Pols opinion on my country? : )

We just discovered diamonds so hopefully will develop. I have not seen many african posters lately

Attached: 20190202_151838.jpg (5312x2988, 2.65M)

That looks like downtown Los Angeles.

have you seen some murder lately?

You got a huge problem with AIDS.
Good country for an african country, though

Marginally better than most of Africa.

Yes aids is a problem. We are one of only 3 countries with aids above 20%

massive like from Romania, your currency literally means "penis" in our language. I regularly offer to loan some Pula to my women coworkers but they always refuse. They will surely reconsider now that you have diamonds and your currency will HARDEN

Are there many white people there?


>We just discovered diamonds
Start learning Chinese.

dont have kids

Attached: Niggerbirthrate.png (580x339, 18K)

Are you white or nigger?


Send me some diamonds and I will send you some cash. I’ll give you 20 USD for 10 nice ones

>I have not seen many african posters lately

They're all in the U.K. Whenever you see a brit flag, that a fellow nig posting.

Attached: Im-Confused-Ugly-Guy-Mugshot.jpg (500x566, 35K)

Looks pretty normal, other than driving on the wrong side of the road.

Attached: Botswana.jpg (1143x552, 200K)

>title and flag
Better than most of Africa...
>We just discovered diamonds
...but I don't expect that to last much longer.

Beware of the sons of Eretz. Godspeed

Botswana from what I read is pretty chill. Bar none the number one safest country in all of Africa Not to mention I also heard they heavily protect their environment and animal wildlife. How true is that?

It does. Kek

your country is rightful white lands (Rhodesia)

>discovered diamonds

it will all go into the pockets of corrupt magistrates.

How many big booty hoes could I impregnate in one week there?

wait Rhodesia is now Zimbabwe. nevermind. but southern Africa still belongs to whites

20% of Population has aids desu.

>We just discovered diamonds so hopefully will develop.

Protip: If you want to get rich from the diamonds, DO NOT trade with people who look like this. (pic related).

Attached: fjs.jpg (435x402, 49K)


There are 5 minute AIDS tests I bring with me on every sex vacation ya dingus

I wish you and your country best of luck my friend. Study well and make your community better.

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Don't just commit to exporting just one resource. Venezuela having a bad time on just oil.

Goodluck Botswana Bro, do your best to improve your country.

If you found diamonds perhaps things will get more dangerous there?

Or Slav you fucking fuck.


They don't have that option right


dont use that word normalfag

lazy ant-semitism

Is there a lot of food in your country?


Hello my African friend, I am Prince of America! Maybe you don't know this but during the cowardly American revolution, my family was deposed and we now rule in exile. Our lives are mostly good, but money has gotten low because Israeli witch doctors run the banks here. We need that money to survive and these Penis Foreskin Vampires hoard it away from us. Maybe we can help each other? I just need to bribe the evil bankers with enough diamonds to release our money. If you could send diamonds to them, they will send you the money and you can keep half of it and send me the other half! Don't listen to their lies though. They do not accept foreskins in trade. They will keep them and it will only increase their strength. Kumbaya and Iko Iko un day to you, my African brother!

Yeah we have a modern mall and kfc. All is very modern. Very peaceful as well

What is the speed of your internet connection?

How much USD do you need to live on per month?

Yyyyyyyeah.... how's that logic working for Nigeria? (oil, not diamonds. But still mad dosh.)
Good luck, by the way.

>discovered diamonds
or civil war will start between goverment and warlords for right to own them. Recently, our journalists were killed by (((bandits))) in Chad because of the investigation they were running. Our elites develop there diamond mines.

>discovered diamonds
"US-led coalition invades Botswana to prevent the country acquiring weapons of mass destruction and suspected genocide of local minorities"

Attached: 1492555850199.jpg (645x851, 84K)

Are you sure that's not south east Fort Worth?

> Pols opinion on my country? : )
Why do you care so much what Polish people think?

You'll get screwed over.

your country is fucked, its full of niggers
don't take it personally but pic related
you will get exploited by chinks or some local tinpot dictator

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>We just discovered diamonds

Do what said

Attached: OY CHANG.jpg (501x585, 40K)

are you that one mulatto i've talked to on hear in the past?
with a white father and nigger mother

China's gonna milk you fuckers dry.