Is this really excellent use of money in America?
Is this really excellent use of money in America?
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I'd put all my money into becoming the best there ever was
they conveniently leave out income taxes
>$615 donations
>donations second highest expense
That's a retarded budget. About the only correct number is groceries, although given the $250 for eating out that might be wrong as well.
>$195 on utilities
Nigger what?
>dining out
loool dropped
>rent 825
maybe if he lives in flyover country or only rents a room and not his own residence
The fuck?
20 bucks a month on internet? What's he got, two cans and some string?
>dining out
lmao another fucking urbanite piece of shit
that's donations
>Cellphone $40
>Internet $20
Even leaving off the stupid shit like donations, it is easy to see that whoever made this has no idea what they are talking about.
>pays that much on useless shit but only goes for shitty $20 internet
>house cleaner: $30
>internet: $20
>total amount for food: $650 (for one person)
surely this is a joke.
That and the high rent makes me think this person is living in an expensive apartment downtown over a coffee shop. Kinda dumb.
I'm 25 and I make 10k a year
>second largest monthly expense are donations
>public transportation
You can get that amount at metroPCS.
You can get this amount at metroPCS that comes with free iPhone SE or 6s
No, spending way too much in donations and not enough on internet
Maybe this person is sharing a house or an apartment? Could explain that bills being lower than you guys expect.
Why tf are they always pressuring us to donate?
This has to be a troll.
But you also make me smile
I pay $40 because I'm still on my family plan.
>phone 40 dollars
>internet 20 dollars
>house cleaner 30 dollars
Sority Girl is tasked with writing article. Has no knowledge of anything beyond pumpkin spice lattes and genderqueer studies.
Brilliant. I wish it were real
Also lmao at dining out.
This is more sophisticated clickbait than usual. They're finally learning that millions of people will discuss a celebrity bag of groceries for hours.
>$615 in (((donations)))
You're not fooling anyone schlomo
I make almost 120k a year. I pay 2k in rent, a lot fo the rest goes to student loans and old credit card bills from when I was in school. I don't really do anything with my money other than that. But my cellphone bill is 180 because my sisters jewed me.
>Makes $100,000
>at 25
>in a place where rent is $825
Why is a 25yo buying health insurance? Is it because this is all lies?
americans are not human
>spending $250 eating out a month
>House cleaner
I pay 30. Don't even use the damn phone though. Stopped two years ago ever using it for anything outside texting and calling. My uncle pays less.
someone show me a job that pays 100k but doesn't have a health plan. i don't think it exists.
Lol where can you make 100k a year and pay 800 for rent and why rent if you're fucking rich? And do donations to thots count?
>$1265 on food and "donations."
Found the problem.
>Internet $20
even the most bootleg satellite provider is like $35 and that's if you own the equipment
>Could explain that bills being lower than you guys expect.
Depends, I think that rent is high, others think its low. Depends where we're from.
>high rent in the city
>$600 in donations
>$0 in investments
Not gonna make it
niggers like me live on $30k annual and have better budgeting
>not cutting back on eating out in order to make more donations.
>Over $600 in donations
>Utilities costing almost $200
>$400 for a single persons groceries
>House cleaner
This person is literally retarded
I make 100k after AZ taxes and I barely spend 1800 bucks a month and that’s on the expensive side. The fuck is wrong with these people?Rest of the cash I make is saved or dumped into my shitboxes kek
Groceries: 250$
Health Insurance: 0$ (Veteran)
Dining Out: 0$ (not a nigger or faggot)
Utilities: 100$
Transportation: 130$
Cell Phone: 40$
House Cleaner: 0$
Internet: 60$
Donations: 0$
Rent: 1300$
1880$/mo but I don't make 100K and I don't spend on frivolous bullshit. Rent is worse in other places, so is food or utilities.
He’s obv living in a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment. Probably between 3 or 4 people given the low extremely cheap rent.
> Health insurance 270$
Oh boy, murrica
> Dining out: 250$
Apparently the excellent 25yo can't cook
> Utilities 195$
Not sure what (electricity ? water ? garbage ?) but k'
> Transportations 130$
fucking urbanites
> Cell phone 40$
You buy one every month ?
> House cleaner 30$
Damn your migrants are cheap
> Internet 20$
> Rent 825$
> Donations 615$
I'm going on a limb and dub this "saving money" but with more political correctness. Way too much political correctness.
> Groceries 400$
I thought food was supposed to be cheap in burgerland.
>$400 on groceries
>$250 on dining out
>excellent with money
Jesus Christ.
>$615 on donations
lolwut. I doubt that the average 25 year old is giving away $615 annually let alone monthly.
Another possible explanation: this data comes from banks analyzing bank statements of clients, which may give wildly wrong results. Then perhaps all unrecognized payments went into the category of donations, while in fact those money went towards rent, internet, etc.
aka drugs and alcohol
I make 200k (Lawyer)
>Rent 2500
>School Debt 2400
>Subway Month pass 140
>Internet Electricity 120
>$615 in donations........every month
>875 Rent
Lol, nope unless he lives in a single wide out in the middle of nowhere.
>$40 cell phone
I mean it's possible but you get what you pay for
>$20 internet
Id say $80 for bottom of the barrel.
>$30 house cleaning
Single wide confirmed and slave labor supporter
>$400 grocery for a month
Doable but time consuming and not easy. Also likely not very quality food.
