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Lesbian couple gets harrased by Jewish police (WTF?) and jewish neighbours in NYC, USA



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Other urls found in this thread:

Jew York has a serious Jewish mob issue, they even band together to swing elections

Just as bad as that county in Washington where all the Jews took over the school board to lower the public school funding because their kids went to private Jewish schools

City-sponsored gangs are a violation of public safety. As someone with an EU flag, you should know this.

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>Jew York has a serious Jewish mob issue, they even band together to swing elections

>Jew York has a serious Jewish mob issue, they even band together to swing elections
And people wonder why trump kisses Jewish ass. It's the only way to get ahead in life nowadays


So go the fuck to reddit.

Fuck this fucking country! It's not worth saving.

Oy vey Shut it down!

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Orthodox are based for hating faggotry, but shitty for being the Muslims of kikery and just breeding/sucking up dole monies.
Basically, it’s two rats fighting over a piece of pizza.

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LOL WTF am I even looking at.

the jews are putting together a team

Orthodox Thot Patrol. Based and Redpilled.

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Haha is that the emergency shutdown crew?

They dont even buy american, damn

Jow Forums stands with Orthodox Jewry against all faggotry, kys reddit scum

Based greatest ally. I'd take jewish reptilian overlords over batshit insane degenerate dykes any day.

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holy fuck

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Your wish is my command, goyim!

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Look up eruvs. Orthodox Jews routinely take over entire towns and use mafia strongarm tactics to force out any non-jews. Then they set up Jewish police forces and so on that only enforce Jewish laws.

Goyim Know Rapid Response Team.

>Who you gonna call?
The Goybusters!

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>Yes, yes goyim degeneracy and homosexuality is fine and good! Accept and embrace it!
>Lesbian neighbor? OY VEYYY

Gays for thee but not for me.

Man imagine if white people had this kind of power and could use it against Jews. That would be awesome

Ny fag here
Yes there are entire neighborhoods policed by jew police
They put sirens on their cars and go around harassing people pretending to be law enforcement

Guy is probably a shitskin. Orthodox Juden are known for being territorial and annoying pests like Muslims, remember that story when they were kicked out of Guatemala?

Show me your shekel license

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Sequoias are built in Indiana.

Keked and checked

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LOL redditfag mods locked the thread and are deleting all the redpilled comments.

Fucking faggots.

i hope someone in the comments reminded them that those people have no more authority than ordinary citizens

someone told them rides were free

>I dont give a shit
>giant post on reddit
pick one

its the fucking JDL and ex mossad
You find them in every Jewish community and yes they make the place real safe

The Kike Reaction Force

lesbian couple with a boyfriend apparently
>at one point, i was gone for a week and my boyfriend was harassed for 'trespassing' for going into the home THAT I OWN WITH MY PERMISSION


oy vey

>"Frontpage of reddit right now"
Reminder to stuff dirty used plastic grocery bags down the throats of Jewish children.

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They have the secret Jewish police in New Haven, CT too. They drive around on bikes and keep black people at bay.

Never heard them do anything out of the ordinary but Connecticut news wouldn't report on that even if they did.


based jews

On shabbat you are not allowed to take the car. However if a goyim happens to be going in the same direction as to where you're going you can hitch a ride.

Remember - Jewish law can be circumvented. According to them, if you can bend the rules it means that you know the law. Unlike european, the do not follow the "spirit" of the law.

Orthodox is based for no one, even themselves.

No we dont. Go back to the donald

There are no based jews. The only based Jew is a dead Jew

>The world has a serious Jewish mob issue, they even band together to influence elections and foreign policy.

There are many paths. But they all lead to the same destination.

Here is the thread with all the deleted comments.

They are just a collection of normies (and even some kikes) being like, "yeah good luck with that bro, Jews own New York."

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jewish recon rangers

Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's kosher.

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those people are so inbred it's scary
and they breed like cockroaches too. i read that in the uk, in about 10 years, half all our jews will be orthodox
it's a zombie apocalypse waiting to happen

Didn't you learn 5 years ago that posting thots in uniform impresses nobody?

How do you get the world to finally see kikery for what it is? If anyone can answer this then the problem solves itself.

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this cant be real

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Dude I would ram the fuck out of that car on accident, can’t be running intersections like that bro

Mighty mohelin' penis manglers.

The liberals heads must be spinning not knowing which one to defend.Defend the Jews,get called homophobic.Defend the fags,get called anti semitic racist nazi.

There is also a Muslim Community Patrol nearby

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Kill yourself for posting plebbit here
What makes you think that its okay to do that? Is it because you come from there and are naiive by default? Is it that your IQ is so low that it isnt somethjnng you considered before coming here? All the shitting on r*ddit didnt make you think that youre not wanted here? You are an absolute fucking faggot and i am saging as well as reporting your thread.
You HAVE to go back and STAY there.


