Redpilled: he's not wrong about you btw
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw Black people acting like they haven't been getting free fucking money for 100 years already.
>Wall of text
>Straw man arguments
>Any bit of critical thinking dissuades it.
Yup a lefty meme.
..... If you hadn't destoryed black wall Street you would have as much niggers living in your towns lmao you did this to yourself honestly
I'm Hungarian. Hungarians are whites who were enslaved by Ottoman turks for about 100 years. Many of our children were literally taken from their parents and brainwashed to be muslim slave-soldiers. After that, half our country was colonized by Romanians. After that, our country was enslaved by communist Russian jews.
So why should I pay blacks reparations, when my family moved to America just a generation ago? Turkish and Russian Jews owe me reparations more than I owe blacks reparations.
>Left can't meme?
Who gives a fuck about you. You look like a Arab rape baby
found the nigger
Hungarians are good people, fuck that guy
This Anglo on the other hand is just mad his own country is the new Caliphate
give them reparations I don't give a shit. it would ruin the black community even faster
Wrong. Only incels like race mixing.
You clearly have no idea what a Hungarian even looks like if you're posting pictures of gypsies.
>This Anglo on the other hand is just mad his own country is the new Caliphate
Complete with rape babies. Don't forget to rub salt on the wounds of the anglos because they are an arrogant and dirty people.
Only reparation blacks deserve is the bleaching of their topt tier women
fuck you nigger. i hope you know hat just because you live in britainstan that doesn't make you white. go back to africa,.
If armed niggers hadn't fired at whites then nig street wouldn't have been destroyed
I want repetitions not based on the pulp fiction in your thumbnail but based upon statistics.
Also slavery was a good kind thing. It wasn’t roman slavery.
Damn redpilled
Sorry I wasn’t clear
KKK were an organization that existed after the US civil war to oppose yankee reconstruction and to keep black bandits in check. Why do nogs act like these were innocent people being lynched?
When and prove please
>the best at colonizing raping killing
the would be muslims sadly
If you weren't a 60-80 IQ nog, you would realize that whites have 2-3 children to ensure that they can go to college and have a future. Whereas nogs have 6 children by 6 different men and live off welfare paid by whites with no fucks given about the future. That is your reparations. Whites could be having 6 children families if it weren't for us babysitting an entire race of baboons who are like ugly, retarded and bad mannered foster children to us.
No, it would have been destroyed anyway. Nigs nogs on other nigs
white men pay taxes so black women can breed niglets
It was the yoods
Hence the term dindu
Because they're only taught that the KKK went around harassing innocent blacks and only blacks. History classes never go into the history of its founding. That's probably best exemplified by the fact that you'll hear teachers saying the men who founded the organization in Pulaski, TN were a bunch of hillbillies, but five out of the six of them were college educated. Back in those days college education required knowing Greek and these men knew their Greek. So they took the Greek word for circle (kyklos), anglicized it, and added clan at the end of it but changed the c to a k for alliterative effect. So we have the name Ku Klux Klan. But libtard teachers don't go into context, they need to push an agenda, so they give very broad strokes when teaching history.
31 Dec 2012?
Was white genocide even discussed back then?
Checked and goddamn so true.
My taxes go to breeding democratic voters.
If you weren't a 60-80 IQ albino ape you would know the who point of life is to reproduce and surviving lmao
... Loser Nazis will be losers always
Does the person who illustrated this understand that the first slave owner in America was a black man? And that at the peak of slavery ~2% of people owned slaves? This guy would probably like Dungeons and Dragons.
>Who are the Bantus and what is the Arab slave trade?
Learn some history.
Good luck surviving once whites are gone and shitskins take control of the government, faggot. I’m sure the muslims are going to treat you with the same kindness and generosity that we did over the last 200 years, you ungrateful little maggot.
Can’t wait to see the look on your face when they start rounding you up and throwing you in mass graves just like they did to the Somalis in the 13th century.
>be of irish descent
>great great grandparents starved out of their country, moved to canuckistan.
>blacklisted and only able to work in the coalpits of cape breton
>watch as niggers demand 'reparations' for slavery that never occurred in canuckistan
>watch as africa gets 1 trillion in free aid
>8 motherfucking Marshall plans
>still fuck-all to show for it
>local niggers all on welfare committing crimes
>still demand reparation gibs for shit they never experienced
Fuck those goddamned niggers, and their motherfucking puppet masters.
Stop taking 0 effort bait from an OP that makes the same thread every day.
Only womens reproduction choices really matters.
Exactly why women should not have any right to choose.
They're property, not people.
Dropping some redpilled lefty style
Stop evading my spam filters you discord tranny shill
200m whites in America, it's not as bleak as it is in fucking bongland. Aren't you 10 percent Muslim or is that your superior southern neighbor?
100% true.
Systems of wealth transfers and discrimination impoverished black people and enriched whites.
Hello redlining
>Vaguely similair hand positions.
What is the left picture about.
Black's aren't stupid because they're poor.
They're poor because they're stupid.
And as far as wealth transfer goes, guess the billions dumped into welfare doesn't count....
It's an edit of this
>paint white guys as greasy racist fucks with pit stains and anger problems
what is propaganda?
>what is propaganda?
> Black smug democrat asking for free handouts because "white people".
Leftists love poor niggers asking for non-stop gibs.
The comics try to paint white naysayers as dumb stinky hillbillies, except for the fact that, rednecks still have their shit and their communities better together than that blacks ever will.
Because it's true
Evil white devil's
This is what you did to new Zealand
That individual never hurt anyone.
Satanists for some reason like to announce in advance what they’re going to do to us, and they’re doing it right now. They put fluoride in the drinking water and chemtrails in the air. They force their GMO foods on us as well as their vaccines. Have you noticed how anxious they are for us to get jabbed with flu shots? In a child’s first year they recommend over 70 vaccinations. California is making it the ‘law.’ Now some say being against vaccines should be a crime. They want people to lose control over their own bodies.
The next killer will be 5G. Not only will it be used to control minds, it will also fry them. The illuminati don’t want us on ‘their’ planet. They own it. They think they own us. We are their cattle to be culled. If we accept their premise that life is nothing but disconnected matter without meaning, then it will make it all the easier for them to finish us off.
>what is rwanda
Whites killed niggers in the name of conquest.
Niggers kill niggers because it's a tuesday.
white devils indeed....
>Niggers kill niggers because it's a tuesday.
>white devils indeed....
Blacks sold blacks as slaves to (((whites))).
Skulls for the Skull Throne!
I did nothing to New Zealand.
>Pay foh dey slabbery white boi
If so; pay me some GIBSMEDATS, for you enslaving my people in between 1530-1780 you black cracker.
Over 30% of slave owners in the US were Jews, who were only .7% of the total population.