When will this come back and bite women in the ass?
What will happen with all the single, 30+ year olds when all the jaded incels go their own way?
When will this come back and bite women in the ass?
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>What will happen with all the single, 30+ year olds
I think they'll legalize polygyny soon to fix that.
This. They will allow the beta-cuck providers to pay the lifestyles of 2 or 3 different women they are not having sex with instead of just the one they are paying for now.
You retard rhis is what weeds out the low tier beta cucks from the rest
Also its much easier for men to climb this heirachy then women. Men can earn more money, but all the money in the world aint gonna make an ugly cunt fuckable
Polygamy is not compatible with advanced civilization. How do you think men will react when even the possibility of getting a mate is taken away for the vast majority? If society thinks men are being unproductive now just wait until they push for polygamy.
Maybe the elite do not care anymore.
In a post-industrial society, the majority of the population is useless to them.
They just need a small kernel of specialists to keep doing their jobs.
>unmarried virgins chimp out
it will be a blessed time
I'll get the popcorn
Don't you love how these retards preach equality all day long from the rooftops and have nothing to say about this? Like... Oh when it's salaries that's a conspiracy, but in dating that's just natural right?
Chad here. I am okay with this. I don't understand why women are upset by cheating anyways. How does it even affect them? If many women want me, why not just marry all of them (they will have to work though) and then communally raise the children.
If betabucks want some of the women then they can support them as stay at home mothers.
If some guys can't have the charm or the betabux, then that is natural selection at work. The two sex system exists to weed out failures. Either you are the best, or yoy reinvent yourself and find a new niche, or your genes die out.
Thanks for the chart, I'll add my own
It's already biting them in the ass. Women 30+ are single and miserable because they can't get a guy to settle down with them. Women think that getting sex easily means they can get married easily. The plummeted marriage rates show otherwise.
These whores are picky fucks who are just too fucking good to settle with the top 40 or 50 percent of men. They'd rather try their chance sefucing the top 20, 10, 5 percent etc. But guess what? Those guys have options and won't settle most of the time either. So these bitches waste their youth chasing dragons and butterflies until they're too old to be taken seriously. Their main hope is securing a beta provider that doesn't know his worth. But recent movements are making even them aware.
Notice how sexual harassment, rape, abuse, paternal fraud and other bullshit are spiking up. Women need to trap a man's resources somehow since they're not as willing to do it voluntarily via marriage.
>bottom 40% of men would be happy with bottom 40% of women
This chart keeps popping up. It is stupid and does not follow the real world. OKCupid did a fascinating study.
Men tend to gravitate towards the most physically attractive, and their ranking of attractiveness falls along what you'd expect - a nice bell curve.
Women gravitate towards the middle-lower of the pack of men, even considering they rate men FAR more harshly as unattractive (ie, skewed bigly towards most men being below average).
Your Looks and Your Inbox
How men and women perceive attractiveness
And for anyone who doubts this, doesn't think it's a problem, thinks it is exaggerated, etc, do the following:
>make a tinder for yourself if you don't have one already
>make a tinder using a few photos of an attractive girl
>swipe right on everyone for one week on both accounts
>compare the number of matches
Chances are you'll end up over a thousand on the girl's account and for yours, well... a fraction of that number
This unhealthy situation will revert to the mean eventually
That’s obviously untrue ugly rich dudes are with hot chicks all the time.
This setup makes civilization unstable as a huge portion of men (like half) have no reason to work for the greater society because they will never form families
Because the resources you provide might now be split with other women.
Whores just fucking based on looks couldn’t care less of “Chad” fucks side chicks, but a threat to her resources? Yeah that’s a problem
Who cares i'm just going to be a wage cuck and die. Hopefully never come back to this hell hole planet.
>70% of men are virgins
Stop posting this bullshit
They could have reasons to work for a robowaifu though. Because they're going to be expensive.
It’s not about sex it’s ablit marriage/mating idiot
Well, women will yeet themselves.
The ones who won't will try to compell men to stay.
So, like in Rome, the state will become draconian, and will collapse.
Not only are AI's gonna be creepy lookin , but also theyre CHINKS
Women dont bang guys they dont want to marry
wow, it took me 6 seconds to realize she was a robot, keep it up japan!
