Jewtube can suck my fat dick. It thinks my white genocide video is offensive

I made a music video about white genocide and the cock sucks over at jewtube put it in limited state.
What the fuck is offensive about this?
The fact people are finally making out calling out Jewish Tyranny?
Fuck the Jews Anons

check out my content on bitchute

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Other urls found in this thread:


Also fuck the faggots too.

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i guess im surprised its not banned, just only limited state.
my other video on trannies is much more offensive but its not in limited state, yet kek

Attached: tranny dad face.jpg (202x272, 15K)

makes me feel feelings man
make me feel feelings.

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Attached: SJW companies team up with ADL.jpg (683x814, 125K)

fucking adl faggots
you will get the rope

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the most unappealing name for a website i have ever seen in my life
sounds like something someone would call their asshole

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pure coincidence goyim. have you heard about the latest netflix specials and capeshit offerings? perhaps you'd like some pills? how about some weed? just relax, go to sleep little goyim, it will all be ok.

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sup adl

Attached: MGS2 1998 predicted it all.jpg (544x779, 165K)

>making out
>making art

How can anyone deny the concerted effort against whites identifying with themselves or that jews actively struggle against that fact after seeing this? Nothing in the video suggested any sort of hate crime or call to action against jews. In fact the main point was simply a presentation of all the hardships whites face. All they do is point to the factual information that specifies that Jews are behind all of these social and geopolitical initiatives. Which, by the way, they will gladly take credit for and express pride in doing so, depending on the context. When they say what's going on, it's a beautiful change towards social progress. When we say the same exact thing, it's racist neo-nazi hate speech violence. So what explanation can anyone have for shoah'ing it? Also let's not forget how gay youtube's "limited state" is. They can't exactly delete the video outright, but they put it in this nurtured limbo mode where it's technically still up and reachable but all engagement it has with the rest of the platform is taken away. What a fucking retarded cowardly method of censorship.

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thanks user
fucking kikes

Attached: not lookin good.png (640x717, 381K)

>be user
>not know the Kikes' tricks

You must be new to the Jewtube

Attached: FB_IMG_1549122477407.jpg (600x400, 35K)

here have a gif a made

Attached: the chosen one.webm (1920x874, 2.35M)


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Attached: Jews shipping 14000 migrants to west.jpg (718x796, 159K)

Attached: six months in jail for holocaust denial.jpg (1416x1250, 209K)

Attached: Jews exempt from going to war.png (723x768, 441K)

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Attached: jews in congress 2018.jpg (4500x9700, 2.93M)

Maybe if you hadn't put a flagged conspiracy buzzword like "white genocide" in the title of your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation I wouldn't have to come here to tell you how shit it is. I bet you a dollar if you had dropped the white, you would be here to complain about how the joos are suppressing your views instead of it being limited.

Attached: The poison and the cure.jpg (750x1083, 83K)

found the kike

Attached: day of the rope when.png (933x1311, 653K)

Attached: die for israel.webm (960x540, 2.77M)

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Attached: imran awan prosecutors work at holocaust museum.jpg (1155x1098, 135K)

Attached: wikileaks calls out (((them))).png (1228x636, 173K)

Attached: jewish congress tries to ban 1st amendment.jpg (849x995, 219K)

Attached: rand paul dog whistles jews.gif (250x198, 3.34M)

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Attached: south carolina anti semetism law.jpg (640x832, 104K)

Attached: jewish open borders.jpg (831x1024, 197K)

kind of ridiculous how much content ive saved honestly
look at these hotties

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Attached: Putin says Bolsheviks were Jews.jpg (309x751, 100K)

Attached: jewish lawyers helping illegals.jpg (1280x1820, 523K)

quick someone tell the incels

Attached: Jewish Femenist Revoltuion.jpg (1167x917, 359K)

Attached: its the jews.jpg (476x478, 65K)

Attached: Jews are the smartest race.jpg (636x584, 64K)

Attached: jews are not white.jpg (250x243, 9K)

Attached: oy vey caravan 2.jpg (500x351, 42K)

Attached: jews made ashley madison.jpg (1080x1826, 558K)

Attached: jewish pets.jpg (1024x576, 549K)