What went wrong?
Now that the dust has settled
2014 /v/ was at its worst. That was peak Jow Forumstardery. We've been recovering ever since.
fuck off with your bait thread every fucking 2 days or so you post this shit like the (you) hungry faggot youare
Zoe Quinn is not currently stepping on my dick.
More likely slowly becoming Jow Forums 2. The recovering hasn't happened.
Retards from everywhere trying to use it for their own faggot purposes.
Retards letting 8gag highjack Vivian.
>Bunch of insufferable faggots
>Caring about gaming journalism
>Being assholes to people unrelated to journalism
let's be real here, they used it as an excuse to be massive assholes to people for no reason.
Both sides became increasingly autistic until it reached its peak in the elections. Not much else to it, really.
Not true at all. /v/ has become less Jow Forumstarded with time. People generally catch on to their shit now.
Nothing. They were right all along.
zoe quinn got aids
It gave this website stage 3 cancer
The 2016 election made it terminal
The 2020 election will put a bullet in its head
FUCK niGGers
There's constant accusations of someone being from a tranny discord because they're dabbing on Jow Forumsacks over here. It's pretty funny. That shit didn't happen back then.
It was fun. Every day for a month was peak kino entertainment
No shit. Probably part of the reason moot banned it.
Hi resetera!
GG did nothing wrong. The hate campaigns led by game "journalists" and pseudo-feminists led to mass censorship in vidya.
like everything that came from Jow Forums it developed from a great idea into a cancerous tumor that fed of Reddit farts and internet welfare, especially when the original people left the movement after seeing that those very people who this movement was against was suddenly filled with the same kind of people (Chanology 2.0 pretty much)
They went for journalists and indie developers instead of publishers.
Hello, electionfag. Enjoying your first few years on Jow Forums?
>hur dur le gamergate killed the website
>NEVER EVER FUCKING FOREVER NEVER EVER mentions the fappening; and event literally ten times the size
Furries, gays, and neck beards. Not enough normal people
Autists should be banned from the internet.
Which just lead to them sperging out even harder talking about conspiracy theories and acting like they were a persecuted minority being silenced for telling the truth, when really it was because not even the autistic trolls here on /v/ wanted to deal with their spastic whining.
>people on /v/ care about /v/ and not the other boards
The shift from using the evidence to force publications to post and enforce ethics policies to using said evidence to slander their opponents. Slandering their opponents is exactly what their opponents said they were doing so their opponents were right. Those dang gators just couldn't resist BTFOing those darn SJWs and played right into their narrative. Now no one cares about GG's actual talking points because it devolves into petty insults.
Reminder this was made unironically
The fappening was so bad it permanently killed /b/
Jow Forums was dead 8 years before any of that happened.
based paypig
is Jow Forums down?
not 4channel, Jow Forums
I followed GG at the start because I too felt gaming journalism was corrupt as fuck. By the end of GG I no longer thought so. I thought GG wold uncover so much. There were so many people working on it, and they found absolutely fucking nothing.
>but GJP!
GJP actually proved how clean the journalists were. We uncovered the entirety of a secret list where game journalists could communicate... and what was there? Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing.
To this day I haven't heard of a single thing uncovered by GG that amounted to anything. One of the GG drones will throw some wiki at you, tell you to educate yourself, or just start posting about fucking Zoe Quinn for the billionth time. Name three things GG uncovered that proved videogame journalism was corrupt. No wikis, no bullshit infographs, just tell me. Should be easy, right? I mean, GG wasn't WRONG and the game journalists were SO corrupt so there must be a million things you could reply with.
Just three will do, I'll be waiting.
Oh, and just so you don't waste your time, a journalist having a left wing opinion isn't corruption. I'm talking about an actual breach of ethics. I'm all ears.
started as people shitposting about how much they hate women and posting stories about their exes cheating on them and shit, everyone was generally just enjoying gossiping like a bunch of faggots like usual. Then everyone found her suicide girl photos and the threads started picking up a lot more speed because they all had porn in them now as well and people were talking about banging goth chicks or whatever.
It was basically a meme of the week, but it started getting really out of hand to the point where a large chunk of the board was dominated by threads about it even though it, and the discussion were only barely related to games anyway.
After like a week or two the mods probably got sick of the reports being fucked to death by something that retarded and decided everyone had enough time to talk about it and started deleting it just like they usually do. This time however people were really worked up since they liked this particular meme, so a bunch of autists started spamming threads and scrambling for good reasons to pretend the meme threads were actually on topic.
