My sister went to visit her friend and her husband, they have a new baby, while there she helped fix some simple things in the house, like light switches. The husband was too busy playing Vidya... How would you feel if you were so useless you could not care for your household?
Men are not men
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Just hire someone to fix things.
That is the wrong answer, a man should be able to change a tire, maintenance his vehicle, maintenance the home, cook a meal, and so much more. While a couple should be a match and share responsibility, men must be the protectors and have a basic understanding of their home.
>maintenance his vehicle
Are you retarded?
Performing vehicle maintenance nowadays is nigh impossible save for the basics like oil changes and the like. Unless you have an old car, that is.
You can't work on your vehicle. Can you change a tire? Or are you useless as a man and ask your boyfriend?
Call me as soon as women are women again. Up until then, I'll do these things for myself and everyone else can get fucked.
he's calling you retarded because "maintenance your vehicle" doesn't make sense
Never had to change a tire but I wouldn't do that either. If something goes wrong I could die, also my insurance pays for the repair.
That's not true. You just lazy fucks. I own BMW, MB and Audi cars throughout my life and it's not that difficult to work on them. It just takes research, time, and patience. I also helped my friends with their American and Japanese cars, even easier. SOME operations require special tools, but it's not that bad and everything is possible. The thing is, sometimes it just not worth you time, but you can save thousands of dollars on really minor shit. You need to have a garage with basic tools though
hah, welcome to the pussified west
I drive a Cadillac and have done all general maintenance, and repairs. Very reasonable vehicle to work on, and very reliable. I'm not saying you should know how to do a complete overhaul of the engine but most anything that can be done with hand tools, $15 scan tool, and YouTube. Same goes for simple home repairs, switches and electrical outlets are a 10 minute fix.
Because she will bitch and moan that he is doing it wrong!
Is that why you have real men fuck and impregnate your women?
Its a fucking tire. Its 6 bolts. On and then off. Tighten em down good an hard and drive.
Manlets don't understand, they will continue to bring their vehicles into a shop and pay hundreds for a 20 minute job.
Really, does spending hundreds of dollars for a 20 minute repair make sense?
Hope you continue to have cellphone service at all times
I'm gonna guess what he drives has 4 bolts
>like light switches.
While men should have some knowledge of basic home shit, I ain't fucking with electricity
>Very reasonable vehicle to work on
Must have changed. My dad had one many years ago, was a nightmare to work on
>maintenance his vehicle, maintenance the home,
Maintenance is not a verb
Its fucking embarrassing.
>like light switches
Fixing light switches is menial, braindead work (like dusting and cleaning) best left to the wife. Any third grader can tell you how an electrical switch works.
Conceptually, you have it right and a man should be able to do these things. However, you mean to use the word "maintain" as in "maintain your vehicle"
"Maintainance your (noun)" is not grammatically correct.
Power down breaker and check for electricity beforehand. Then a few screwdrivers and wirestrippers.
It depends on how intensive. Tighten up some face plates, fix a knob or switch, sure. Once wires make an appearance it's not for me.
>hire a guy
Do you hire a guy to fuck your wife too you cuck
You dumb nigger, he's saying how you phrased it was inane.
I don't think it's even legal here to fix light switches if you are not an electrician. I do know for sure is that it's illegal to install a lamp. I've done that many times though.
I know so many faggots that can't assemble ikea furniture
Every man should know how to run a new outlet, from installing a breaker into the box, running cable, how and where to place junction boxes, fishing through walls, and opening and repairing drywall.
And even if you had a failure of a father that didnt teach you these things you should have the drive and eagerness to learn. You can do a job by hand 3 times for the same cost of paying a professional.
The only time a professional is warranted is when the job is unsafe to leave to your own hands.
Some vehicles are, and earlier Cadillacs were. However I won't buy a vehicle unless it's something I can personally work on.
A man should able to provide. Either by doing it himself, or hiring someone else to do those things.
Dude was just trying to get his Black Rifle. One needs clear priorities.
He's also probably got actual bolts instead of lugs.
Seriously, fuck that arrangement.
Memes and insults aside, the foundation of a strong society is self-reliance. If you cannot take ownership of your own life for even the most basic of things how can you take ownership of the big picture items, law, parenting, economics etc. When you abdicate responsibility you threaten the very security of your own life. If you refuse responsiblity then someone else will take over and they may not have your best interests at heart. This leads to an insidious collapse that is the driving force of the Hard Times/Strong Men cycle. Eventually the lack of ownership leads to destruction and when it becomes every man for themselves you will either take ownership or die.
>attempt to do own law stuff
>get royally ass fucked by some kike who has made a career out of making contracts unreadable by anyone but equally sneaky kikes.
not worth it
>tfw ywn rewire a house with OPs sister
I was more refering to voting on policy, deciding what is right and wrong and doing your civic duty, but your point is valid. The courts are a heavily jewed system now as western man has abandoned his control of it.
The law should be clear, plain and simple. The jews have seen to its obfuscation and complication to keep control out of the hands of the citizens.
Nigger she just changed out the wall plates that the husband said were fucking fine and that we should t spend 15 dollars on an Ethan Allen Wall plate when the 97 cent generic was perfectly fine.
>Men are not men
It's not that. If I copied my parents, I'd be a useless fuck like that guy, too. To want to not have to give people money to do something you can do yourself is a surprisingly rarely demonstrated and taught want.
Your sister shouldn't have helped them. There's charity, and then there's encouraging laziness. If you buy a homeless person a cheese sandwich, and he refuses to eat it on the grounds that he likes peanut butter, you let the fucker starve, because they're happy to take from you, but they don't have any actual desire to help themselves.
Imagine being a total faggot know-nothing like this kraut. Put on a skirt, hans, and dance for us.