> be western woman
> be 40 years old
> have niglet kid
> still wont settle for nice average guy
>Hopefully never come back to this hell hole planet.
i hope too
This is the final red pill: the realization that there is no imaginary US vs THEM in society. No one cares about CAPITALISTS vs COMMUNISTS, no one cares about ATHIESTS vs CHRISTIANS, no one cares about MEN vs WOMEN, no one cares about LEFT vs RIGHT. Or, more accurately, no one should care, because it doesn’t matter, what matters is reality. But this is what the elites what you to focus on, because then you become a slave.
In terms of this thread: most women are worthlessness, yes, but most men are worthless too. It is a distraction.
There will always be enough thirsty betas to drink from their cum-filled wells.
That isn't accurate and you know it. The reality is this.
What is the story behind that pic, it looks interesting
We are about 4 decades away from major, drastic changes in the mantle/female dynamics. Best thing to do now if you’re a man is Mgtow. Don’t even think about fucking with a modern woman. She has nothing to offer you.
t. gen x twice divorcee
Why do most women have rape fetishes? Because for hundreds of thousands of years rape was common. Women who submit and accept being raped were more likely to live and produce more offspring. All we have to do to fix this chart is to make rape legal.
>Women dont bang guys they dont want to marry
>lol incel
I dont think most mgtow are incels
I think they are shitty whoremongers
I have a female cousin who attempted to cuckold her beta provider with someone else. You're full of shit.
This is how you beat the uncanny valley. You make robots of people who already make you think of robots.
Call me out if Im wrong , but I believe that during some South American coup , a Roman Catholic priest was trying to save those injured and this pic was caught at the right time.
When a woman is marry why doesn't she give her husband blowjobs no more?
Those betas will not go along with that. They'll form insurgent groups and kill you.
They dont
Women are not trying to get laid
They screw around in hopes of landing a man
No they will make all men pay more taxes to cover for their welfare.
>blowjobs no more?
Why is he geting blow jobs from her before he is married?
Absolutely not, white men by far are most desirable
The only black dudes considers on top are rich athletes or musicians
It was on your pick retard
my bad fool
The pic on the right should have little icons with niglet kids, cat food and bottles of wine.
No they won't. If they had the strength, connections, leadership skills, etc. necessary to rule society, they wouldn't be betas. They will retreat into sunless apartment buildings, playing videogames and hugging wife pillows until the day they die.
i dunno user, i think you'll actually see a net positive, in that the general population will decrease, even if minorities think they'll out pace whites, they wont, because they wont have the money at their disposal to have kids endlessly with no effort or consequence.
so really fewer white babies is bad for minorities, even if they think they're kangz and sheit, they're really 13% and can't sustain themselves, even at that low rate they consume huge resources in the way of subsidies, because they're pathetic.
That’s not how all of human history has gone, you are really retarded if you think the bottom 80% of men are like nekbeard video game nerds.
80% of men are like your normal worker drones and they are more than capable of tearing society apart when they have nothing left to lose and no stake in the future
>Either you are the best, or yoy reinvent yourself and find a new niche, or your genes die out.
Or I just team up with buddies, we kill you and your offspring, beat your whores into submission and share them among ourselves. They will like it btw.
Main reason this is not happening today is law that allowing one wife for one man, get rid of that and there will be blood.
>When will this come back and bite women in the ass?
There's two major societal problems that need to be fixed, at least on the side of men.
1. """Chads""" need to stop feeding the roast. Sticking your dick in crazy needs to stop.
2. Beta providers need to be shamed for putting up with bitchy women and for paying into pornstars or other whores.
80% of men are not unable to find a wife
you boyz realize that not all males procreate in the animal kingdom? there is a reason for this. no woman wants to create a baby with a disgusting fat fuck or a fucking autist. and why should she? and why would i want to fill my country with more disgusting fat fucks and/or autists. their genes need to die out, and they will eventially.
My ex laughed at the idea of marrying me then later shyly admitted she was dying to swallow my fucking load
I never did and then I broke up with her for acting like a bitch lol
Nah. With my 20 wives, I will have 6 children each. The children will be raised communally and grow up with the discipline of a Roman soldier. They will put down your beta uprising and your mob of fat ugly loser slobs will be fed to lions in the gladiator arena that they construct in commemoration of this new age.
