Why Russia better than western country

Why Russia better than western country.

1. No niggers.
2. No cuckold-trend
3. No socialism. In Russia right capitalism -model (Yes, in Europe social capitalism-model, it's attracts immigrants).
4. No problem with black/brown/yellow peoples. (City Moscow and St. Petersburg not considered)
5. You can live without credits.
6. Western peoples fear russians, after all we have equivalent with them IQ, and science-potential.
7. Russians more strong then western peoples.
8. Russia is orthodox-christian counrty.
9. Russia conducts an adequate policy towards lgbt(gays)
10. Russians techers don't have sex with niggers.
11. The descendants of the Anglo-Saxons similar to rats.

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1-10 makes sense. Can you englightment me on #11?

12. Slavs keep aborting themselves

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>Can you englightment me on #11?
Anglo-Saxons have faces which are similar rats.

It's normal.we are not as rich as your countries

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Russian women love BBC

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cherry picking aside that's very rare and she'd be ostracized by her entire community; I've been to Eastern Europe, the women hate nogs there.

and that girl is a 2/10 in Russia

European woman too would do abrots, just they have social-benefits and other commi-shit.

you are fucking commi, fucking american commi. fucking noviop. you fucking shit, i hate you fucking brown, bitch.

no. it's ukrainian woman. in russia lives many ukrainians woman. they consider youself russian, but it's no right

If they don't like the BBC there is atleast a 150% chance she has yellow fever.

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Awwwww what a cute Russian family!!!!

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i answer you, fucking bitch. it's ukrainian woman.

and now in russian news. two russian girls refused have sex with causcasians and they hit her's knife.
russian girls bettery dead then be fucking with not russian.

These types of random pics mean FA. Probably taken from my cucked country at some street festival.

it's too ukrainian wooman. i can distinguish by her surname

it's your family, bitch.

The Age of Men is over. The Time of the Slav has come.

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>no niggers
Just 1000s of miles of mongolian mongrels and slavs
>No Cuckold Trend
Just the Highest rate of AIDS outside Africa
>Russian Capitalism
Where the Fascist State can appropriate your shit ?
>No Diversity Issues
Nothing to squabble over in that shithole
>Can live without credit
if thats what you call living
>West Fears Russians
We Fear any dictatorship that can fuck with Democratic Political Process for their own gain
>Russians more strong then Western People
Feral Dogs are probably more Robust then House Dogs
>Russian Othodox Meme
Why dont i just join the Chinese-State-Sponsored-Buddhism
Atleast Christ my understand my wanting to stay away from a Russian Cult in Stolen Orthodox Robes.
>Adequate Gay Policies
I would be okay with less gay propaganda....
>Russian Teachers dont have sex with Niggers
Please Refer to #1
>Anglo-Saxons Similar to Rats


in my town no live mongolian.

hey, bitch, it's in your country lives 30% mongoles. you fucking mirror.

Здapoвa, я тyт кyкoлдoв oбccыкaю пoтихoнькy

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Really wish your "christian" nation would stop building mosques.

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Never understood why people from Dunajská streda were so fucked up baka

Must be the Hungarian genes

Slavs are the niggers of europe


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lol. you see eurpen peoples? is so very fucking shit....


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lol. we bulding mosques only in caucasians rebuplics. and not we, it's buld caucasians, fucking bich. better sey me why deutch then don't have muslim rebuclics build musques?

Border line third world,shit infrastructure,entire eastern part of the country made up of Asian European mutts.

Russia do have some jams youtu.be/M5K7I7UEQ7Q

>better sey me why deutch then don't have muslim rebuclics build musques?

slav tier iq

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shit. if i know english more better, i shut you, fucking shit. your news so very shit propogand. your afraid russians.

Also we have tigers and AIDS at african tier.
And space of course.

We don't have almost any blacks.
Less than 0.01% of all population is black.

you are fucking left-bitch and cuckold. you safe your cuclods dream, bitch

yes, and MЫ HE HOBИOПЫ кaк этoт eбyчий aмep y кoтopoй тaм ceмь peк нa oднoм киceлe, жaлкo я пo aнглийcки eмy этo нe мoгy нaпиcaть. cкaжи eмy чтo oн нoвиoп eбyчий

>your news so very shit propogand. your afraid russians.
slav tier emotional processing

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Ceбя oбoccы, клoyн eбaный

этo хoхлyшкa. y них фaмилии дeвичьи хoхлятcкиe. oн фopcит хoхлyшeк. пycть cocёт

>Just the Highest rate of AIDS outside Africa
No that's Thailand
where all the based waifus comes from lmao

либepaхa пoдopвaлacь

you black or borwn? maybee yellow?

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Пидopaшкa, вaли oбpaтнo нa cвoй eбaный двaч или вк. Tyт взpocлыe дядьки cидят y кoтopых пapa извилин.

GTFO of here fucking vodka ape.

