>tfw people equate being an edgelord on Jow Forums with being a nazi
Anyone else watch this?
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ikr. I'm totally ironic. LOL
I don't understand how you can just make shit up and people believe it
they namedropped Jow Forums in the documentary btw
You have to make the lie big enough
Being an edgelord on Jow Forums is what being a Nazi is 2019 basically amounts to.
it literally started off with faggots nazi saluting, just blatant normie brainwashing bullshit
There is no "movement"
Don't you retards get it? The media created the meaningless label "alt-right" to attach to anyone that doesn't conform to their Globalist narrative. Literally anyone. They do this so they can lump everyone they don't like into one easy to target group. Natsocs, libertarians, conservatives of all types. The media will call you "alt-right nazi" because their definition of "alt-right" includes literally everyone who isn't a Globalist.
Stop buying into mainstream media lies. This "movement" as you describe it is successful because it isn't centralized and the media can't attack "it". It is made up of the millions of enemies Globalists have made all fighting against them for their own individual reasons.
The media desperately needs a centralized opposition in order to destroy them. They need to find a way to turn the chaotic hoard that is their enemy into a centralized target in order for their attacks to stick and have any affect. They can not smear us. They can not demonize us. They can not intimidate us. They can not silence us because we exist not as an organised group, but millions of disconnected individuals all fighting to destroy them.
That is what the "alt-right" is. The media establishment has been frantically searching for a clear target so their attacks will stick. In reality it's quite impossible. Watch them desperately try to will our "movement" into existence with poorly executed false flag events and payed off figureheads that identify as "alt-right".
The Jew World Order is being attacked on all fronts. They desperately need a clear target to land their hits and give their base a clear view of their enemy. Let's not give it to them. Being against Neoliberalism is not a "movement". All organized movements can be corrupted and destroyed. The leadership can be infiltrated, bribed, attacked, blackmailed and much more. Millions of disconnected people fighting a common enemy can not.
nowadays not supporting kids in gay strip bars can get you called a nazi bigot or some other retarded name, it's a really low bar
Was this the one where the SPLC director had a note on his wall charting the demographic decline of white Americans?
>But they're totally not a genocidal hate group
I actually watched it last night and it was bretty gud.
those left wing "Antifa" protesters in TN tho...god damn the founding fathers of TN are turning over in their grave. One lady even had a rainbow TN flag shirt on. Damn shame.
i made it about 14 minutes in
Yes it was a good documentary.
>anyone that doesn't conform to their Globalist narrative
Even socialists?
>Unironically watching jew propaganda
No thx
this is the (((documentary))) that pic related is from
>that comment
>that flag
>https:// www.infowars.com/gavin-mcinnes-to-sue-the-southern-poverty-law-center/
given how the old socialists would have hanged these modern perverse denegerates, then yes
Globalism is the dialectic, socialists and liberals are the two theses. You're kidding yourself if you think they're actually in opposition
I'd agree that liberal and "social-democrats" (i.e. neoliberals) are complacent in the system, but I don't think any socialists (e.g. Chomsky) are.
>alt-right documentary
>cover shows typical antifa
"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing."
>but I don't think any socialists (e.g. Chomsky) are.
The race is just an invention of the capitalists to split the working-class guys?
The problem with race realism for jews, is that it shows judaism as a converting religion, rather than a people.
I wouldn't call these modern "socialists" and liberals the thesis and anti-thesis. They share so much, they might as well be one.
at last I truly see
The alt-right doesn't exist. It's a media term to group all Trump supporters up into one label and then smear that label with its "worst" elements (Nazis, white nationalists, etc.). Anyone who uses "alt-right" unironically is either a newfag, retard, or discord shill. Possibly all three
Chomsky is totally complicit on the topics of terrorism.
When it comes to Vietnam he's a saint
When it comes to 9/11 and stuff, he said something like 'what does it really matter if it was an inside job? whether it was or wasn't they responded to it as an opportunity"
I grew up with a chomsky and amy goodman loving classical liberal parental unit.... I can see through their shit from a mile away.
Both Chomsky and Goodman, while they have done some good work, are not to be trusted. Intelligence assets, the whole lot of them.
>white nationalists
the idea that whites are entitled to their own homelands is truly evil
Basically this
Alt-Right is like the new Christian Identity or Militia movement
US Govt (Pentagon, LEO, Intelligence Community) are pushing a Gladio style radicalization/terrorism agenda because they can use the violence and fear to bring in a quasi-martial law
Look at what Gladio did to Europe... Italy, Ireland/UK, Germany.. there were right wing and leftist groups doing all sorts of terrorism.
And it was a NATO/CIA/MI6 project called Gladio, they lured out the organic/pre-existing militia/rightwing groups and gave them supplies and shit, managed them for decades, then let them all kill each other off.
Fuck off kike.