Tell that to the:
4 women I fucked but didn't marry
1 woman who blew me (was nbk before me) and didn't marry
1 woman who jacked me off and attacked me for not fucking her
1 woman who rubbed me through my shorts to orgasm.
Not a bad haul for being volcel for all but 1 year of my 20's
>It's already biting them in the ass. Women 30+ are single and miserable because they can't get a guy to settle down with them. Women think that getting sex easily means they can get married easily. The plummeted marriage rates show otherwise.
pretty much
i was an incel in my teens and early 20s, now early 30s and im banging women from college aged to milfs in my downtown condo, the memes are absolutely real. if youre young and cant seem to get laid just ignore women acquire currency (wish i did this sooner)
the 30+ crew is absolutely desperate for commitment and often bring it up early and push for it, its to a point where i prefer to avoid them
some of those 30s chicks are a bit redpilled though (on men/women and the dating game) i was surprised, i tend to hide my powerlevel from them and just serve them feminist talking points though, its very fun and i recommend it. for instance if she talks about settling down ask her “what is this the 1800s?” and make a remark on how casual dating is progressive. if she comes off with the “men need to step up blah blah blah” thing just respond that youre not hurting anyone so what youre doing is good. drives liberal chicks nuts because they despise men’s noncommittal nature and its such a boilerplate leftist justification of the behaviour.
how many of these girls did you propose to?
In these graphs are the 1-10 supposed to be most desirable to least?
To trap him? I ask because a buddy of mine said before marriage his wife gave him blowjobs on command now she always comes up with excuses. I bet she give Chad a blowjob anytime.
No it’s not that bad in reality but its a demonstration of female sexuality that they always date up the social hierarchy
Without enforced monogamy and with women in the workforce young women are chasing passive sex with top men and refusing to settle with men more their equal
The entire concept that marriage is about love and “soulmates” is modern idiocy, it was always a legal compact so peope would produce children and have a reason to keep society together
Monogamous Marriage is evident in the earliest human civilizations all around the world, monogamy and families are literally the bedrock of advanced society
You’re right but 50% of them will get divorced and most of them won’t really be at fault for it because the state offers women a financial incentive for women to leave their significant other, especially if they have children with them. Feminism is a disease and you’re part of it
>no woman wants to create a baby with a disgusting fat fuck or a fucking autist
>t. lives in a TV fantasy world
>you boyz realize that not all males procreate in the animal kingdom?
You realize for our civilization to function you need men to participate in it, which was why monogamy was strictly enforced in thr first place? Men who don't have a reason to invest in society won't. Then everything comes crumbling down.
Well your friend is a degenerate
>I bet she give Chad a blowjob anytime.
you reap what you sow
Okay mr “Chad” if you don’t want to have a serious conversation you don’t have to have one.
I am not a “beta” and it’s not a beta uprising it’s literalky millions of men refusing to be productive and letting society crumble, at some point the civilization falls apart or is invaded by outsiders who reinstate strong mongomy and family rules
it won’t since your wagecucking taxes provide security to the chads bastards as well as migrants while you are left without any resources for your hard work lmao
mgtow isn’t men who can’t get women, it’s men who got women and saw that it’s a bad fucking deal.
Who cares what women want though? We have it in our power to force women to do what we want through violence. We need only choose to do it that way. Again.
Based as fuck
>that they always date up the social hierarchy
why wouldnt they?
> refusing to settle with men more their equal
no they are not
it is much easier for a man to get married than a woman
>how things are done in nature is also how we should do it
Well fuck, why have civilization at all?
>mgtow isn’t men who can’t get women,
That is what they said
>, it’s men who got women and saw that it’s a bad fucking deal.
no it is men that failed and blame everyone else for it
I would think if you factor in divorce rates it might get pretty close.