>$140 Transportation
See #1
Also keep in mind this person is obviously single so out at 100,000 he will pay 35% tax on top of 10% sales tax. So he is left with 55,000 actual capital.
Also no entertainment budget?
That makes sense actually
>no investments
>no savings
Everything checks out, nothing to see here
>high rent
That's extremely cheap rent.
>Oh boy, murrica
What's the issue?
I'm assuming you'll say "free healthcare" but his annual tax going to healthcare would likely be higher than the yearly cost of $270/month.
> 25 year old
> $100k a year
Seriously? Who the fuck makes 100k a year at age 25? Also those prices are retarded. $40 a month phone bill? lol
Self employed or contractor.
2800 in monthly expenses is about right.
1500 mortgage, 170 talmudvision, 130 cell phone, 500 groceries, 250 coffee habit, 250 discretionary.
>blue checkmark
Literally no one does this let alone 600 fucking dollars a month. also
>rent 800 dollars
if you're living in the ghetto or a flyover.
You don't pay taxs at all in Murrica ?
In based and redpilled Kentucky you can find rent inside of cities for 500-900. That could be houses or apartments and usually if you want to live in a gated apartment complex you'll be looking at somewhere between 800-1200 for moderately nice place.
The article is dumb but why are Americans so harsh on fake person being on their parents cell phone or health insurance plans?
Isn't the idea to save money and make your family more wealthy? I've never understood the premise of kicking people out at 18 and cutting ties or not sharing something like a phone plan. I thought after 2008 and how many people have had to stay at home longer that this would be different but I was wrong.
> donations
Literally kill yourself nbc. I'm not feeding enough niggers with my taxes?
My phone bill is $110 a month. Fucking Australia.
The blood of your patrons enough to keep you in health? Lmao
>$100,000 a year (after taxes)
what reality are they describing where this is the standard?
>500 groceries
>250 coffee habit
Do people seriously do this?
>utilities are about right
>cell phone roughly half what I pay
>internet roughly half what I pay, but I got a super deal on a really good connection
>house cleaner unnecessary
>transportation about right if they commute any distance by car, although they don't list car insurance so they must be using public transport. That is way too much money to be spending on a bus ticket
>health insurance about right if you choose to pay for it, (thanks obama)
>groceries about triple what I pay
>donations unnecessary
>$250 eating out is insane.
>$850 rent is about half what it costs for a 1bed/1bath where I live
... alright I'm reading all those posts about phones and internets.
What are the REAL costs in burgerland ? You're scaring me.
Whoever wrote this article is obviously out of touch with reality
Ok. I live 20 minutes outside Dayton. Still could commute in If I had to. Roughly 550, 2 bedrooms. Small, but the electricity is kinda high, as he place was built during the oil crisis and the heat comes from the ceiling. Only utility I have to pay though.
lol, no 25 year old makes 100k in the us, they all work part time some place for $8 an hour only doing $4 an hour worth of work
Yea, could be there are still fallacies in this budget. Depending which city he lives in but I will use seattle as reference. He will either pay $2400+ for a decent
2br apartment in a safeish part of the city or $1600ish to live around niggers/immigrants in surrounding cities.
Donations? WTF.
>$615 on donations
>$250 on eating out
>$30 on a house cleaner
None of these are necessary, if you act like this then you deserve to be poor. If you live close enough, you can cut transportation to $0 by riding a bike.
this isn't an adult, this is a fucking overgrown child that's been out of university too long to be this fucking stupid and vapid while making that kind of money, where's the investments? where's the savings?
They're not saying that being 25 and making that much is the standard, they're talking about what the standard practice is for a 25 year old who makes that much money.
>what reality are they describing where this is the standard?
I'm picturing one with flying cars and cancer vaccines
Probably Seattle
dou you consider this much or little? i spend 8€ on my tariff a month.
My cell is pretty basic and is $115
My housekeeper is $130 a week
My Internet(only) is $80
My Transportation is $550 Minimum
My Utilities average $350 monthly
Dining out???
My Health insurance (with a $7500 deductible before it even kicks in) is $950
My groceries average about $750
My Donation $0. (Fuck niggers)
Where does this asshole in the chart live?
It doesn't include a realistic $800 a month repaying college loans.
If you eat seafood and high quality, non frozen meat yes. I had a pound of wild caught shrimp on sat for lunch with a homemade salsa.
14/day is ez.
I forgot Rent: $2300 month
Ok guys you're not seeing the WORST thing in this. Our fake person is supposed to earn 100K a year, right ? And he's spending 2775 a month, meaning 33300$ a year.
So yeah if the guy is saving FRIGGING 66700$ a year, I guess he can afford donations of 615$ a month (for taxs break).
But WHO is in this situation ?
Literally nobody makes 100k a year.
Most people are lucky to break 30k. Fucking BS chart
Beat me to it
>spend it all goy
A month ? Did you piss off insurance company or something ?
I'd like to see where this guy's monthly 401k contribution sits relative to all of this goofy shit. If he's not maxing it out he's an idiot and definitely not "excellent with money". Assuming a generous $30000 paid in taxes (which doesn't factor in the tax advantage of the 401k) every year, maxing out the 401k would still leave him roughly $1500 to save each month all else held constant.
but I'm sure the intent of this CNPC graph was more in the direction of making the broke and hopeless goyim feel a little better about their frivolous spending habits.
>graduate with 80k starting
>work for a few years and take the PE exam
>get promoted and now make 100k while bossing around the new engineers