Women Pedo Epedemic

Another one. Never stops. This is getting out of hand now.

Attached: 8B194C02-F265-4D4A-976B-B38DEDB34663.jpg (750x936, 302K)

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Nice, female pedos is my fetish

>18 years old
>Child porn

What did they mean by this?

my late aunt warned me that all women are pieces of shit, she was right

>White guy rapes woman
>All white guys are rapists!
>White bitch literally fucks kids

NO ONE should go to jail for consensual fucking. Ever.

>after years of accusations finally caught up with her
the 18yr old got dumped for being too old and ratted her out

she helps me with long division while I divide her thighs

Attached: .p,om jn.png (600x599, 234K)


women kill children and rape them