Is Liam Neeson /ourguy/?

>Liam Neeson said in a bizarre new interview that he once walked the streets armed with a club for a week in hopes of killing a black man after a family member told him she was raped by a black male.

>In an interview with The Independent published Monday, the veteran actor recalled an incident where he harbored racist thoughts after a member of his family told him she was raped.

>"There’s something primal – God forbid you’ve ever had a member of your family hurt under criminal conditions," the actor began the story, which he said he has never before shared. The "Taken" actor said he had returned home from overseas when his family member told him she had been sexually assaulted.

>"My immediate reaction was," Neeson said before pausing. "I asked, did she know who it was? No. What color were they? She said it was a black person." Neeson said he then "went up and down areas" with a baton "hoping I’d be approached by somebody." Neeson admitted he is "ashamed" by his actions.

>"I’m ashamed to say that – and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [Neeson gestures air quotes with his fingers] ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could," – he paused again – "kill him."

>"It was horrible, horrible, when I think back, that I did that,” he says. “And I’ve never admitted that, and I’m saying it to a journalist. God forbid," the 66-year-old actor said.

>A rep for Neeson did not return Fox News' request for comment. The interview was pegged to Neeson's upcoming film "Cold Pursuit." His co-star Tom Bateman chimed in, "Holy s--t." Neeson responded: "It’s awful. But I did learn a lesson from it, when I eventually thought, ‘What the f--k are you doing,’ you know?"

Same here, Liam. Same. Big mood.

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No he isn't

Liam "Nigger Open Season" Neeson

If he is tight about gun control, then he meant to kill black people with his own bare hands when he said that. That made me respect him even more

Was he pissing his pants at the same time?

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He said he carried around a "cosh" when he was on the hunt. Basically a bludgeon.

The left crying is a lot of fun, not sure if he is our guy though.

In the West it's considered worse for a white man to be racist than it is for a nigger or shitskin to rape a white woman. No surprise Jews will freak out over this while importing more rapists

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Normies here want to kill rapists. Blacks don't get a pass.
Only college Marxists are against this.

Cooper has a specific set of skills


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Jews want their mutt slave race and will continue to import them into our country until everyone either gets outbred or racemixes until the average skin color is some sort of grayish brown

the subtle redpill in this story is that the first thing he asked after the rape was "what race"

The only use for the nog

Qui-Gon no!

Why are kikes spamming bullshit about a celebrity? This is the most pathetic shilling I've seen in quite some time.

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big pp

Liam, "Nigger, give me a reason" Neeson

Someone do a movie poster like this. Lol!

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how mad are you Shlomo
the lead of your ultimate Holohoax fantasy just dropped some redpills

look at all the flags in this thread. 100% this is another astroturfed story by Israeli shills.

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Fuck off.

Doesn't matter the date. They're always here. I cannot fucking wait for Israelis to die and you assholes to realize that nobody is coming to save you.

He's a cuck

>Do you know him?
>What color was his skin?
>What did he smell like?
>What was the size of his penis?
>Was he carrying a basket ball?

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Is that right before the kid was harvested for adrenochrome?

he who smelt it, dealt it
so that means
literally YOU: the cuck

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yeah, he shouldn't have said this to a journalist. He should have said it anonymously on /pol

i wonder why that entered his mind


Why has no such thing happened to me? I have repeatedly wandered around Harlem at night in hope of getting grabbed by a pack of niggers and getting raped by a horde of horny coons on a steaming pile of rubbish in the middle of fucking nowhere. Why is it always roasties that get to experience this kind of rush? Life fucking sucks, I hate blacks, muh hoes, no, fuck you, you subhuman animals.

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/tv/ is going to HATE this lmao

Thankfully Jow Forums is taking over the board

>what race
Why do humans have this shitty word to describe the various human sub-species or breeds.
Is it just a way to hide inconvenient truths like pic related? To mask it a bit? I think so.

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take that you lefti wannabe tough guy
get your family raped by niggers

Too bad he didn't just find and kill a black bastard that would be awesome.

He probably did & just didn't want to self-incriminate himself in a murder case.

Every Day Normies alienate more Normies
pol isnt taking over anything, Normies are making Normies into PolTards with sheer relativity


what is his name

nah, i mean not that i don't want to believe it but its unlikely.

I mean how cool would that be to figure out that some hollywood shitlibs are in reality deep cover Nazi agents doing the long march and at some point they just snap and kill everybody.

Almost makes up for the time he rescued all those Jews from the Holocaust.

Jews pushing this story as payback for Irish banning sale of goods from illegal Israeli settlements in Ireland.

Are you kidding? /tv/ is already flooded with Jow Forumstards constantly calling blacks niggers.