Weak men were always the problem. The way you control society is through its women. Crowley and Rasputin learned this. I also learned it in my 20s after working in a modern day harem (aka mega corporation) and sleeping with half the office women. The weak men around me didn’t like that and couldn’t do anything but resent me for it since if you’re good with the women in your office you’re golden boy who can do no wrong. I don’t advocate for this, but it’s the brass tax. It’s why they push for women to invade male spaces. It always devolves into this
You're describing Pol NEETs, not society. Your Chad status real or imagined isn't worth anything without fuel in your car and food on the table etc. Everything relies on men and by extension everything relies on betas not turning the table over to make a new order. It's happened over and over again. Surviving that process and passing on your genes needs appropriate consideration.
>t. a washed up 2-bit whore
Or they just realize how utterly worthless and superficial they are and take a break from them because they aren’t even relatable and it kills you to fuck a girl and become emotionally attached to her when she’s a fucking retard hellbent on letting society decay by doing whatever possible to allow themselves to be as hedonistic as possible
Because of law enforcing monogamy.
>Not realizing that in this order 80% of those children will be undesrables who will rather go fuck up someone else, and you will be facing 80% of someone else's children raised like that.
Braindead faggot. Although nothing else can be expected from retard with boner for r*man e*pire (original 56% mongrel land).
Nah, I'll let the betas have the ugly women. You can maybe have a reverse harem setup or something. I guess you already have that with hookers and strip clubs.
BTW, pagans were polygamists and Romans conquered the entire known world. Greeks, Mongols, Slavs and German pagans did a pretty damn good job of it too. Sex isn't necessary for survival. Betas will continue being beta and they'll like it.
It already is. Toys 'R' Us went bankrupt because there aren't enough children to support a chain of retail toy stores; soon there won't be enough babies left to support the baby food industry.
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(That started by loving our neighbor, and ended by loving his wife)
Till the women bore no more children, and the men lost Reason and Faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said, "The Wages of Sin, is death."
- Rudyard Kipling, The Gods of the Copybook Headings
This is where Jow Forums shows its selective scientific literacy.
>0/10 women won't take a 6/10 man
How much of a salty NEET do you have to be to believe this?
I never said they shouldn’t date up the social hierarchy, it’s really not about women at all it’s about the large number of men that won’t have a reason to work and no stake in this society because they don’t have families.
You see it in Europe now, childless aging Eurocrats welcoming in literal outsiders with the opposite social views of them. Willingly replacing themselves
>it’s easier for men to get married
Not at all, the only women who can’t get married are ones who wait too long to settle
>when all the jaded incels go their own way
Implying the cucks won't cream their pants at the mere prospect of getting their dicks wet.
You're misreading that chat. The article sates they ahve placed 80% of men below 2.5 (medium). Look at your chart again, they are not messaging middle-lower pack men, they are messaging guys int he 60-70% tile, and not above, because the women don't NEED to message the attractive guys.
This is also from 2009, before online dating exploded, it is practically worthless.
>it is much easier for a man to get married than a woman
More guys should be cautious about who they marry.
Too many guys marry a woman who at the time loves their dick.
And any woman that chases sex will always keep chasing it.
I personally choose not to breed and pass on m shit genes with schizophrenia and depression. I don't want another fucker ending up like me. I'm not ugly though. Women should pick the best men. It's worked in nature. The only problem is capitalism has to constantly grow according to the greedy fucks in charge. Other than that I can see the advantage of breeding our best. We should legalize polygamy.
They will die off alone as the Chads of their era raise families with their wives and the 'incels' wind up with smoking hot zoomers
The Romans and Greeks were monogamous. They had institutionalized marriage, tax breaks for married couples, the whole nine yards. What are you even on about?
All women are npc’s so there isn’t much variety between them on an emotional level.
Polygamy is dysgenic. Bad for the gene pool.
>t. lives in a TV fantasy world
really, i have not met one women who thought dating a disgusting fat fuck or autist was a "great idea". if that was the case, then you'd see more fat fucks and autists with women, but they ain't. but, if you think you have more experience with women than me, then please enlighten me.
Even if your little army repels the first group you'll suffer casualties, which will soften you up for the next group of frustrated men. Then they'll kill you and your sons, then take your wives and daughters as war brides.
Not when a 10/10 Chad is just a swipe away.
Even a 0/10 would rather be Chad's 100th side chick than some Average Joe's one-and-only.