SERBIA YES - Serbian lesbian PM awaits baby

Her gitlfriend or wife will have a baby

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Rent free

shes hot
pls post at least 5pictures

Jow Forums used to love lesbians. What happened?

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i neet feet pics of both of them to give a reasonable opinion

balkan people

I dont know. I still love them.

Although based on this picture I would have assumed that the person on the left was a guy.


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me no understan
please explain fren

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Had the West not interfered, we'd still be beating gays in the streets when they try to organise their "pride" rallies like in 2001.
Nobody supports this dyke, as soon as this government stops getting western support she'll be gone.
Can't say as much for western countries though. You reap what you sow, and this modern cancer that you're trying to spread all over the world will be the end of you.

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based and redpilled image
where's it from?

it's from some FYROM publication

please use my official name fren
i'm a stickler for proper grammar :^)

Just found it in another thread, supposedly it's Nazi war propaganda poster from the occupation or something.

What are you today? North Macedonian?

that's right fren
don't forget now

Serbian Nazi propaganda

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The attractive ones are only 2D.

But I do not discriminate in my hatred of gays.
I once read a Yuri Manga from start to finish.

I suffered sleep deprivation and episodes of waking up in the middle of the night pissed off and swearing, hissing words like SHIT AND GODDAMMIT AND FUCK!!!!

Milos, explain.

actually, you're south NATO

link me the Yuri manga if it was that intense

no, no fren
please read constitution or un
no forget now okay?

Is she the reason why there's a sizeable Serb community in my country?

Is Serbia that bad?

why on earth would there be any balkanoids in africa
are you sure that's the case?

It wasn't it was mostly Shoujo Ai bullshit.
It's called Citrus.


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she the reason i'll move to serbia, woof!

Ovu pedercinu cu prvu zaklati

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>we'd still be beating gays in the streets when they try to organise their "pride" rallies like in 2001
fuck of slav(e) filth, back from where you came from. gays were 100% balkan until you illiterate subhumans invaded pic reladed was gay and accomplished more than any s*rb kebab remover ever could

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Lesbos are hot leave em be
Beat the males

Only Serbs that are in Africa are criminals or some type off merceneries,one guy from South Africa told me that his town haves a Serbian clan in his town and they controll almost everything.

Who knows might start happening in Botswana aswell.

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WE are coming back to our ancestors :))

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RIP Knele :(

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we do live in the greatest timeline

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serbs don't deserve hot women wtf

he actually wasn't gay
it's actually the historic consensus that he wasn't gay
falling for neoliberal jewish narratives is pretty bad user

Man i'm glad they still beat gays in Bosnia
that's the only thing we have going for us

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that won't last mate
the tranny globo homo gayplex mafia is coming

I fucking doubt that anyone is gonna be able to do anything in a shithole like this
we are still living in 1996,waiting for the guns to fire again

that sounds kinda based tbqh
but this time let us go to war first and then you lads
we start by getting rid of the globohomo albo mafia and then your subhuman "bosnians"

Yeah no man,a conflict in this region won't be allowed by the USA/EU
Only if NATO and the EU become really,really weak and even then's a maybe
And even then you shills couldn't take us :B

The blonde one is fuckable.

we part of nato nao lad
cyprus war 2.0 but now with alboshitters
then after that's over we somehow kill the "bosnians" and divide the country to serbs and croats
how many "bosnians" did you lads have anyway
was it a third?

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Why would NATO get rid of Albanians?

why would nato help turkey attack cyprus?
it didn't help it just let it happen because both were nato members


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>serbian lesbos aren't whi-

Yeah man nothing is gonna happen
This region's countries are held by the balls by either the EU or by Russia

the same was said about crimea a couple of years ago
it can happen
(probably wont though)

It can but it won't
This region already went through it's retarded conflict,Ukraine is sorta fresh

They're putting chemicals in the coffee!

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The Black Lodge sure did a number on poor Cooper

Personally I blame Denise Bryson.

eh it's fun to theorize
if i become tito 2.0 i'd do it for the lulz

YIKES!! FBI special agent Dale Cooper is a DYKE!!!

the fuck i thought you guys were conservative?

the population is
not the jewstablisment

why does Catalonia have the same flag as South Vietnam

The next war you'll fight is when you lose those northern territories. And you deserve it.

Why did Yuuugeslavia just werk? No moustache dictator?

the only thing i'll lose is the sight of my bullets because they'll be entering albo skulls mate :^)

Blonde one is hot.

For a sort while our flag represented the main meal of the day. What is your flag, some sort of pierogi?

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It's bascially some sort of hackjob EU flag
Honestly the only flag i recognize is the six lillies

Just admit it, you are the pierogi flag.


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Please don't be mean Iceland kun :(
bruh she kinda looks like Miloš Obrenović

we don't have this food
i see it as a slice of burger cheese

you cant have that jihadi bosniak

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Yeah it's pretty gay
Do you guys miss the swatiska or the great eagle

don't get it. how?

>mali ivica enters

The fuck?

>Miloš Obrenović
>"Under her rule, Serbia became an autonomous principality within the Nato Empire. She ruled autocratically, permanently refusing to share power..."

We don't have it either, but I tried it and it is great. It is like a pocket sandwich, you just put it in your pocket and go do your thing.

Off topic, but fuck the Obrenovic worst Serbian dinasty

what's up with the current king anyway
is he doing something or just messing about
if i were him i'd push to be like the queen of england

Well then,i wonder who's gonna be Karađorđe
He tried

Idk but I doubt anyone wants them back, somewhat because of commie propaganda, and somewhat because they're practically anglos at this point, the last thing we need is a lesbian in power till death
>Well then,i wonder who's gonna be Karađorđe

bosnian here

I think Pussylips could fill the role of Karađorđe if he grew a moustache

In the relationships of birds the male is usually the more colorful

Bosnian bosnian or some kind of seperatist orthodox loser

>lesbian in power till death
what'd you mean?
the current heir to the throne is a dude

Blondie sure loves BBC (Big Black Croatian) girldick.

Omegakek, she (Brnabic) is of Croatian ancestry.
Anyway, Vucic is the one who rules and he's an Albanian bastard.

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I told you guys , serbs are trash
but Jow Forums wouldnt listen to me

t. albanian

As far as dying goes yes, other than that, nah
The entire family look like obnoxious faggots today, they'd probably be some progressive gay monarch. Much more to lose than to gain by reinstating them. I mean he is like a lesbian himself

>vucic is albanian
u wot?

okay, i'm depressed now

Anyone who tried to do some good in this place got murdered under mysterious circumstances
We had our own guy Husein Kapetan go down like that


t.serb circa 1998

>is like a lesbian himself
what's his name i want to see him on google images

what'd you mean mate

But how, does one of them have a penis?