>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
WH Public Pool:
>Trump Wins Again! 2/3/19
>Pres Trump on FtN 2/3/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in FL 2/1/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 2/1/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart WH 2/1/19
>Pres Trump Meeting on Human Trafficking on Southern Border 2/1/19
>VP Pence @Venezuela Solidarity Event 2/1/19
>VP Pence Meeting w/Venezuelan Exiles 2/1/19
>StateDep Press Conf (SoS Pompeo) 2/1/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 2/1/19
>NECDir Kudlow on Bloomberg 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on Bloomberg 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on PBSNewsHour 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on FBN 2/1/19
>KAC on F&F 2/1/19
>KAC inside WH 2/1/19
>This Week@State 2/1/19
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I love Trump and I love Awoo!
Do you know about Awoo? Here is a cute picture!
Also, here's a shitload of useless links that NONE of you will actually look at, even the one's copy=pasting it!
Well how about that. Trump's been lying about needing a national emergency or congressional help? Why would he do that? At least Israel has their wall tho.
>Trump's been lying about needing a national emergency or congressional help
He is timid and half-hearted.
>He is timid and half-hearted.
This could be it.
I don't feel good. I should see a faith healer.
he just wants to be told he is a good Donald
they should make guns that can only shoot people with low social trust
but seriously it's too psycho piss for me
>Trump's been lying
>doesn't explain further than show a tweet
Anthem of the shill. At least you ousted yourself in the beginning.
Trump can have the engineers making a dirt road and laying a wall of triple-layer concertina wire
literally a training exercise for the Army on the southern border
>authorizing military to build border wall
Which doesn't mean that they'll build it.
They're doing politics too.
Some journalist with balls need to ask him at his next press conference if he will be building statues to Moloch, where unwanted babies can be sacrificed. Then say, "or do you just call that Planned Parenthood, these days?"
SOTU in 31 burgers.
Find yourself a good woman and start a family. Unless you're a heeb.
make em like they used to again
I love Trump & I find the Jews to be an overall disappointment.
no one's gonna watch it
Why is everyone ignoring the most offensive parts of this scandal?
All the shills who said "He'll never have a SOTU," here's to you and the rest of your fellow comrades who died as an example of failing your masters.
About time you goddamn morons get on board with the non-white baby killing narrative. Will allow the left to open support an agenda that kills hundreds of thousands of non-white babies per year and none of you faggot will call them out.
He's a Zionist shill. know more news channel on youtube
>journalist with balls
Got some bad news for you...
strong in the force am I, but not that strong.
thats right,i'm yoda nigga.
good luck with that
This headline is my fault.
>they should make guns that can only shoot people with low social trust
Zyklon B did that too.
>Anthem of the shill. At least you ousted yourself in the beginning.
Not an argument. And why is it my job to explain to you the powers a president has via the constitution. Not my fault you're uninformed. But if I must, here is the undersecretary of defense spelling it out.If you want to watch the video, Breitbart has it.
>unrealistic beauty standards
>Unless you're a heeb.
What if you're a weeb?
Guys what the shit is going on? Niggers have been BTFO on the first four days of black History Month.
Coonman took up the first two days then Niggers went to sleep after they got BTFO at the niggerbowl.
Now they wake up and see that Neeson wanted to kill a random nigger because a different nigger raped his friend.
>my wifes son
does wojak know his wife cheeted on him with pepe?
Not only niggers but slutty liberal women who shouldnt have kids either
We're all gonna make it...
I can feel it...
>no not those criminals the ones that commit petty crimes the ones we want to control
sad thing is its the same in canada and most socialist countries
*glow your way*
i hope this has been blasted because that's fucking atrocious
>no one's gonna watch it
You're telling me, as much as you shitpost here and try to say negative shit about Donald Trump, you're not even going to bother watching it? So we can plan to hear nothing from you about it? Or are you just going to quote back to us what you hear second-hand?
It's the most wonderful tiiiime of the yeeeaaar
The problem is that jews want to kill white babies and most of the doctors making the decisions are jews.
