The harley davidson motorcycle company will die out with the boomers, only boomers ride "hogs"
Post shit that will die out along with the boomers
All sports. Sports will be for poor countries that cant afford internet and cellphones and tv. Sports like NHL were made popular by boomers because they didnt have internet connection. They enjoyed watching these boomer games at bars and arenas.
Zoomers only like almond, or...dare i say it (FILTER FORGIVE ME)....
Almond milk is based though, onions and dairy contain estrogen.
Good, that company needed to innovate years ago.
Riding motorcycles is fucking gay
the white race
not in my house. I love milk
Hondas are better anyway
>be govt in the 1950's
>create food pyramid
>tell citizens to drink lots of dairy
>create more citizens that are fat, have less testosterone, and are more complacent
>The harley davidson motorcycle company will die out with the boomers, only boomers ride "hogs"
not really. kids are into fads as much as their grandparents. hd just has to wait for the next stupid fad to come along.
the bobber scene propped them up for a long time. they could have probably milked the urban-apocalypse scene for a few years but that one has reached peak-elvis.
i honestly think the next big thing is going to be cartoonism. absurd proportions and colors. there are still guys wearing the kalvin and hobbs haircut all these years later. american manchilds love cartoons so its a nobrainer. i mean, there are people who actually buy fat-tire bicycles, "stanced" cars, and ill-fitting clothing.
harley just has to wait for the next scene- then they rush in with products that help fad-followers become part of it.
nobody buys harleys boomer. you garage queens dont seem to understand this. harleys are a jewish money milking trick. harleys are for closet fags
As the boomers go, so too goes America.
Harley isn't going anywhere. It's a niche brand, and it always has been. I'm in my 20s and I wouldn't ride anything else.
Retirement. You will die working, bitches.
>harley davidson motorcycle
are shit bikes and have been for over 40 years.
Rolex, and luxury watches in general.
Eh...I live like five miles from a Harley factory and every year they have "bike week", where people from all over the country flood my city riding their Harleys. It is 90% baby boomers. Of course since I live near the factory, every fucking baby boomer is obsessed with Harley. They all look the same
>tight faded blue jeans
>work boots
>tucked in black Harley t-shirt
>black leather belt
>cellphone holster
>wallet chain
>shitty ass entitled attitude
>beer gut
The Chinese will keep lux timepieces going
Rolex sports models are going to be over $10k min soon
>not participating in one of the last bastions of American freedom
Why the hate? Riding motorcycles (Harleys included) is one of the most based things you can do. Gtfo with your plebian four wheel based mode of transport
I really don't care if you ride a bike, it's just that boomers are fucking annoying. Like guy in pic related, his face just pisses me off.
Oh god I can't wait for Harley davidson to go under when they no longer have the boomer market to milk. Pretty sure the garbage bikes only make up like 5% of their sales anyway, every fucking dentist boomer has
>Muh Harley helmet
>Muh Harley sunglasses
>Muh Harley Scarf
>Muh Harley t shirt
>Muh Harley jacket
>Muh Harley pants
>Muh Harley boots
>Muh Harley panniers
>Muh Harley coffee mugs
>Muh Harley toolkit
Hilarious desu, they also seem to spend most of their time booming with other boomers at coffee shops in a Harley circlejerk rather than actually riding lel.
Harley makes up about 50% of motorcycle sales annually in America. Crazy but true.
they'll have to fund another show like sons of anarchy to make zoomers want one
That's fucking incredible. I simply cannot understand the appeal, why would you spend all that money on a slow, faulty piece of shit when for half that you could buy a jap bike and mod the fuck out of it and make an absolutely batshit insane bike.
The wh*te race :^)
Based Vulcan s poster. I borrowed one of these and loved it. Trying to find a good deal on one.
says the incel, Harley Davidsons are a boomer thing but dirt bikes are fun AF and doing a 150mph on a sports bike is also extremely exhilarating
I think you look at other men in chaps too much.
not anymore, Hondas bikes have turned to shit
Boomer cope
almond milk is based
milk will die, that's true
truth is they are mostly bad riders who are afraid of going fast and care more about the image.
they wouldnt have to be exceptional riders if not for the shitty drivers all around them
>t. deported back to Romania
Stay mad, gypsy
they aren't trust me. these geezers are always killing themselves where I live because they think its cool to drink and drive a bike. no other vehicles involved and they smack into dividers
going to Las Vegas
driving manual
watching pro sports
watching the Olympics
owning season tickets for local team
owning a vacation house
hosting Thanksgiving dinners
he really doesn't. H-D is very worthy of contempt and ridicule. the riders don't understand speed wobble and think its the fault of the bike and when you tell them to loosen grip they laugh at you.
The newer fuel injected Sportsters are pretty boss. They run trouble free for 100,000 miles before you have to do anything. You know how much riding you have to do to reach 100,000 miles? Do yourself a favor and buy the 1200 Roadster.
The appeal is due to the "nostalgia". You see, back in the 1950s, America was at the height of it's power. We were respected worldwide. Our products meant the highest quality. "Made in America" was something you wanted, and every 3rd world fag craved.
However, today America is a joke. Quality has gone down, and prices have gone UP. Harley is a prime example. It's too expensive. People today cannot justify spending $12,000 on a bike, when a Japanese knock off is better for way cheaper.
Only boomers still care about "Muh Fatboy".
So based
Literally almond flavored sugar water with some supplements ground into it.
I need to start buying almond milk
Yep. Automobiles were excessively popular due to boomer boredom as well.
