You didn't know that Empire faggot nigger was the gay Tupac.
Nice try, bigots
Oh man when Tupac hears this here his gonna snap
The faggot bumped his face and his fist instinct was to blame the white man. Why do people let these people have any money at all. This is foolish.
Fake and gay!
This faggot is a clusterfuck of a nigger. Dude gets beat the fuck down by his gay drug dealer and makes up shit and then just stands all over opinion rags like people actually know who the fuck he is.
>be nigger faggot
>meet closet homosex thug on Grindr
>go get fucked
>closet thug ape rages after he feels guilt
>beats the shit outta nigger faggot
>nigfag is ashamed, creates lynching story
Fuck him and fuck people who support this garbage
the only people who believe him are people who NEED to believe him
but Tupac was gay.. does that make this nigger straight?
Tupac's gonna freak when he hears about this.
>Kike nigger faggot actor makes up shit to demonize whites
>Normies believe it
holy fuck the memes are converging again
>hey Jerome, watcha doin?
blacks are evolving into Jews
>gets lynched
>goes to managers hotel
>goes to hospital
>goes home
>calls cops
>cops arrive
>still sitting there with the rope around his neck
I'll take didn't fucking happen for $600 please.
But wasn't Tupac already gay?
>a minute later he has his sandwich and walks past security without saying a word
You must not have got the 2pac reference. This is exactly what 2pac would've done.
I don't think it is even clear that he was attacked by anyone
nah homie
he double gay
What a gay faggot retard. Tupac was the gay Tupac.
>implying tupac wasn't gay
How do we know tupac wasn't already the gay tupac?
Making a false police report is illrgal right?
Will he be ok Jow Forums?
He was a ballet dancer too
jussie smollet was attacked by MAGA ninjas
I thought Tupac was the gay Tupac.
Only time the leaf said something right this time