>doesnt realize pol is a joke based on a bad B movie from the late 80s early 90s
Watch that edge pal. Do you even know what day of the rope means ramrod?Tracking performance is an intregal tool to success.
except the thing is Christian paramilitaries are going to default loyalty to Christ when he comes around to begin making moves
unlike those past plans, a radical will be in effect as it's own moving part to completely swing left on this entire plot
Yes both sides came across as mouthbreathing fucking idiots.
>absolute state of mutts
Build the wall to keep you in.
We've been name dropped on American Horror Story and Ghost Recon: Wildlands as well, not really a big deal anymore.
>Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Kek, what'd they say?
Something something this is the worst shit I've seen and I've even been on Jow Forums
Yep, its what the jews do. They create a new label and then attach negative qualities to that label and blast it all over the media through their paid shills.
But why is antifa the title image?
>le stonk individualist
how that shit working out for you?
>anyone that doesn't conform to their Globalist narrative. Literally anyone.
And how is that bad? So their plan is to consolidate all opposition into one giant block and then what? Lose like retards? That is the most stupid shit I heard in a while
>Millions of disconnected people fighting a common enemy can not.
nah millions of disconnected people can downvote a fucking youtube video while millions of organized people can just march down in Washington DC and create a revolution.
This pasta is so retarded, surely no one actually believes this shit.
lots of niggers wish whiteness was all they had...
That sounds like something a nazi would say.
Lets burn it down
yes based black man fuck my wife pls i am all ironic, i dont mind europe becoming niggered i swear on me mom. FUCKING AMERICAN NIGGER FAGGOT WHEELCHAIR DRIVING CUNT SLICE YOUR NECK RLY UCKING FAST DISUTING MONGREL MUTT JEWISH SLAVE FAGGOT
Tbh, I hate the "alt-right" label because it includes gateway fags like Peterson that refuse to name the JQ. I'd prefer to be called a Nazi, even though I dislike that term too.
>Tbh, I hate the "alt-right" label because it includes gateway fags like Peterson that refuse to name the JQ. I'd prefer to be called a Nazi, even though I dislike that term too.
Don't worry. Soon the muslims will invade Israel and kill rats like you.
Fugin nawssies mang
Well, pardon me, nigger.
You’re not wrong but I can guarantee this post came from reddit
Yeah, we all start like that
I just watched it in it's entirety. I've got to hand it to em, it was a really well done emotionally manipulative propaganda piece. If you're coming into this with the default apolitical NPC worldview there's no way this isn't going to drive you further into the globo-homo mind virus. Un-discerning normies don't stand a chance against this kind of material desu
you know exactly why user
You're the best poster on Jow Forums today.
It's a shame most people are so retarded and normie that they still don't know how bad things really are.
the name of the film is actually a false flag and it's actually documenting antifa instead?
yeah it was definitely skewed, the reality is that the exact opposite is what is really going on
>the far-left is totally the underdawg and outnumbered goyim
is just one of many lies in it
Unironically based and redpilled.
Be wary of any movement or individuals that inadvertently hijack the growing decentralized consciousness of the survival of white people.
The alt-right is the Schrodinger's Cat of political movements. It clearly exists and yet clearly doesn't
found it funny how this nigger was flexing as hard as he could during the picture
>implying it wasn't shooped
About prayer time ain't it, Mohammed?
Hey bro that’s kinda anti-semitic. Cool i, kay?
Implying fuckloads if retards don't unironically believe this shit. If it was just some joke you guys wouldn't shit up other boards with your stupidity
We have been name dropped too many times to count. I was watching this horrible Netflix series called YOU recently and we were name dropped.
People did start unironically calling themselves alt-right though. All those cringe movements like Identity Evropa, Kekistanis, and Proud Boys ate that shit up. Dicky Spencer was a CIA plant.
>implying the term "alt-right" confers anything useful other than being a slur to smear those who hold non political correct opinions
>People did start unironically calling themselves alt-right though. All those cringe movements like Identity Evropa, Kekistanis, and Proud Boys ate that shit up. Dicky Spencer was a CIA plant.
ALL THOSE PEOPLE ARE PAID ZIONIST CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Zionists truly deserve to be tortured mercilessly and killed. I hope you watch Iranians fuck your mother while you're bleeding out dying on the floor as they invade Israel.
It was not blatantly hostile toward the social right.
More even handed than I expected.
I hated that fat angry nigger
>>tfw people equate being an edgelord on Jow Forums with being a nazi
Seriously, they're actually the same thing. Look at the crimes being committed by alt-right incels all the time!
I love it when someone exposes me to something I didn’t know...
In simple terms, Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (a radioactive atom) in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was (in a sense) both "dead and alive".
>masked faggot with a molotov
>alt right
so sick of these kikes
PrideBoys. They might as well just hold their meetings in the Castro District now. The meetings are a gay cruise for right wing faggots.