America is fukin huge and filled with long straight roads that are disrepair and bumpy AF, try riding a crotch rocket all hunched over for a 200 mile trip down a washboard road with a cop speed trapping ever mile or so. It just doesn't make sense for a large portion of the country
Kek. Big head with a red face.
Only if they're built in Japan. The new ones built in Thailand, India, Brazil or other Third World shitholes are garbage.
Jow Forums is gay for filtering S.O.Y.
Nope. I own 3 Hondas and most of my family owns Honda motorcycles as well. They are better than they ever were
>Quality has gone down, and prices have gone UP.
that's why we ride the old shit and wrench on them ourselves, you pep boys patron ass faggot
Back in my day, admitting that you were a faggot resulted in a beat down. You are blessed to live in a different time but I would probably still beat your ass.
ww2 larp for the state sponsor of terror israel
white people
You do know luxury watches have been breaking records every year now right?
recently a bunch of racers have been ditching them after stupid shit almost killed a few of them
cable/satellite TV will hopefully die off along with big jews mafia "news orgazinations" monopoly of information
underrated post
Their wives are all hogs 2
I hope raw milk will still be available
>going to Las Vegas
>watching the Olympics
Spot on.
>he never made his own natural almond milk from almonds
user.... I.......
real art, the very concept of art has already been lost. music has devolved into three note loops with a monotone singer also repeating the same catchphrase over and over
I had a Thai built KLR, it wasn't too bad.
nuance, context and intent
Got a link?
Nope. There are new symphonies and orchestras playing every weekend in my area. Maybe turn off the radio and explore some white culture like actually going and watching a musical or a play
>Made in America
I've never seen anything of the sort in my entire life and I doubt anyone has. I'm dead fucking serious. There was never a product of any sort I have ever seen with that label.
I actually don't think the US makes stuff at all and I never associated it with quality. Quality usually translates to German or Japanese, though none of that has any meaning anymore.
it's because he wants you to think he's a badass but in reality it's obvious he's trying just a little too hard
checked. hondas are bulletproof, and honda bikes are mostly made in ohio anyways
it's more fun to ride a slow bike fast than have to ride a fast bike slow. also, the amount of customization you can do with a harley is INSANE. some of the BEST fucking builds i've ever seen in my life have been harleys, and I'm a suzuki guy for the reasons you mention. But, to some people, it's more about the image and the feeling they get when they see their baby, and I respect that. Pic related.
Applebee's and boston pizza.
Good riddance
B.P.s used to easily get more than a hundred dollarydoo's from me.
But their pizzas are shit since they changed them, they're cheap with cheese and toppings, and have no shame in charging boutique prices for a pizza that is not even on par with a $5 delissio.
Try to save money, lose my business.
Don't you fucking worry about being thrifty and frugal if you're a restaurant.
Your customers will be thrifty and frugal, and if you can't deliver a product that appeals to people who think with their wallets then you will not have our business at all.
How much money are they saving if they've removed a customer? These boomers are retarded, they'll probably try to mandate a new law, The Boston Pizza law wherein if a millenial doesn't eat out 1nce a week at a boomer establishment they can be incarcerated.
Boomers just expect success to be handed to them.
Spoken like a future red mark on the pavement.
Sportbike riders are just as annoying as the harley guys - nobody gives a fuck how fast or loud your bike is.
I used to own a Honda about 15 years ago, a Fireblade. Great bike. Honda’s in 2019 are absolute dogshit.
Buying a new bike is dumb as shit. You can get a sturdy well made older model and rebuild it for cheap. Its also pretty easy to learn. By the time that bike is running, you will be able to tear it apart and rebuild it without a problem. Look for a good KZ1000 and master it.
Harley-Davidson is pretty popular in Japan; the brand might get bought out.
Really? I want an Africa Twin but I'm a poorfag
Are you kidding? In China you get your luxury Rolex for 5USD.
The brand maybe, the bikes won't.
And that Street Cafe look is already a fad. Good job chasing them instead of making em
>he will never know the thrill of lifting the front wheel at over 100mph.
You're a loser.
>driving manual
no zoomers will be the last to drive stick because right now its a form of cultural prowess to be able to actually control your vehicle. Among all my friends (20yo's) you are considered less of a man if you can't drive a clutch because its really not that hard so if you can't handle it you must have a retard tier IQ.
Europeons brag about driving stick but ironically all their cars are now auto's/dct
IKR? Riding an open casket on wheels is "smart" and "cool" to some
Darwin's law in action
Made in Japan only
Read your post again, they're literally teenage cunts in old men bodies
>South Park was right all along
Almond milk taste disgusting, coconut is based and redpilled though.
Now I want to try with cashews
>driving manual
Am i a 30 year old boomer if i prefer driving manuals?
Sounds about right. Twilight if the Boomer.
check Aliexpress
My cousin who is 36 just bought a brand new HD like a month ago.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Motorcycles in general are falling out of favor with millennials because of cost for bike, maintenance and insurance and the fact that they are too pussy to ride them. Plus a good bike cost as much as a car.
Nice post, but you wrong on one thing - the definition of the word QUALITY.
QUALITY is how consistent of a product you put out - you can have a consistent tasting consistent manufactured shit sandwich, that always tastes like a sandwich of shit.
(hence Quality Assurance/Quality Control makes sure you put out a product that meets internal specifications, not that it's a GOOD product that meets or exceeds consumer's needs).
how old are you? Made in America lasted up until about the early 1980-1981. It was already in it's dying breath during the 1980-1981 years.
It was at it's height during 1950-1960
The cars have been meh tier for the 20 years and i can personally attest to that as a ASE tech that worked for Acura, 80/90 honda still more reliable then honda's that are 20 years newer