
Attached: Trump-Oval-Office.png (2342x1322, 1.7M)

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>Trump is a useless chucklefuck

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Holy frig, cant wait to see what Rachel Maddow has to say!




I thought he was Literally Hitler! And you can say a lot about Hitler, but he sure was a busy bee.

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You don't know what he's doing during executive time. He could be reading Mein Kampf or SIEGE and preparing for the DOTR.

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Yeah he needs time to plan his next actions.

Was sucking Reggie Love's dick on his calendar everyday....too?

I see you’ve never had a real job and have no idea what executive time is code for.

defend your new masters, goood bongoloid

>expect leaks so make your schedule vague

this board is so fucking dead

This is good, imagine if there was a capable and intelligent literally Hitler in the WH. I wholeheartedly support drumpf not doing shit.

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Just means less time interfering in my life. He can watch TV all he wants as long as he’s not trying to push obamacare on me again

Clue us in

>pointless attendance vs getting shit done

Only retard liberals who spent all their life in school would be upset about that

This is apparently a vague version of the schedule because he hates leaks.

BASED, Jow Forums helped elect this guy so his fatass could sit around and watch TV all day

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Former Spain resident. I should have never fucking moved to America.

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What about Nipple and Button? International politics is hard you know.

Yeah, I don't want my POTUS watching the news or checking out other forms of media. I want his advisers to cocoon him and act as puppetmasters.

Executive time = Q

What!? A politician doesn't do shit all day!? I'm shocked!

Is this the same media that has told us how much tv he watches, how many diet cokes he drinks, how much golf he plays etc, and then they come out and say he doesn’t do anything? So ridiculous

>He's destroying this country
These fucking people.

>he isnt doing anything
make up your fucking minds

He watches Fox. We know because he tweets headlines literally minutes after they appeared on tv.

guess i should of read through the thread first lol

>watching tv, eating like a toddler and playing golf is doing something

The absolute state of the Trump cultists.

>Why wont the president tell us how to ruin his plans!?!


This explains why the economy is doing so well.

Axios is a rebranded WAPO

falseflagging leddit thread to boost failing morale after he cucked on the wall