Why is no one talking about this

Gavin suing the nastiest kikes on the planet.
The ones that had the picture of whites by population up in the head kikes office.
They are also being sued by like 40 other people.
Real ((((coincidence)))) they get kicked out of every country throughout history.

Attached: gavin slpc.png (847x563, 645K)

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Who cares

Fuck those kikes

Non Jewish Americans

>Who cares
You do schlomo that's why you bothered posting

I hope he succeeds but Gavin literally went around podcasts promoting violence and bragging about how tough his boys were. The "i was just being edgy" defense won't really work

Suing for what

checked for calling out a SPLC mega kike

Defamation mostly I think.
Other people are trying to sue the for racketeering so they lose their 501c status.

Legitimately, who fucking cares? It’s a Jew suing other Jews. Next you’ll tell me water is wet. Not everyone is a MIGApede on this board, you sped.
*Jews looking to make bucks off of other Jews

being mean to neo-nazis

SPLC shouldn't exist. It has so much power and people don't even question why or how they are so powerful.

because why would they give this air time? it would put in the goyum's head that the splc is just an extortion group, a bunch of bigots themselves, thats why they shout so much.

Where do I send my money?

infowars.com buy some Caveman ovalteen coco drank


>whites by population

What did he mean by this?


Attached: 1549247138191.jpg (640x754, 112K)

>The ones that had the picture of whites by population up in the head kikes office.

I hope he sues them out of business

>T. Moshe


copy of the filing here

Anyone have a pic of that white population poster they had in their office?

I have some friends who, for the crime of merely attending and reporting on an event, were slandered by the SPLC in one of their little articles. Called them racist alt-right extremists, etc etc. We need to see the SPLC dissolved. They're a multi-millionaire, far-left, anti-white bully brigade. They're too big for most people to sue. They cannot afford it.


I hope he takes over like HH did with Gawker

He literally called for violence. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

The SPLC is literally the (((Death Star))) and he is going in with a x wing


>He literally called for violence.
That's not illegal.

That would make it the 3rd lawsuit against them right now. I hope they go bankrupt.


Good on him.
I hope he makes a bucks out of it.


Good for him. He needed to do something substantial other than yelling at his intern. I like McInnes even if he's quite sanitised politically speaking.


Attached: SPLC_JEWS.jpg (995x889, 103K)

>implying Jews can be American

non NPC's care.

Attached: s-l500.png (500x493, 17K)

I dont
Hope he has luck with the lawsuit but he is a faggot and I wpuldnt hang out with anyone like him

I wouldn't hang out with anyone in general. That's why I'm here...

He kind of blew his capital on going full retard but realistically, if he doesn't win, he'll be memory holed as 'that Nazi guy,' and for his faults (I never want to see an asshole like that again, that thing has seen traffic) the Alt-Lite cucks like him, Milo, Lauren whatsername made more headway and created the 'space' where rightwing ideas could even be discussed. Yes, many are gatekeepers or just scared of their own shadow, but the timeline has been at least partially and no doubt gloriously corrected. Why do you think most of them got demonetised put on Cuck Island? BC most thinking people will start there and end up at the fucking JQ.

Even Sargoy is part of the pipeline to glorious sp(r)ace war. Let's hope he wins.

>Why is no one talking about this
Because he's constantly been suing all kinds of people for years now. This has no news value.

Attached: 1549080458203.jpg (744x945, 221K)

Who else has he sued?

Thanks moj bratanek, what the fuck splc?!

of course he did, hes a kike trying to false flag us.

Attached: 1548562237384.jpg (574x718, 24K)

Obvious Feds are obvious