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Couldn't you legally just beat the piss out of them in self defense if they laid hands on you? Though, it is New York City, so they probably aren't allowed to defend themselves.

of course it's real. google, "invisible jewish sky wires new york city".

Whatever. It is an excellent case study of normies and faggots reacting to undiluted kikery.

I found it interesting.

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Dont ever talk shit about Canada again. Jewish vigilante police? HAHAHAHAHA

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The advice people give is as Reddit as it gets

>talk to the ACLU
Like the point of the ACLU isn’t to undermine traditional Christian society to benefit Jews
>talk to Lambda Legal
*literally* run by Jews to harass honest Christian folk
>talk to the police
The police let the Shomrim work because they know the Jews won’t cooperate with the real police
>talk to the city council
Like the city council isn’t run by Jews behind the scene
>talk to Jewish outreach groups
Like the point of these groups isn’t to shame the goyim into giving the Jews what they want.

I seriously wonder how much of the 55% who are non-orthodox are just fellow whites, or vibrants who are renting from a Jew. She might be seriously be the only goyim who owns and lives in that whole building.

This woman is FUCKED. She should sell her apartment and move on. She literally cannot win. She’s learning an important lesson about NYC and modern progressive ideology in general. It’s run by and for Jews, the rules that destroy society apply to white Christians only.

>my condo board has refused to get involved and expressly ban them from entering the building. they claim that they can not because that violates the rights of the 45% of orthodox who are renting. this despite the fact that they are all renting from one landlord who owns their units and they all use section 8 and dont even pay the full price for the apartments. i paid for my home in full and yet the board is refusing to step in and help me.
> they are all renting from one landlord who owns their units and they all use section 8

Fucking Jew parasites.

Have you ever heard of New York's Eruv? It's a series of wires hanging from buildings, which yids hang up so they can violate the sabbath on a technicality.

fucking kek

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You can but then they'd sue because kikes love to sue.

>Hey look as someone who's had experience with Jews - just forget it and walk away. I know it sucks, and life isn't fair, but **you will not win**. They are superior to us non-jews in this country. Seriously. One time I saw a jewish guy get caught red handed for selling crack. The whole community went down to the police station and the kid was out in less than 2 hours. No charges, no court, no trial. You cannot win, you are not "God's chosen people". It's a tough wake up call but trust me it's a more honest way to live.

lol chill nigger

>county in Washington where all the Jews
sauce on this

Deleted, of course. Can't have the goyim knowing.

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I'll find it for you, mate. Give me a minute. It's some shitlib public radio expose on kikes taking over a working class town in the country.

The best part is half of the goyim the kikes are kiking are shitskins, so the shitlibs producing the segment don't know who to side with.

Yeah, dude. Jewish ghettos in NYC are basically no-go zones for police and they have their own sanctioned Jewcop forces.

Here you go, my dude.

Prepare to be ragepilled.

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wait a they just climbed onto someone's car? did they ask?

Oy Vey!

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when the goyim know
and you need to shut it down
who ya gonna call?

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I once heard about this in upstate New York. Basically, a bunch of Jews moved into a town, took over the town council, and defunded all the schools to an absolute bare minimum because their kids weren’t going there. So no sports teams, art classes, less teachers, etc.

I think I heard about it on NPR which seems unbelievable in current year.

The amish do this too. They will drop hints like, "My wife just finished her day of teaching down at the school house, but it is such a long walk and it is so cold outside."

Then you offer to pick her up and he gives you some candy or cheese or something.

Amish are like the white version of Jews, i.e. they actually work for a living and don't parasite off of society at large.

They're just high IQ people minding their own business. Unjustly hated for no rational reason.

Imagine the smell in that place.

kek, based troll

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Thank you dr. Juden Peterstein.

I will go wash my penis and save my father from the whale.

you have to go back

They have Jewish prisons and Jewish ambulances as well.

Not even. It was an entirely reasonable exchange but the normalfag is so conditioned to the Jew's world view that he can't handle the information.

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Astonishing, thanks bro. Guess we're some 10 IQ pts away from this in Europe with our muslims
>Jewish ghettos in NYC
Excellent choice of words

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reddit is a fucking antisemitic cesspool

Aren’t there laws against impersonating officers in Jew York?

There are whole towns in New York State which are completely Jewish and you are supposed to be "respectful" to their culture and where there is literal gender apartheid. I wonder why none of the E-celebs talk about this but are butthurt about so called "sharia" zones in U.K.

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>how brave
Almost like he knew how reddit fags would react to the information. Right on cue MUH ANTI SEMITIC

Why don't we have a community patrol?

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Whatre you using to see the deleted comments?

Jews are disgusting

bump important threads goys

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Paid for with your tax dollars goy. Whatcha gonna do when da joos come for you!

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