>ban goods from desert shithole because of muh palestine, another semitic peoples that cut babydicks
>still buy everything from the UK that occupies the north of your shitty island

The irish are cucks.
They cuck for arabs but can't stand up for themselfs.
What a pathetic race.

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Liam "Nigger Hunting Season" Neeson

Is that a shower or a grower?

Liam "Niggers rape my daughter, I'll be mad for a week & carry a stick" Neeson

It is true though. If someone you love gets raped it changes you and you can never go back.

Mr Neeson is doing the same thing Ms Turner did the other day. They are spreading the word.

The "cosh" or baton he was carrying was actually his terrifying penis.

Now we know how he contracted full-blown AIDS

Liam "Lynch 'em high" Neeson

That there is a shower.

black guy here. i feel bad for his family member, rape is nasty.
but its one of those rare moments im glad i didnt meet liam neeson, that dude is like chuck norris.
dont want to get in a misunderstanding with them

I know that feel.


Liam "Nigger, give me a reason" Neeson

Could you imagine if it was a grower?

Normies are going to see this and see a man, upset at his friend being raped wanting the hurt the group responsible and him being blasted for it.

You're going to get the nationalist women, and men, thinking 'so what's wrong with that?' Note how they are concerned with judging by a group, unless it's white men, then fuck us all.
No tribe but 'that' tribe, and niggers, and natives, and mexicans, and so on...

oh i am user, i am

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Neeson's reaction is the most normal, natural thing in the world. If it isn't, then I have no connection to the world at all.

I thought about how I would react to a family members murder. I can not imagine doing other than pay-back.

Liam "Pull the trigger on every nigger" Nelson

>ms. turner

Liam, "emptying my nine on the welfare line" Neeson

Actors are very emotional people, why does it surprise anyone that he would want to kill a nigger for being a nigger?

Why wasn't there some big media coverage when Will Smith's sheape wife admitted that she fantasized about killing white girls because they were prettier than her.

How long can you hold a basketball underwater, Jow Forums?
How long can you use your willpower and muscles to keep nature's own suppressed?

You can do it, yes. For a time...

But not forever.
Never forever...

This politically correct cringe is a blip.

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>fucking niggers

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>He's faceless
What happened, he fought Baraka?

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>she was raped by a black male
>he harbored racist thoughts
Let me guess which one causes leftist outrage.


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Pretty sure he's fucked his acting career up. Mainstream film studios won't touch him now.

he had an accident...

Liam "Too much melanin? Time for the boot again" Neeson

Based Liam "Kill a nigger tonight" Neeson

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Right in time for the Schindlers List Anniversay hahaha
Meme Magic

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Liam "Killing Spree in KFC" Neeson

Liam "Beats the Congos like bongos" Neeson


It's his 66th year of age and he's saying this. He's either about to get a metric ton of shit thrown on him by (((them))) or it's a setup meant to further demonize white men more than they already have, refreshing the "angry white guy looking to hurt a black guy" trope in the nignogs' heads. Why am I the first person itt to point anything like this out Jow Forums? Where the fuck is your head at these days you faggots? Up your ass? Fucking hell lads.

How is it news? Niggers do it constantly.

Not /ourguy/
>Shilled for anti-gun rhetoric
>Family member gets raped by a nigger
These traitors deserve worse than this.

Forgot to add is there, is there any proof of the the girl getting raped by the nog? No names of the rapist? If he wants to kill them so badly he should at least shame the guy. No police reports of it? Most likely fake and gay.

There's 0 reason for any black people to be in Ireland at all, let alone raping the girls there. They should all be killed.

>Is Liam Neeson /ourguy/?

NO! He apologized.
Never apologize.

Says he regrets it and is ashamed.
Why the uproar?

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The Virginia senator did blackface decades ago and apologized for it and they want him gone.
Liam comes out with a similar apology days later.

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>Liam Neeson Circa 1984

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I pray I never know that rage. I hate niggers enough already.

what a horrible looking mongrel. Dear god, my fucking eyes.

The point of the fucking story was that revenge leads to irrational thought and killing a random black dude for no reason isnt justified by "my friend was raped"

nice knowing you Liam.... career over.

Fuck no, he was all for the American's being disarmed along with every other actor who thinks their opinions are relevant outside of acting.

Isn't that the guy who saved his daughters from human sexual slavery in another continent? One would think it would be easy for him to track down a rapist in his own city.

Liam "Black Bastard Basher" Neeson

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Liam "take their guns" Neeson

so close to a triple double 1488

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Yes, he's your guy alright.

Doubt it. This will probably make his new movie more money.

In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.