. Had pretty bad experience with demon who showed me "his/her/its" hell. Pretty fucked up.
Very based, bro. Tell us about the asstral plane
haha your ego is big as a mountain but empty like a hollow tree
you dont want to live there belive me. It's better here. You have to trust me on this.
Tell us what you did to open your 3rd eye
Sounds like DMT
how did the demon look/feel like. what did it show you?
Got that third eye to see round corners and through walls.
i want to live somewhere where entropy isnt a thing. or perhaps reverse entropy. this is a prison
Have you ever experienced physchs? It sounds like you haven't.
Force your "energy" into forehead. Forcefully. Do this 3 or 4 times a day. (dont do it really trust me)
Deamon didnt show up. His vision of hell was white void where he was forever and ever until end of time and beyond. He was screaming telling me that it's actually me traped in there and i just made up this world to not go further insane. Fucked up as it sounds i started to scream at the top of my lungs. Was in pretty bad state for month but then i got out of this fear. Holy shit never again.
I have done all the drugs and it's gay as fuck. Not enlightening. Hard work is enlightening you can't cheat your way there with shortcut cuck drugs
It's all demons. The prank is a trap so they can unveil themselves when you least expect it.
how did you induce that particular experience?
did it feel more real than this reality?
>permanently fucking up your brain
prohibitionist propaganda
i'm guessing you're the guy who stayed indoors as a kid
Did you see the Akashic records?
Feeling of absolute terror. Indescribable terror. Terror so forceful i was screaming. No joke. Felt like i was going to be alive forever not being able to die.
In my experience the only true enlightening is through Christ
Done all the drugs too. I don't believe we as humans were meant to explore the Astral planes, and the other demensions.
Are Hippies fucking retarded before the drugs and their “epiphanies” are the product of their IQ.
Would a genius IQ respond differently than your standard burnout?
>Akashic records
nope what does they say?
His vision of hell was white void where he was forever and ever until end of time and beyond. He was screaming telling me that it's actually me traped in there and i just made up this world to not go further insane.
What the fuck man I had a bad acid trip and for a while I couldn't see anything, just endless white, I had the exact same thought about being stuck there forever and thought I had just made up my reality because I was insane. It was scary as shit.
Exactly. Playing tricks of humans who have never seen this is worst. They are laughing while they are terrorizing us.
>The daemons will swarm you with visions and youll get pretty depressed afterwards. Not worth it when astral plane is full of retards.
Nah that's how I get the really fun dreams. Shooting demon monsters in deep sleep is insanely fun. Not so fun when I get shot in the leg in the dream. Leg cramps are awful.
In some ways the idea that this world is just an imagination is comforting. It means I can choose whatever path I want through life and everything will be okay in the end, I'll just end up imagining a new reality to live in.
>Force your "energy" into forehead. Forcefully. Do this 3 or 4 times a day.
When you do this, it'll feel like an invisible "feeler" is spreading out from your forehead. It makes you feel very focused. If you focus on different parts, you can spread from head to the rest of the body.
my theory is much more sinister which i dont want to speak about. There are things you and me should never discover. Going insane with fear is worst.
Having dreams that a teenager would have about The Matrix, this is the kind of profundity that only drugs can unlock.
3rd eye is your asshole.
Which one of you niggers are trying to open my 3rd eye? FUck oFF!
>t. maynard
hehe benis is third eye
Read Robert Monroe books, he talks about entities that feed on our emotions.
Listen to hem-sync, meditate and have a sigil that you feel it will protect you when you have your OOBE.
Fight the good fight, and get closer to the allfather.
Dark and spooky? Yes. But we can triumph.
I feel mine squirm every time I get really mad and I get hyper focused and mean. It makes me unbeatable in a roast off but I don't like it. Any insight to this??
Infinity is quite a scary feeling eternity infinite is infinitely scary. Only experienced the fear in a dream. Two dreams. The finality of it all, the certainty and realization of unending unchanging forever.
Though.. seldom is anything forever. Everything would seem more temporary.. one would hope. I fear this to be Hell already but I am constantly reminded that it can get worse. Not necessarily that it will. (I have to hope or else.)
New Album in June Finally.
there's porn of this
That’s only in between the Astral plan and awaking you see demons.
i have been thinking about this alot and discovered that if everything is indeed infinite then we will never see it. I have been alive for some time and there are no visions of my past lives or anything that happend. I can safely say that even if there is some kind of infinite hell we wont be there to realize it or even experience it.
BUT i might just as well be schizophrenic. Which is much more possible due to my life style.
Hemi-sync* there's a 5gb torrent going around.
>His vision of hell was white void where he was forever and ever until end of time and beyond.
Why this is bad like jerk all eternity create your new world with black jack and whores. Why white void scary, I don't get it?
Besides this is world is just massive dream of people. When people get bored at this they are can jump to another world.
Poast links fren.
The whole "third eye" thing is just about balancing your left and right brain to be a better person. That's it.
i have a theory that schizophrenia is not entirely an illness. It can be classified as illness because schizophrenics brains have somehow malfunctioned and are now receiving frequencies from all over around, its like a broken radio that instantly jumps around 2 or 3 frequencies and then returns back to the main one, the receiver (the brain) has malfunctioned, doing a job it's not supposed to and driving the user insane in the process. however,if you were to control this tuning process, 1 would be omniscient as far as their brains allow it.
coming to think it right now, true consciousness is the closest we can come to defining true nothingness.
how did you create the demon experience? drugs? or did it just happen out of the blue?
3rd Eye, asshole. It's true, all the illuminati know this. This is why they do sodomy.