Eventually some faggots decided that "ethics in video game jounalism" was what they were going with after a few days a bunch of literal spergs started acting like they were fighting some kind of gay war and were 'teaming up with' reddit, facebook, twitter, tumblr or whatever to LARP about fighting collusion on gay opinion piece websites no one fucking reads or cares about anyway because anyone with a brain knows that reviews are useless anyway.
Gamergate was overall fucking stupid and anyone that actually took it seriously was either young or autistic and stupid.
/b/ was dead before then
like really dead
Moot the luggage lad banned it because he was trying to impress his feminazi gf that cucked him.
you didn't argue anything, people on /v/ claim gamergate was the thing to ruin the website, it wasn't, it was the fappening
Jow Forums died in 1967. Enjoy your zombie Jow Forums fags.
Jow Forumstards mixing with /v/irgin spergs. People like Milo, Jim, King of Jow Forums and Quarterpounder really fucked things up as they were obviously trying to use it for personal gain. But we got the Law and Order episode so I'm okay with it.
Now Comicsgate on the other hand, what a truly pathetic shitshow.
Why is reddit sitting on /v/'s shoulder like a parrot?
Man of culture
The level of disappointment I felt when I learned katy perry wasn't involved still hasn't been topped
Because they only went to /b/ for lewds. Porn is fleeting, keyboard warriors pretending to change anything can last a while.
Jeff Gertsman getting fired for his Kane and Lynch Review would be a good place to start, but most of the GGers were probably literally in diapers when that happened.
twitter death threats. otherwise things turned out better than planned. Also Peter Thiel admitted to funding aspects of it as part of his Gawker revenge plan so one can support GG and still be pro-LGBT
Fappening was minor.
GG was what truly did /v/ in.
>Because they only went to /b/ for lewds.
no they didn't, they stuck around, the website was put on blast and from that point on normalfags came in full force
The faGGotry was never a good idea. It started because some literally who fucked some literally whos to "promote" a free fucking video game
>5 retweets, 12 likes
epic movement bro
opportunistic e-celebs
>his feminazi gf that cucked him.
I find it funny that you people think he was trying to date a woman just because they took a picture.
I also find it funny that people think moot was bothered by anything anyone had to say about him when he was being called a faggot on a daily basis since 2004.
it turned into a e-celeb arms race of attracting the most influence.
I don't read comics. Tell me more about this, its background and its current state.
Turned it against us completely and ruined our games forever.
I really really wish you faggot just shut the fuck up.
No, they claim that it ruined /v/, which it did. Slow boards are still as good as they ever were.
i think the "great" thing about GG was that it grew into this cancerous tumor that affected every other branch of media and it showed us how incestuous the behind the scenes of real journalism are, also a couple of anti gg people got exposed as pedos, but was gg a success or did it do anything of value? not really
promise her work a good review and she'll do it.
infact, just message her. here, ill start you off with a pickup like
>hey bby, you're not a 10/10, but ill review your game as one. wanna fuck?
People not being informed enough about it and thinking it was about death threats when the police said no such thing happened.
When a roastie sleeps with 5 guys to get better scores on her game, and then proceeds to blame suicide-chan for it, and people STILL have the balls to defend her, then you know things went to shit.
moot did throw a temper tantrum on Jow Forums and then go quit to develop CP detection algorithms for Google.
jesus christ
>No, they claim that it ruined /v/, which it did.
no it didn't
>Slow boards are still as good as they ever were.
no they aren't, the entire site took a hit and at this point politics are everywhere thanks to the election as well
Like Franco, they did a good job holding the hill
but then when they were done, they overstayed their welcome
and eventually started "fixing" things that weren't broken
and I say that coming from Jow Forums, not that I ever visit it much anymore. It's full of unironic redittors who think it's "politically incorrect" to be a member of a party roughly half of the population of a world superpower supports
He has the right idea, literally anything Jow Forums related, from a given board to a specific meme, should be treated like raw meat left on the porch. Goes bad fast, starts to stink, and attracts flies.
Its a bunch of washed up has beens and never wases on youtube trying to make comics that are politics free (in other words conservative comics) through kickstarter and other crowdfunding campaigns.
this, but unironically. also, in all caps
Three waves did it. Fappening, GG, and 2016 elections. Though in earnest, the cancer began with chanology.
