U.S. Government Destroyed My Life

TL;DR: I lost my house in an earthquake and also all my money on a U.S. based cryptocurrency exchange because U.S. government sanctioned normal Iranian citizens like me and now I'm homeless. I am inside Iran and live in a tent. I am using a proxy because Jow Forums is banned in Iran that's why my flag is showing as Germany.

You can read the full story here:


Ask me anything you want to know regarding my situation.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>putting money in crypto
honestly retards like you deserve to be homeless faggots

How many times are you going to make this post?

When did germans get so stupid?

As much as needed

>E M B A R G O E D

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Russians astroturfing Russian bots

>U.S. based cryptocurrency exchange
So its literally your own fault and not the US government.

>I am inside Iran and live in a tent.
kek, blame your shitty leaders wasting money on poking the jews and hanging fags

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When i made an account there, there was no sanctions against citizens. We asked the exchange if Iranians can have accounts there they said yes and then Trump got into office and passed a law sanctioning normal Iranian citizens like me and Bittrex stole my money. I documented everything in my blog post.

I am a normal citizen living in the middle of nowhere and U.S. government stole my money. No, I blame the U.S. government for stealing my money not anyone else.

Not going to bother reading your response.
You put your money in cryptocurrency.
It is literally your fault you are homeless.

U.S. government stole my money.

No they didn't. You made an unwise investment like a giant retard.
On the other hand, why don't you just leave Iran. Move to someplace that isn't a shithole?
That is, if you are actually an iranian and not a LARPing kraut.

I am saying this loud and clear: U.S. government stole my money..

>put your money in a foreign country
>your country acts like fuckwads to the US
>foreign country sanctions your country
>you cant have your money

how could this happen to me.wav

OK so you lost 2500 dollars and your house. Well, perhaps you will reclaim that money in the future.

Just start over. You speak English so have a big advantage over other Iranians. 2500 dollars is not something to kill yourself over.

Doesnt matter what led to U.S. government stealing my money. Only thing that matters is that U.S. government stole my money. That's it.

what the fuck did you expect when we're at war faggot

>ulysses, we should put all our money in roman banks!
>ulysses, we should talk shit and invade rome!
>oh no ulysses they wont give us our money back!


be glad we havent nuked your ass yet, that comes next

Every building is destroyed in my town and my mother is ill and cant walk. We are living on humanitarian aid.

>2500 dollars is not something to kill yourself over.

It is in Iran. Our economy is crashing and Rial (Iranian currency) is losing it's value everyday we are becoming the next Venezuela.

listen goatfucker,

we own you.

I know you Americans are criminals. I made this thread so you would confirm it by your own words to people from other countries.

kill yourself. i own shoes that cost more than what you lost.

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>Chant death to america and israel on a daily basis
>Take the supreme leader's cock up your ass and swallow his load every day
>Bend over 5 times a day like a cuck to your non-existent god
>willingly support a dictatorship that spends more money on paleshits than their own people
>Somehow this is America's fault

Stop blaming your poor decisions on the US. Your country is a shithole because your parents and grandparents made it that way. And instead of doing something about it, you faggots join the IRGC to defend the faggots that made your lives miserable.

Israel offered to help your country after you were hit by a bad earthquake last year. What did your government do? Oh that's right, death to america, death to israel.
The EU tries to make the nuclear deal work. What do you do? Commit assassinations and terrorist attacks in europe.

You deserve to suffer.

I'm Hispanic with us citizenship can I travel to Iran without being prosecuted? Fuck America! This country is corrupt and not worth saving.

Every race and nation on earth hates you Americans for a reason. Your government stole my money. You are all criminals.

Pic very related
I feel your pain, but I've accepted I gotta pull myself out of the whole I'm in. Making progress on some debts

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I never done any of that. I am a normal citizen. U.S. government stole my money.

You still posting this shit? Fuck off loser you’re not getting your money back faggot

sanctions are not war crimes you massive cum guzzling faggot. you chose to give your money to a hostile foreign power, deal with it

>posting with german flag

ur a litteral shit skin. we are not all criminals, we are gentle christians. its when we are faced with the likes of p*rsian scum like you that we act this way

Ok now go commit explosive suicide in front of the Ayatollah.

>he fell for the fake internet money scheme
brainlets deserve to lose everything

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what part of "you are iranian, and iran is an enemy of the US" do you not understand?

listen up Ali,
there is no such thing as a “normal citizen” you are either an american, an american patron state, or your on uncle sams shitlist.

so catipulate or get fucked. kill yourself.

give up, he wont catipulate.

Your own government is heavily involved in toxic levels of fuckery and somehow you blame everyone else for your own problems. How about you blame the bearded dipshits that rule you instead of the US or other western countries.

You are criminals and it's a good thing you scumbag Americans are confirming it by posting in this thread.

you are not suffering enough nigger

your liberation is nigh

>implying you're not in Germany for European gibs
Fuck off sandnigger
We're only bros when you finally nuke Israel

lmaoing at you

hows that grass soup working out for you ahmed

Sorry we pushed the wrong button on our earthquake machine.

Why would you trust your life savings to a country that sanctions yours? There are a ton of slav and asian based exchanges, how did you not see this coming? We list your country as harbormasters of terrorism against us, what did you expect to happen. Sorry about the earthquake destroying your house that's pretty rough and can happen to anyone near a fault line but come on, you're iranian and you entrusted your LIFE SAVINGS to a country that lists you as a terrorist nation and has historically used sanctions.

