Based Liam Neeson

This is a big story in the US, Liam Neeson recalled a story in Ireland when a family member was raped by a nig, he then admits that he went out looking to kill any black persons he could find.

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What a despicable racist.



Liam "Nigger give me a reason" Neeson

>he then admits that he went out looking to kill any black persons he could find.
Everyone is emphasizing that he was hoping to kill a nignog. Nobody is emphasizing that he was hoping to kill a violent criminal if one attacked him. He didn't go out looking for innocent blacks minding their own business. If he had, no doubt he could have found some and murdered them. He prepared to defend himself with deadly force, and walked where he might need to.

Now, why might he think that if he went wandering until he was attacked, he would think it would be likely that his assailant would be black? Hmm? What observable facts might lead him to this expectation? In Ireland, with its low black population, why might he have thought a random attacker would be black?

It's like the KKK (the real, historical one, not the ridiculous LARPers of today). Yes, they were vigilantes. Yes they were terrorists. But they weren't motivated by pure hate, they were acting to defend whites from black criminals, after the victorious Union had set the blacks free to run amok, and was suppressing honest reporting and prosecution of the terrible black crime rate that resulted, which would have discredited and humiliated those who pushed for the war to set the blacks loose.

I see no problem. I have a concealed carry license just for this reason.

He's against guns.

Niggers kill each other by the hundreds every week in the United States. Nobody gives a shit. Zero (((MSM))) coverage. Zero outrage from the nigger community or SJWs about any of it.

White guy talk about having been overwhelmed with a desire to kill one years ago? Immediate international news story with all the niggers and SJWs out for blood.

lol wtf
now i need to read to verify... fuck urself OP, 4 being a faggot.....

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