>If something goes wrong I could die,
It's a TIRE you colossal pussy!
My sister was properly taught to do household and small jobs, she was doing her own brakes @ 16 and now has a solid union job making ~100k year working 9 months out of the year. She has recently cut back on work to take care of her family while her husband makes the Lions share and they have settled most of their debts.
Just because you can't provide value equal to that of a woman does not make her less, it makes you worthless
Parents do see to be a bit failure for many, myself included. However I rose above my parents, and now take care of them (also shit charity).
Yes, my sister provided charity to her friend, but that's because she is a young woman who purchased a shit condo and has a worthless husband, both white, but that's the only thing they did right. She did this charity so the house would not burn down before the baby has a chance redeem himself.
I do this, it takes the whole day to do what a garage would bill you for 2 hours for. No wonder they leave your car with less bolts on than they started. No one will ever look after your stuff more than you would. Paying people, you lose in two ways
fake news. why would you ever have to replace a fucking switch.
Lol fuckn useless retard
>hurr go to Home Depot and get the Ethan Allen Wall plates the white ones for the babies room are ugly
Totally proves all men are worthless
Cheap Chinese shit installed by the original contractors that build a shitty disposable condo.
So? That’s like easy tier shit.
Maybe the guy was just trying to relax for once.
My husband picked me out because I had waayyyy more power tools than him and could operate earthmoving equipment
Where does this "BMWs are hard to work on" meme come from? I own a 2001 540i and it isn't any more difficult than the other vehicles I have owned.
Dunno, but my Subaru is a fucking pain in the ass sometimes.
>"BMWs are hard to work on" meme
Its the people who usually buy them. Mostly its replacing modules, even the wrench work is fairly straighforward
>change a tire
You mean wheel, right?
>Where does this "BMWs are hard to work on" meme come from?
Because the parts are more expensive, people assume they are harder to work with
Yes a wheel, but the standard statement is "I have a flat tire" " I need to change my flat tire"
Yeah no, I didn't studied to do nigger jobs in my free time.
Exactly, I drive a fast car. If the tire get loose I would die.
>the parts are expensive
That is the truth. Repair costs are high if you go to a mechanic too since a lot of the short lifespan things like the thermostat/water pump are fairly tucked away. Something tells me that mechanics started the rumor in order to squeeze more money from customers who are used to higher costs.
i do, so fuck this thread
you guys mean tyre?
One guy I know is like what op is describing. Apparently got a flat tire and drove on it for an extra 10miles from the exit before stopping to change with the spare when he got home. A half mile from the exit was a tire repair shop. Between the exit and the house is country towns with plenty of places to stop. I think 1 he didn’t know how to use the scissor jack and 2 wasn’t sure what to do either
I used to let this shit annoy me among other men/males like what fucking good are ya?! telling me all about your sports ball team but can’t do some simple repairs. Now I just pay no mind. I know it bothers these guys when their wives say just call user and ask him what we should do or if I could fix it but hey whatever
I use nokian winter tyres. One good thing coming out of Finland
Damn, now I wish I had a tiny pet cow.
I would not enjoy the idea of my wife calling other guys to fix my shit... Next thing you know she will ask them to fix other things.
What are fluids.png
It is an issue that needs to be addressed.
DAILY REMINDER: if you are a manlet (under 6 foot) there is literally no reason for you to live
>you will always look like a kid
>most younger women are taller especially in heels
>even younger shitskins including Asians are now taller
>Everything you do to better yourself will just look like compensating
>if you're assertive you are Napoleon complex, if not you're smol manlet boi
>even of you btfo something the first thing to be pointed out is always that you are a manlet.
>even if you do get a girl she will always second doubt the relationship because of your short height
>your mother may love and accept you but do not forget how when you were a kid the same size as now she was eagerly waiting and trying to help to get you taller
Just give it up manlets. Either suicide or become a trap. You will never be taken seriously, and everyone WILL make fun of you, because it is absolutely acceptable to do so.
5'7" and im living a happy life. If you are a disillusioned defeatist than go ahead and give up like some rat. If you give a shit about what anyone thinks or says of you its time to down some poison.
>I dress and act a certain way in certain setting because that is the accepted norm by society
>i-i totally d-don't care what people t-think of me!!
lmao manlet cope. Do you know who is your height? Vladimir Putin. Do you know the first thing people point out about him? King manlet. Hahahahahahaha.
The point is not that you care or not what people think of you. The point is that your height means you will be shrugged off like a child, and you for sure don't live as a hermit innawoods away from civilization.
I know a lot of newer bmws dont even have oil dipsticks; you have to run the car for several minutes so the computer can tell you youre low.
During the first few months of dating the girlfriend she had called to ask me if I could fix the leak under the sink. The seal for the cold water valve was bad but there was no way I was going to get involved with an apartment building. Called up the rental office, asked for the plumber on contract, called him and he came by. Asked him the rate for changing the gasket or replacing with 1/4 turns. Obviously gasket was cheaper. He probably expected some jerkoff know it all tenants but we ended up chatting for the whole hour. Ended up changing out the other three gaskets (2 bath) “since the water was off” but I think enjoyed talking about his work and life. Charged like 15$ when easily could’ve been 10x with the show-up fee and whatever else.
Just mad you don't fit in comfy small spaces, have less chance of cancer and no back pain from being a Skeltal also perfect height for bike riding
Does he have a job? Fixing a light switch is easy like cooking
>Just mad you don't fit in comfy small spaces,
>proud of this
Get in the fucking toy shed and play with the sand boi, the adults are speaking.
It’s easier than ever. Everything is on YouTube
>t. 40 yr mechanic
>lmao manlet cope. Do you know who is your height? Vladimir Putin.
What have you achieved?
>Charged like 15$
>for work on a rental property
fucking what? The owner should be paying for all of that