Trump's not just the worst president we've ever had; he's the LAZIEST

Trump's not just the worst president we've ever had; he's the LAZIEST.


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Shift clicking traitor faggot shills is the greatest thing on pol since sage.

Here we go.

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fuck this thread but explain what you are talking about.
t. brainlet
traitor filth explained.


No it just means you don't know what he's doing so you assume the worst.

Probably an userscript to hide threads / posters with shift+click. I don't know I'm a fucking idiot.

You need an explanation? Really? Laziest fucking POTUS in history...if he’s not playing golf he’s watching TV or tweeting on “Twatter” or eating cheeseburgers in bed. He’s worthless.

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Who the fuck is disappointed when the enemy is inefficient?

His daily schedule was leaked by WH staff stupid fuck. We know what he’s doing...NOTHING.

Read the thread dumb dumb

Unless of course he’s a REAL traitor like Donald J Trump.

Neck yourself tranny

>using hashtags on Jow Forums


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The food is terrible, and the portions are so small


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>watches television
you mean keeps up to date with the news as it's happening? keeping up to date with media narratives so he can keep on top of things in regards to how to handle the media shills?
>chats with friends on the phone
you mean networking with political allies? businessmen don't have friends. they have business partners and family. and even family is mostly business.

Thread the second leading with An occupy democrats meme? Truly Jow Forums is blessed today