What is the meaning in live

what is the meaning in live.
can anyone please help me?

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Figuring it out is the meaning of life

The way, the truth, the life

Yours? It appears to be making off topic threads.

The meaning of life is to refine yourself, to become more and more like Jesus.

pasta is the meaning of life:

Without agony, there is no joy. Without evil, there is no good. Without chaos, there is no order. Without death, there is no life. Without man, there is no God.

All that divides also joins. Though you may cleave yourself from the universe and believe yourself separate from it, you are the universe. The big bang is happening now. You are the explosion.

You are the universe expressing itself at a position in time and space like the ocean expressing itself as a wave. Your location is everywhere, your position is absolute. You are omnipresent.

You beat your heart and grow your hair. By the same virtue you shine the sun and wet the oceans. You are omnipotent.

You are not your name or your role or your relationship to others. You cannot be described with words. You are not a symbol. You are beyond language. You are reality itself.

You are the universe. You can never die because you were never born. You are immortal. You dance from one mode of consciousness to another in a wave pattern. The trough is what you call death. The crest is what you call life.

You are God. We all are.

The meaning of life is to glorify God.

"Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him."

Securing the survival of your species.


To be better than others
fuck off christkike reddits that way

>Being this Hindu

haha so quirky what an epic literary meme omg so nerdy XD


Life is about the experience.

We are just gettin to know ourself.

>what is the meaning in live.
Have fun. If you gotta work, to have fun, work.
Don't hurt anybody while trying to have fun.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.

I never even browsed plebbit once, and entered only by mistake.

Tfw, being such a godless eurocuck

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I don't know. Remember the first thought in your life? The first time you thought:"I exist! I am free to choose my decisions!" ? I'll never forget my starting point in my life. But what was before that first thought? I try so hard to remember, but it is to no avail. Maybe I'll remember if I die.
It doesn't matter probably. 80-90 years is not a lot.
Enjoy the life, and fuck everyone who force their reason to live on others. Do your thing and be yourself

to post this shit on another board faggot not Jow Forums

your post is out of context

just bee yourself

>tfw I tell female coworkers that girls tell me to be ngsl9ao and when I say I just sit at home or walk at night so I should wait for girl to knock on my door or to find a girl when I'm walking at night but then they sigh and shake their heads

What do they mean by this?

It's the eternal struggle of creating order either by returning to a more animalistic origin or risk our extinction attempting to reach a godlike existence, in other words, we're nature's mistake who will correct itself sooner or later by becoming extinct. All paths lead to accelerationism, entropy is unavoidable, it's our prison and only true gnosis will liberate us.

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life is about making babies

figure out how to live deeply in the now and you'll understand