Why do white people do this?

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White fragility.

maybe be like true european and get solid house made out of concrete or bricks

They bottle up their anger to the point where they want to punch holes in walls

This. Also, steroids probably.

Because they can't get away with beating their partners like niggers do.

And when you slightly upset a nigger your baby and you end up dead... Why do they do that OP?

I’ve punched a few holes in walls out of anger over the years. It’s not good, but it’s better than hitting someone.

Besides, it’s fucking drywall. I always just patched the whole or installed a sheet. Mud, paint... done.

Yeah, should probably just strangle/beat/stab/throw acid on our partners like all the diverse guys

pic not related

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Without a gun whites can only fight things that are weaker than them. Without a woman to punch he goes for the next thing which is the wall. As even the family dog would kick his ass

Fake and gay.

My stairs look like that but that's because I like to cartwheel down them naked when I'm upset. My therapist says it's healthy.

These threads are always just niggers talking to themselves.

You're right, whites should follow the lead of black men and aim their fists at whoever made them upset. Or just the nearest person. Usually you.

back to the tranny discord you go

Cause they have painted walls unlike niggers

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Someone post a pic of a bloody woman captioned “when you slightly piss off your black boyfriend”


trannies get the rope

exactly who wants to live in a paper house?

When you slightly upset your black boyfreind

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Obvious trolls are obvious.
Faggots need to try harder.

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>Beating the innocent walls instead of the fucking cunt who pissed you off


>chris is tedpilled
absolutely based.

>Besides, it’s fucking drywall. I always just patched the whole or installed a sheet. Mud, paint... done.
jesus christ

> When you live in a mock-up

Liam Neeson. pol/man


It's Ma'am!!!

What's the inverse meme for this?
>"When you slightly upset your black boyfriend"
>Picture of common cases where women are beaten black and blue
>Bottom text which says, "break staircases not faces"
>Add in pol swastika for added triggering effect.

he rubs his gash to bundy

Kek whites and Asians are the only ones who usually don't do this kind of shit.

to notbeat the shit out of the thot like a nigger would.


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Reply to shit threads like this without saging them? No idea.

>punching a hole in the wall means I get to do some home repair later on and no one gets hurt
>punching a hole in her face means I go to jail and I risk injuring my hand

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I think for your sake sweetie it's better we put a hole in the wall than your nigger head, no?

Why are US houses built so shitty?

I don't understand how American houses don't get all rotten and moldy if they are built from cardboard that can be destroyed be hand. Or like you are doing something outside and accidentally bump into the wall and whoops - you tore down the wall to the kitchen.

its simple to fix, and fast

the only people who leave it like that are wiggers and niggers

>Why do white people do this
He was probably upset his baby is brown.

Flood them with pictures of coal burners with black eyes


Most of those houses aren't built to last. It's all about money.