Why is it OK to be a transgender, a gay, a lesbian in the USA, but not OK to be black? What sort of justice is this?
Why is it OK to be a transgender, a gay, a lesbian in the USA, but not OK to be black? What sort of justice is this?
Because US is a bigotted country.
Its not okay to be any of those things
I don't have a problem with people with mental disorders, but Nigs gonna' Nig.
Because if it was okay to be black, Planned Parenthood would go out of business.
The problem with that line of argument is that all future natural inequalities or negative situations can just be blamed on past transgressions.
So, it's never one's personal responsibility but an esoteric racist force.
Oh look it's a meme flag posting the exact same picture again. Just like last thread.
>Wall of text
>Meme Flag
>Strawman arguments
>Any critical thinking beyond a quick glance dissuades it
The left Can't meme and anyone replying to this without sage deserves the rope along with traitors.
all memeflags are jews
Its not ok to be any of those things
Why do black people think whites owe them something for shit that their ancestors did? Are they fucking retarded?
>libtard memes
In response to the picture, why is it that Nigerians, who are subject to wanton murder, disease, and rape, as well as modern day slavery, are able to come to the U.S. and become doctors?
>wall of gay text
You suck and you're a diseased fag
Any race who accuse their past for their current failures are inferior.
If you're going to make politics cartoons and can't get your point across with no dialogue or at best one or two lines, then you fucking suck and should give up
One of these two men had a clear message that got through. The other was tldr...
>words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words
It's not ok to be a transgender, gay, or lesbian
It’s only okay to be a tranny because we all know suicide is inevitable, and that’s a good thing.
>blacks continuing to espouse the notion that anybody but themselves are to blame for sabotaging their progress
who in the world wants to read all that
The Left Cant Meme...
>All of my problems are justification for your rascism?
No. You're just a nigger.
>When no one will hire you to an Opinion Column so you use the Political Cartoon segment to write a Harry Potter Book
>Black progress
stopped reading there
>that nose
based nigger comic
Who said any of that is OK? Go back to your discord tranny. All need the rope.
>systemic racism
I dont think you know what special interest is when it comes to politics. Special interest is referring to the lobbyists that are hidden in the background that our politicians really care about because they are paying them with campaign donations, charity donations into the politicians personal 501c3 that is 98 percent personal and 2 percent to charitable purposes, stock tips, BS jobs that are title only for family members and when the politician "retires" from politics, super inflated speaking fees, and other perks. Both parties career politicians lie to get in office to the public, telling them what they want to hear, then when they get the office they ignore their constituents and play the pay for play game. It's why we need to drain the swamp, both sides, and dismantle all alphabet agencies because they have become corrupt through politics. When Trump is out of the Presidency, everything will return to the sewage pit it was before in DC. Right now it is the best it has been since the beginning. While Democrats like to whine that Trump is Hitler, if they were really honest with themselves and actually researched everything he has done in office, they would admit that he is trying to fix a system that both sides don't want fixed. He is working for the rich and the middle class. But he does also work for the poor, but not to the extent the Democrats say and never do, just for votes.
OP pic is false as SSA crime, aggression, stink etc is universal regardless of what nation they live in, including Africa itself, and regardless of their own personal wealth.
Is whitey holding you back? I got a solution for you. Move back to Africa.
So black people don't have agency?
So the women do have agency then.
Based and redpilled, your ancestours may have not known about niggers and such, but they sure are proud of you understanding the threat that niggers and fellow degenerates bring with them.
I'm sure it's nothing to do with their behaviour, aggression, crime rates, stink, Socialist voting patterns, appearance... Etc
Meme Left = new Meme();
Left = null;
The American plantation system was modeled after the Lords and Land holders system (Monarchy) from the old world. Blacks were considered slaves for a couple hundred years, but all races except blacks have experienced the same type of treatment for a much longer period of time (thousands of years instead of 300) and to top it off, all other races that experienced this treatment even had to pay for this treatment with taxes. Lords and land holders were given their titles and lands by the Kings/Queens of their times. With it came all the serfs/peasants (slaves) that worked the land for no pay, and had to give all spoils of their labor to the kingdom. A lord, noble or anyone of power could at any time rape, murder or torture any person that lived on their land without repercussions. Nobody even knew Africa even existed that wasn't from there before 1492, so why are there no major cities or ruins in Africa if the white man halted their progress so much? You would think that there would be ancient cities and ruins all over the continent that supposedly is the first place all Humans evolved from.
It must be hard for niggers for them to be so weak poorfags can just fucking ruin them
It's sadly ok to be all of those things
M. Rasheed is my second favorite cartoonist after Ben "Choppin' Up A Kinky Top" Garrison.
Chang here gets it.
thank you for posting this
Sick of the transbenders bleating and sick of the blacks that bleat on about muh racism too, Just shut the fuck up and get on with life already you fucking clowns.
Nice one leaf
Beat me to it
Muhammed memeflag, check
Stupid inaccurate intersectionality nonsense posted
Nigga cartoons:
>bla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla blabla bla bla bla bla
Only the Bible has more words.
>magepede on the right is over 150 years old
>Blames pollution on white supremacy
> Has a GayPhone
>Has a GayPhone
This. Niggers in Congo kill and enslave each other in order to sell the rare earths used in smartphones so that niggers in America could educate whites.