>how did you create the demon experience? drugs? or did it just happen out of the blue?
Forced my energy into my forehead. Really hard. 4 times a day until i couldnt do it more. Started to imagine things which i didnt want to. Started to hear voices which threatened me. "never come here again" was the last thing i have heard.
Jokes on them as if i ever wanted to go back.
When I was 7 I was every night tortured with nightmares for 2 years. Often I couldn't open my eyes even if I wanted to or I'd be so tired I would fall asleep in 2 seconds everytime I woke up and the nightmates would continue right away. Im trained. Also lately I see 2-5secs hallicuniations when waking up from a dream midnight. So IRL hallucinations. I want to behead them with a sword daily, so how do we visit this astral plane?
>Forced my energy into my forehead
Eyes closed or open? Did you have any prior knowledge (bias) or fear before doing this? How long did you do it until visions started to come about and how long did they last?
Meh, most of us are already depressed, it'll be fun to have new things to be depressed about.
>Eyes closed or open? Did you have any prior knowledge (bias) or fear before doing this? How long did you do it until visions started to come about and how long did they last?
Closed. No. They lasted for solid 5 minutes. When i was unable to go back i started to panic. Really really hard.
With its high vibrational frequency, Moldavite's energies can activate any or all of the chakras, often simultaneously, and sometimes with great emotional release. It has also been known to stimulate the Kundalini energy.
Resonating with Moldavite also creates an energy of spiritual protection. It prevents negative energies and entities from connecting with or clinging to one's aura, and assists in disconnecting one from unhealthy personal attachments.
Moldavite has a rich history, prized since the Stone Age and used not only for arrowheads and cutting tools, but as a spiritual talisman and amulet of good fortune, fertility and protection. It was found in the archeological site of the Venus of Willendorf, the oldest known Goddess statue, and has been linked to legends of the Holy Grail, thought to be an emerald that fell from the sky out of Lucifer's crown before he was cast from Heaven. In Czech lore, it was given as a betrothal gift to bring harmony to marital relations, and for centuries has been used in jewelry, religious items and for spiritual transformation.
I'm torn on this. If they are you're only way to find meaning then yes definitely false fulfillment. However Mushrooms are the first things that opened my eyes to true critical thinking. I had to question my reality and actually think if things are happening that way. Once sober that line of questioning persists to a lesser degree. Psychedelics should be done at least once, never every day or even every month, but they should be done once.
did the experience feel more real than this reality or does it feel like how you remember a dream? and how do you focus your energy to your forehead? is there a technique for this? how did you learn about it?
>did the experience feel more real than this reality or does it feel like how you remember a dream?
Its something between reality and dream
>and how do you focus your energy to your forehead? is there a technique for this? how did you learn about it?
Since i found basic guides to be shitty i created my own. Just with better outcomes or worse. I dont know how to describe it. Focus on your forehead and give it strenght, energy whatever. It needs to be painful. You need to feel yourself seeing in back. Your limbs need to itch. Like electrical current.
thanks. i hope those entities are not terrorizing yoiu anymore
they are but i have evolved to ignore them to the extent im able to control the fear. As i said the experience was so strong im probably left mentaly unhinged for the rest of my life and beyond.
"I feel mine squirm every time I get really mad and I get hyper focused and mean. It makes me unbeatable in a roast off but I don't like it. Any insight to this??"
Hey assholes say something
ill try this.
please dont. forget what i have said. Please i beg of you. You have to trust me on this one.
This is pretty much true. The only thing that will insulate you against mental illness as a result of viewing the spiritual realm, is the light of Christ. That and not inviting shit into your life. You will see and feel things but just ignore them. Observe in silence, glean whatever wisdom you can without engaging. And always test your conclusions against the word of God to determine it's validity.
i must get answers. this world is unbearable. i want to learn what makes it unbearable. why does anything even exist anyway, scientifically we are at the stone age in these matters
Explains how to fuck around with djinns then says pls i beg of you dont do it.
you wont find answers. Even if you do will it make you happy? If i had wish i would wish to never do this.
You live to fulfill your destiny. This world is a test not a pleasure zone. Islam is the key.
Kali yuga, money rule people life.
hey faggots and niggers and /b/ just embrace the infinite pregnant void youtu.be
This. We live in a world where we direct our energy towards things we do not love
Hmmmm... and people are full went degenerates of course.
Do it then. In a week you will be blabbering retard. Im just here to tell people that astral plane (if it was astral plane) is literally filled with biggest faggots ever. If you dont belive it dont. Dont give a fuck i wish you close this thread and delete what i wrote from your mind.
>fall asleep
>turns out I've been sleeping all the time and nothing will change it.
If you dont want people to do something dont tell them how its done lel. I know how to call djinns with the ouija board method. I did it myself with friends when we were 14. I wont explain it to others.
>money rule people life.
It's just a more vivid manifestation of karmic extortion. Nothing inherently good or bad.
yea but have you seen their mind faglord? That's where the fun of insanity begins. Im literally wizard right this instant.
it's probably because you're thinking/talking abou it.
i dont know if it will make me happy or not. but I need a new outlook desperately.
i dont understand love. i can never love an ugly obnoxious smelly loud nigger. why would i want to
If medicine concentrated on receiving money, and not on doing their job properly. It means that something wrong with money and people.
my head hurts so bad right now some of faggots in this thread are trying to prank me. They think they can get throught my barriers. Fucking jokes.
Lol youre feeding your ego. My point is that youre contradicting yourself. Im not here to show off. Youre not a wizard. If you keep wandering there you'll eventually end up dead in a ditch.