Jordon Peterson

hes against SJW,,,,,,so why should i dislike him?

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He's a shill who promotes hyper individualism and disparages nationalism.

Controlled opposition who promulgates alternate (((history))) using his own biased etiology.

Jow Forums loved him until he stopped short of openly calling for the extinction of brown people

He only says he's against the SJW's because he's worried they will wake white people up and he wants them to remain asleep until dead.

Just a con man.

Also a classical liberal who has no idea how the world works or anything useful to say.

he will tell you all about the bolshevik revolution, but he will never tell you (((who))) led it. he demonizes anyone who tells the truth.

contrast that with George Lincoln Rockwell, who went to university campuses in the 1960s and told commie students what they didn't want to hear. give this a watch and then go back to Peterson:

He's against something that could upset people against the current globalist trends. He is not against them in any way for the same reason the average person would be. Literal controlled opposition, more so than anyone else suggested to be on Jow Forums.

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He is afraid of an uprising of angry white males

You know those video game and film threads about bad tropes, and one of them is
>if we kill him we will be just as ad as him
when talking about a great evil

Thats Jordan Peterson in real life

you guys turn on all of your 'heroes'.. first lauren... now jordan. Even Trump is hated by most here now. So when will you malcontents turn on Fucker Carlson?

I'd say he's in the same league as ben shapiro. Both want to corral the right-leaning people into a pro-jewish box that keeps them tame and useful as debt slaves.

Fuck off, shill.

he doesn't clean his room

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tru/pol/ knows that the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. See Jews and Muslims.

Hes bought and paid for by jews. Also, he has nothing to say other than regular advise like brushing your teeth, showering, and cleaning up your house.

I think his advice is pretty good. He's just not as flat out nutcase alt-right scorched earth crazy like Jow Forums prefers.

>he will tell you all about the bolshevik revolution, but he will never tell you (((who))) led it

Well no shit, calling out the jews at that level is literally suicide. Leading people to the truth and then letting them figure things out for themselves all without saying ANYTHING the media can run with and try to ruin his career, is brilliant. Some retards need things spelled out to them, those people need to die. If you look into the bolshevik revolution and DON'T come out knowing it was the jews, you're an idiot. You don't need a person with that much power KILLING their career just to pander to idiots who wouldn't figure it out anyways. You brits are literally the dumbest people on earth, time and time again.

I love Lincoln Rockwell and wish people would be more aware of the what we actually said, not just what the media tells us about him.

Exactly this ^
He speaks quite often about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the horrible crimes he wrote about in his book yet he never mentions (((them))).
Also if you think he is passionate about the left being wrong you should see the hatred he has when it comes to the nazi.

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Are you really still in that phase? Have you watched this video?

I thought what you thought for a long time. That hes just dodging the question to protect himself.
But after this video and few more examples he is definitely anti white and doesn't believe anything bad about jews

he takes people who feel there is something wrong with globalism and innoculates them against the solution by attacking nationalism at every opportunity. cultural marxism will fall apart anyway once white men stop paying lip service to it, but more atomized individuals are no solution.

your point is all well and good if peterstein viewers are reading comments under his videos or his twitter, where conversion can take place, but that's like the 2% of his audience who are actually interested in truth. the rest just lap up some anti-sjw dopamine and carry on with their lives. he's a (((gatekeeper))) and he is being richly rewarded with shekels for it. i suppose we need more BASED niggers and women ecelebs as well?

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If you read your "Culture of Critique" you will see that a key Jewish strategy is to promote hyper-individualism among the goyim while remaining a highly cohesive group themselves. JP is preaching exactly this. He is a shabbos goy of the worst kind, although he is right about cleaning your room and washing your balls.

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>Leading people to the truth and then letting them figure things out for themselves all without saying ANYTHING the media can run with and try to ruin his career, is brilliant
Except he's doing the opposite, dumbfuck. He defends the kikes even going so far as to make up bullshit IQ statistics to trick dumb goyim like you. He is a snake.

ill add, if he was just dodging questions to protect himself
Why would he actively seek out anti jewish tweets on twitter and respond to them
and the responses are always crazy lefty type responses, with strawmans, shaming, ignoring the point etc

>Ethnostate for whites? NO! BAD GOY! CLEAN YOUR ROOM!
>Ethnostate for Jews? Nothing wrong with that!

you shouldn't dislike him. You should listen to what points he makes that makes sense to you and reject those that don't. As you should anybody.

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I don't really understand the hate.
>Oh no, what if I get my life together and stop being a useless faggot?
>Why doesn't he publicly hate Jews and nignogs? Such a sellout!
Jews are only successful at what they do because we have a central monetary policy and big government to exploit.
To fight this you have to become a strong individual and learn libertarian values.

Go on. I'm listening.

no, you are not

>Worked on Agenda 21 at the UN
>Went to Trilateral Comission gathering
These two are enough to do literally the opposite of everything he says, without even mentioning how actually batshit crazy his books and ideas are.

Judas Patreonstein says wash your penis buckos! Wow what gentlemen! So what you're a hated minority in your own homelands at least you didn't give in to the evils of brotherhood and nationalism.

Hes Canadian,
How hardcore can he be?

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Because he is anti white.
Because he wants you to be an lonely individual with a tidy room and clean dick.
He is the cause of your aliation, he trained the sjw for a generation before telling you to wash your dicks and wipe your ass.

I havent turned on lauren or her sister, i have however hatet peterstein from the second i saw his rat face

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>>Why doesn't he publicly hate Jews and nignogs?
nice strawman. we are past that
He clearly has an anti white agenda

Watch the video bucko. He doesn't want whites to group up or work together to protect themselves. He shames that behaviour. The outcome of what Peterson wants is whites being destroyed
then watch his other jbp video which is also pretty good

you might be the biggest newfag on Jow Forums this morning.

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Dont be proud of who you are goyim! Thats only for jews and niggers!!!

Hes anti-collectivist, which is a good thing. You don't want a population of useless parasites, you want people who can take care of themselves, improve themselves, and think for themselves, aka individuals. Hes fighting communist propaganda and it reaches normies because hes not a retard who discredits himself by frothing at the mouth over Jews.

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he's there to atomize whites
he lures them in with basic bitch conservatism, real common sense stuff, and then sinks his fangs into these disenfranchised white youths and becomes a father figure to them
then he tells them not to collectivize and let the shitskins do so and ultimately lord over them
he's the ultimate gatekeeper
he's also making mad shekels from it
judas peterstein

You can be a good individual and also care about your group and want to protect them.
You bought petersons lie that you ave to choose one of the other.

Also its only white people that can be made to play that stupid game. The blacks, arabs, jews, mexicans etc are always going to see themselves as a group.
If they are a group and we are not, we will be destroyed

Lol what a fucking faggot you are. Why arent you a billionaire already?
If you cannot organize ond cooperate towars a common goal this world is going to eat you alive. The joos won because the were part of a roothless collective. Two hoodratt nigges will beat any ancap, any day. Thas all for your perception of non agression and holy muh individualism

He just wants our enemies to be more subtle about destroying whiteness because he's worried we might fight back.


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came to post THIS.

At least i want a racist collectivist, and after bubba is finishing raping my ass while i cry into my waifu pillow i will go to ancap heaven, somalia in the sky.

Yeah yeah I am an immigrant