There is no such thing as American. You are a criminal who migrated from europe to the America which is the land of Indians. Your bloodline goes back to criminals who were exiled from Europe that's why youre such a vile creature.

I blame you American criminals for stealing my money. Fuck you.

no thats australians

Where did the Indians originate from?

wrong country, that's straya cunt

>There are a ton of slav and asian based exchanges

There were few reputable exchanges back in early 2017. Bittrex was one of top 5.

>if I repeat it enough, they'll start to believe me

>doesn't know the difference between an amerifat and an ausfailian
gtfo this board, mindless kike

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The only person that looks like a scumbag in this thread is you.

You are from the same bloodline. You don't belong in the land of Indians. You are the original rapefugees. Fucking disgusting criminals.

So american exchanges are reputable in your eyes? Why are you sperging out about us then :^)

lmao isnt right of conquest what your sandreglion is based on?
btw mecca is fake mohummad
was born in petra
70 years ago your people were shitting in the streets. american construction companies built
the very sewers and infastructure you use every day. go recite some poetry. maybe you will feel better

I didn't know what vile creatures you disgusting Americans really are back then. BIG MISTAKE.

they still are

it's you that's disreputable

is this who is posting from Germany?

>land of Indians
You mean Asia?
Yeah I agree. Americans don't belong in Asia.

fuck off you shithead fuck the jews

You made a risky investment, dude. Why would you do business with a country that regularly sanctions yours? You do not understand what risk means. Sorry about the earthquake though.

You have learned the hard way to not place all of your eggs in one basket. It's something university students learn in America before they're 18.

Sorry about the earthquake though...do you have a bitcoin armory for donations?

Don’t donate to him you complete fucking sucker. Have some respect for yourself

>donating to terrorist list countries

good way to get FBI dick so far up your ass you're sucking it user

The earthquake and your loss of money is punishment from Allah for being a Shia kafir

Americans are the original rapefugees. You Americans were exiled from Europe to America and started killing and raping the land owners who were Indians. It is indeed wrong calling you cumskins "Americans". You don't belong in America you must be thrown in the ocean. You disgusting vile creature.

It's at the end of the blog post:


fucking this, bad idea m8 if you feel bad donate to humanitarian charities not terrorist states

>Iran is a very different country now.

t. Trump

didnt know rat knew how to shitpost on 4chin

Allah wills it, infidels BTFO forever

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I feel sorry for you OP, but how could you possibly think that storing all your money in crypto in the US might be a good idea as an Iranian?

I can get playing around with some of it, but who the fuck depends on crypto completely?

Bittrex stole your funds idiot, not Trump. Fuck off and beg somewhere else. Nobody likes arabs here.

pretty sure my ancestors came on their own accord. Also americans largely didn't rape/mix with the natives, that was the spaniards/Portuguese.

>created Al-Qaeda
>calls other terrorists


Disgusting subhuman

This dude is losing his touch on this Larp. Yesterday he was replying to posts seconds after they were posted. Sorry no one buys your troll thread chief

Bittrex stole my money using a law Trump passed. You fuck off from my thread disgusting criminal.

Economy was crashing and keeping my money in Rial could only make it half in 6 months. That was my only option.

I posted enough evidence on my blog, you terrorist scumbag:


erm we do like one Iranian

So in other words, you tried to evade the consequences of your actions, and got shit on even harder as a result?

womp womp

You’re brown. That automatically makes you more inclined to be a terrorist than me. Sorry bud I don’t make the rules

i wish things works out soon! atleast you still have Jow Forums :(

We funded the shit out of Al-Qaeda to fuck up some gommies but I've never read anything about creating them which is exactly what she said. I get it you're mad and in a rough living situation but blaming everything on the U.S. when it's common knowledge we consider you a terrorist state and sanctioning business with you is commonplace just seems stupid.

>feel bad for me and donate
>also you're vile scumbag terrorists descended from rapists
>please find my crypto link at the end of my blog post
This is so bad I'm beginning to wonder if you're not some bored kike larping as a retarded Iranian and hoping for backtrolling

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So you tried to jump ship like a sneaky semite and it backfired?

>betrays his own country to suckle on their enemies' tit
>enemy doesnt give a fuck and shits on him
>now neither his homeland nor his enemy has anything for him

and this, anons, is the price of being a traitorous, arrogant shithead.

how long till your internet shuts off so you can fuck off and die in the desert somewhere?

You are the real terrorist your leaders confess to making terrorist groups you whites are all criminals good thing you are going extinct:


You white are the real enemy of mankind not jews:


Get in line retard the american government
has ruined many lives. Including mine by making it impossible for me to find a job a decent paying job. thanks to illegal immigration from mexico. And this coming from an Arab American like myself.

by the way, my family and I are also on the verge of homelessness and starvation. if anyone does feel like donating anything, we'd greatly appreciate it.

White race will go extinct before that happening. Go cry in your BLACKED thread about white women not caring about you anymore small dicked white boy.

I'd only donate if you're white and non-degenerate

Right. Blame the US for your own government's dipshittery. That will get your money back lmao

>but hurr durr, americans stole my money
They didn't steal shit, they just won't let you access it until you sandnigger apes start behaving.

White as they come, married with an 8yo son, not at all degenerate.

>but hurr durr, americans stole my money

Doesn't matter how much more you rant you disgusting criminal. You Americans are the real terrorists:


Keep crying about being penniless fucking loser lmao. You have no money hahaha. Hope your whore of a mother dies too

how come the US military doesn't do something about that fact that their government has been taken over by israel

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