>>Unless you're a heeb.
>What if you're a weeb?
What if you're...a heebweeb?
A new thread and a new shilling topic. What are you lying about now?
Weebs can be good people.
>he doesn't know with all the chemicals in the water that your children will end up with Apu tier autism
>A new thread and a new shilling topic. What are you lying about now?
Again, not an argument. Try again.
coonman is holding a beer.
how can dimms let this happen
How dastardly.
>not hweeb
its ok, user, you can still live a happy life as a virgin
Its an undeniable fact that you were lying in the last two threads and here you are again with some new bullshit.
My prediction for next year election.
I wonder why they don't do this instead of solid steel/concrete walls. It looks ominous and it'll cause some injuries, but it's probably *a lot* cheaper. Is it as effective though?
How good is this against vehicles?
Does it need a lot of maintenance?
How long to get through it with bolt cutters really?
Do the military have material to make a lot of miles of it already?
I saw what you done in the tv, and I saw what you done to the tv
These retards just have no clue. They really don't understand that pale skin has been considered beautiful in asian countries since before the first white man ever even set foot there.
He's an actual pediatrician now which is even worse.
I don't understand you
Ted was right, technology = loss of freedom
>Tfw I look like a young Mike Pence with a better jawline
Is there any hope for me?
You can drape the Spic Spikes design with concertina wire for bonus damage.
Ted was right about many things.
10 U.S. Code ยง 284 grants the president power to build a wall without congress or a national emergency. How is this "lying" or "bullshit". What is your argument? jesus christ...
>unrealistic body standards
Japs have been whitening their skin before they even came into contact with white people
They utter and complete lack of knowledge of history, or even worse, the feigned ignorance of history for everything the left spews is so detestable.
>Tfw I made that picture
Feels good, man.
why would a pediatrician ever want to be involved in politics
And gyaru has been around since the early 90s
yes but not if you think looks matter that much to women. get over yourself
There's more than looks to the silver fox.
the problem is as long as they figure they can do it. they might as well do it. see Jurassic park.
Please help. I am short as well.
Wouldn't this cost way too much and several times more than what Trump is asking for at the moment?
I disagree with Trump but he really seem to think there's a chance to build a better relationship with Democrats. He should've learned early in his presidency that appealing to the left and Democrats doesn't work no matter what.
Just look how the Democrats behaved during Kavanaugh's nomination.
>"Less Bullets, more brains. The strong don't need guns. Guns are tools of the weak. If you disagree with me, it's OK, you're wrong."
t. Henry Rollins
You're gonna propose to someone by next year election? I wish you luck!
>white babies
If a white women is willing to kill her baby she does not deserve having children. The liberal/leftist women who "choose" to have an abortion most definitely do not deserve to have children. Conservative white women who want to have children deserve to have children and should be supported and discouraged from getting an abortion.
would love to see rollins try to bunch a bullet
someone tip ice off
>I made that picture
Nice man
come and take it buddy boy
Conservative white women wouldnt even considerate it desu
It's not like pale asians don't exist, either. They run the gamut of colors from pale to so dark you'd think they were an afro-hispanic at first glance. And there have been a ton of fashion trends that involve darkening the skin, like all the Japanese gal/gyaru trends where everyone gets a fake tan. Hell, Gal-O Sengen was a meme that broke into the western internet sphere, how are people still so fucking clueless?
>more bullet trains.
Governor Northam's favorite movie: Partial Birth of a Nation
so the us marines are weak and the navy seals too?
Listen heeb you can bitch and moan and pretend to see the future. You lie you can obfuscate and spam. You're not convincing anyone that you're anything other than a shitlib troll. You've spammed all this before and its been explained to you before and yet here you are pretending none of that ever happened.
It was a pressure tactic to make the dems reeeeeeee about abuse of presidential power.
I bet you drive all the Chinese girls crazy, you devil you.
Hint: Color and Filename.
This is Vietnamese meme magic.