Look, even if you hate SJWs, trying to form a movement which aims to not allow a certain political opinion not be represented in comics is censorship. If you don't like SJW comics don't fucking buy them, but they're entitled to make them if they want.
Jesus christ the culture war turned everyone into a retard.
Everyone involved was too angry to reasonably be in it "for the lols" and had pretensions of being some serious cause for reform while being too blind to the big picture to make any kind of meaningful change. Ultimately what we ended up with was a bunch of culture warrior bullshit more concerned with chasing the specter of "cultural marxism" than the other specter of "ethical journalism."
>moved to Jow Forums
thread over
>starts as some people on /v/ laughing at a talentless shit "developer" being exposed as an actual abuser
>left-wing grifters make retarded blogposts about us
>right-wing grifters make retarded blogposts about left-wing grifters
>twitter grifters try to sell books and quip at each other endlessly
>big shitpile, autists everywhere
>this isn't videogames
based mods moving this to the proper board
lol mods are still a bunch of tranny faggots
Why are mods such limpdick jokes? Why don't you ban political offtopic shit on /v/ instead of sweeping retards here, you cumguzzling faggots??
>based mods moving this thread away from /v/ to the board it belongs on
But user I'm not rich, well-connected or Jewish.
hello fellow pedes
>"I realized Milo could connect with these kids right away," Bannon told Green. "You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump."
Remember when one of the rules of Jow Forums was that it wasn't your personal army, but then it became the personal army to the future campaign manager to a US president?
I expected to end in /qa/ to be honest.
Nothing actually, gamergate started a series of incredulous events that made a lot of shit storm. I love the "intellectuals" of far-left like Sargon and the "intellectuals" of alt-right blowing themselves up
specially sargon, the slimy spinless piece of shit, tried to see himself as an "intellectual" and try to get to politics, then dabbed into alt-right and trying to convince Internet Aristocrat to restart gamergate as Sargon as the leader when jim just want to shitpost on everything, then accuse jim as being a pedophile.
ahhh.... good times.
I'll just leave this here.
'member "Bully Hunters"? That was my favorite part of this so far.
Milo knew how to connect with kids alright.
>politics free
>character on cover has a confederate flag for a face
Why are cuckservatives so predictable?
Tbh if I was in moots shoes I would have left too. Things were getting way too high profile.
It peaked with the SVU episode.
what a fucking weird bait thread
kikes having tech difficulties? trying to make complete scripted threads now?
And you’re still here and always will be
lurk more faggot
Its not over, let me holla.
Member when Zoe Quin the witch bitch got funding from darpa to make an octopus of web people he/she fucked to be able to make games which are socially engineering kids and teens?
Is Shoeonhead still attractive?
basically twitch hoes absorbed all the attention and killed off the sjw-begging cunts
a few made bank
gamergate was really about stopping shit-stirring sjw cunts going full marxists to milk cash in return for promoting violence against people they don't like
and lots of corruption
was she ever?
>I love the "intellectuals" of far-left like Sargon
Has he ever done anything other than whine and push right-wing talking points?
I can't even go VIDYA GAEMS now, thanks mods.
Gamers won and established their dominance. The SJWs chose to go to war with the most coordinated group of people that exist on the planet, who do nothing but strategize all day on how to best beat each other at various different games.
The media was put in their place and suffered millions in lose ad revenue and revised their policies, as well as purged some of the undesirables
They feminists were summarily rejected, Sarkeesian never finished her videos, she quit due medical reasons citing the abuse and stress as the cause. THey lost the argument because thousands of videos flooded youtube debunking almost everything she did and point out the lying, stealing and hypocrisy.
Years later game dev studios trying to appease the feminists were boycotted like BFV pink hair feminist edition was, and EA lost hundreds of millions in stock value over the period of just a few months.
Gamers won, it's what we do.
you absolute fucking crouton
>When a roastie sleeps with 5 guys to get better scores on her game, and then proceeds to blame suicide-chan for it, and people STILL have the balls to defend her, then you know things went to shit.
The funny thing is people didn't even get that mad about that by itself.
They made memes and shitposts about it, sure, but it was more in a Chris-Chan sort of way where people were only taking it half-seriously and were largely just doing it for the lulz.
Gamergate proper didn't blow up and turn into a serious movement until after the wave of "gamers are dead" articles and Reddit and social media trying to silence all discussion thereof because they don't understand what the Streisand Effect is.
Never forget that regardless of the cancer that started that fight, one man finished it.
suplex me, mommy