what are some redpilled movies or tv series?
What are some redpilled movies or tv series?
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>what are some redpilled movies or tv series?
nothing anymore.
Mr Robot is bretty gud
Not much. Black Mirror bretty much shows how terrible technology will make our world soon enough, but that’s all.
Haven’t seen it, but there’s not a chance in hell that show isn’t globohomo propaganda dressed up as anti-establishment porn to lure in and convert brainlets.
The Shield from 2002.
Spaghetti Westerns
Good choice user. Les is the real deal.
Based user, remember what the Duke said?
The wire
Meh. Just gotta look harder. The Tudors is pretty gud.
Not the sopranos, that's for sure
The shield
What’s wrong with that show?
Sicario. It'll red pill the fuck out of you.
Robinson Crusoe Island...
Old Disney animation like fantasia and the classics. Pre-kiked Disney. Sounds childish but you'll likely find the value in it and what's lost today
Romper Stomper is pretty fun to watch and if you wanna get hyped for a workout or something, but it has bad segments.
>kike filth
>red pilled
You can't be redpilled if you conform to the main ideology. And the sopranos are cartoonishly stereotypical, it's like watching a live action family guy cutaway gag.
tropa de elite
Tony is Literally /ourguy/
>cartoonishly stereotypical
what do you mean?
>what do you mean?
what do you mean about what do you mean?
wogs are the most opportunistic fucks
they've had a big influence on modern people
>be jew
>wash urself with cafe and foodie shit
faggot shit
>what do you mean about what do you mean?
what do you mean about what do you mean about what do you mean?
Watch it chrissy
You're pretty much right. Its edgy alternative women and PoC fighting against the mean capitalist white man!!!@
you're the same dumb polenigger that called jedi mind tricks redpilled recently, aren't you?
watched it all, it had great potential but gone to shit after the first season imo
>you're the same dumb polenigger that called jedi mind tricks redpilled recently, aren't you?
Nah, I rarely even come to this board
Schindler's List
The Pianist
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Black Panther
12 Years a Slave
Watching Sailor Moon moaning while getting her vagina and nipples shocked by dark electricity made me realize all women are whores when I was kid.
for sure the sopranos aren't redpilled
>"""he""""""""""" watches an*me
why do Italians dislike this show, is it because the heroes are Italian-Americans?
Just wait for the official movie of pol to come out later this year:
there's really only one political satire that was ever worth watching
You couldn't grown up in italy during the 90s and not end up watching anime on tv.
Was it really that bad?
Did you know that a Saprano prequel movie is currently in production.
Alright you win
Europe triumphs again
because in reality the italian-american mafia was controlled by the jewsih mafia and in its ranks many "italians" were in reality albanians with italian names
like this fellow "italian" en.wikipedia.org
Communist dystopia but with (((women))) instead of (((working class))).
>group of white people who never have any meaningful POC characters introduced
>lead fun and interesting lives making good money and eventually having white babies
>absolutely no PC bullshit
Don’t say Europe, say Poland
Poland is based
Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut is redpilled.
Unironically this. A council of nation-less elites use their wealth and influence to take over the world and turn humanity into a bunch of complacent, emotionless twats who do nothing but sit around all day and get dopamine from a pleasure tank. Only male/female pairings can operate the robots, and the one dyke who tries female/female is utterly btfo and useless. Typical anime degeneracy aside, it promotes trad marriage and making babies
Babylon Berlin
Just ignore their promiscuity and satanism in the background
Unironically Malcolm in the Middle
Yeah, it’s shit.
>season 1: we’re gonna F the system by erasing credit card info, so corporations can’t Lord it over people
>season 2: oh no! We fucked society by erasing the credit card info, and corporations are lording it over people
>end of season 2: yeah, remember that credit card info we erased? It’s just encrypted, lol, I just unencrypted it, lolsorry
Pretty funny as well, imo
this that was ridiculous but i like it i enjoy the us vs china cloak and dagger stuff and the realities of banking which no doubt goes over the head of most leftist scum
the director was probably instructed to be pro banking
The Italian mafia in America is as Jewish as it is Italian. The Russian mafia in America is as Jewish as it is Russian. Really makes you think.
This list - themoviedb.org
>aussies getting nailed by a swarm of gooks
the depressing reality of it
it's ok for the first half hour or so
Ill leave you here you one shoe cocksuker, you know how fast i can run ?
you should watch HBO's Veep. it reminded me a lot of Yes (Prime) Minister
Wag the Dog
Ross and Monica are Jewish, actually. Forgot about that
it certainly was, the scriptwriting was perfect
even now people talk about eurosausages and the like
>johnny got his gun
Communist Propoganda
The Italian Mafia had connection to Jews, but was not Jewish in of it's self.
Based and npcpilled
The Shield
What does he mean if you mean what he means when you mean Jews?
>believed niggers could be educated to the point of stability
Guess John Wayne was a bluepilled cuck
it's a comfy show indeed, but why redpilled?
Kingdom of Heaven is fucking garbage
and some others are overrated.
But the list is legit.
I think it's because as an italian, you guys are tired of being stereotyped as mafia people.
Demolition Man
maybe the favellas remind you of indian slums
a Saprano prequel ? wow
israel has no voice
you are alone
>no results
This is not a true Roman thread for true Romans. Shame.
My man.
Yentl, The Chosen, fiddler on the roof.
unlike you, we have a country
Zulu (movie)
Shame on the house Ptolemy... shame...
Sergio Leone's last western
Filmed after "Once upon a time in the West"
and before "Once Upon a Time in America"
very underrated
basest of the redpilled
Ray Donovan on Showtime
HIGHLY underrated
Im a wog. Can relate.
My nonno came to Australia dirt poor, is now a multimillionare owning property all over sydney. Still lives in a fucking shack walkin around with $5 thongs to auctions
Worth watching for cains funny accent alone.