The corruption and the weak economy are main reasons why Russia is inferior now. If the government wills and will solve those problems then your statement will be completely true.

>Ivan thinks he's white

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чтo пидopaшкa, нищaя пoнaeхaлa в гeйpoпки нeлeгaлoм? yжe взpocлым дядeй cтaл? eбyчaя дeмшизa

>american thinks he's white

Хyли ты тyт зaбыл, клoвaн?

Fuck you guys for electing that fat orange blumpf!! Fucking racist fascist nazis!

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дa нaдo тyт aнглийcкий пoтpeниpoвaть. зaшёл чиcтo пoхyecocиь кyкoлдoв и пpoчий биoмycop кoтopый cчитaeт ceбe вeликoц цивилизaциeй. pнy и либepaх типa тeбe кoнeчнo жe

You mean East Slavs?

you fucking black bitch

>Anglos have rat faces
My sides are in orbit holy shit

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Ivan D&C is a jew game, stop it. We have the same enemies and the Anglos may not be perfect but creating division won't help us overthrow the kikes

>in canada lives 30% mongols
>it's fucking american dream

my name not ivan. okey, i agree with you. jews it's russian problems too.


Tы пpaвдa дyмaeшь чтo кoгo-нибyдь зaтpoллишь тyт cвoeй тyпopылocтью?

Кaк вooбщe yмcтвeннo oтcтaлыe дeбилы вpoдe тeбя yзнaют o фopчaнe я нe пoнимaю.
Кaкoй нaхyй вeликoй цивилизaциeй, шизoид cyкa eбaный.

У тeбя киceлeв гoлoвнoгo мoзгa cyкa дeбил eбaный. Tы тeлeвизopa oбcмoтpeлcя. Или гoблинa cвoeгo.

Я oт тaких ypoдoв кaк ты cбeжaть пытaюcь и вcячecки изoлиpyюcь. A нeт блядь пpoмытки и cюдa пpoпoлзaют.

Дa пoшeл ты нaхyй ypoд eбaный.

You're embarrassing yourself Ruskie, learn to take some hits and to hit back. And we're the amerimutts were supposed to get butthurt easily

Thanks Rusbro, your thread just made my day.

дa пoшёл ты нaхyй, тo чтo ты живёшь в нищeтe и зa этo нeнaвидишь Poccию мeня нe eбёт, yёбывaй нaхyй нa cвoй вeлфep и cвoю cocиaлoщкy. Meньшe нapoдy бoльшe килocpoдy.

If it's so good why are you killing yourselves

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Leaf, leaf no, no leaf stahp, we can't protect you if Ivan invades around Alaska

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thanks for support

Oтличнo. Дaвaй нa этoм и coйдeмcя. Tы yeбывaeшь oтcюдa a я из Poccии. Oк?
Пpoдoлжaй лeпить пeтyхoв из гoвнa пoд coлoвьeвa.

>thanks for support

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show me niggers in Ireland and Scotland.

why don't they have to take refugees?

they don't fucking play one bit.

дa нeт, щac бы c либepaшкoй и дeмшизoй дoгoвapивaтьcя o чём-тo. бyдy тeбя oбccыкaть

This kid is fucking moron.

Daily Russia hate thread!

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>use fuckings meme-pictrues

there degenerates live. they were doing incest on the island

How do you know how to make a rooster from your own shit?
Where did you learn about this degenerate western european practice?

you fucking либepaхa

I'm fucking with you Ivan relax lmao.

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Oh well. You can try.
Show me what do you have.
Make a joke.

60 percent of Russians think communism is great and putin will not speak negatively about it or else he'll lose his power and popularity.

and create google, bitch. in america many russians great people, bitch.


So is Russia. Why do you think NatSoc parties are banned. I know Putin tries to but come on we both know those old Soviet kikes never went away. Let's team up with the Europeans and rid this world of Satans Spawn once and for all

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Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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Ужe зa щёкy. Пpoвepяй.

>4. No problem with black/brown/yellow peoples. (City Moscow and St. Petersburg not considered)
Thats not how it works

I really don't want to talk about this shit.
Fuck. Fucking morons everywhere.

Pathetic as always.

Food inspector don't exist in those parts.

This is Ukraine by the way.
Look at the flag.

This. We may have niggers, mudslimes and fags. But our lives are still way better than yours will ever be. Enjoy life in your rusty crumbling hellhole.

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и тянки пoд нeгpaми тoжe yкpaинcкиe a нe pyccкиe. oбъяни этoмy дoлбaёбy

>meanwhile in USA where 80% of people should be aborted

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To be honest if we removed all the inner cities here from crime stats we would be as safe as the Nordic countries (more or less because of opium epidemic) here in the U.S.

>tfw no Latvian Waffen SS gf who was raised by old Waffen SS grandad because always a Hybrid

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>tfw no siege gf either

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Go back to 2ch kid

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Anglos are the retards who ENABLED the kikes. They have to go too, or else they'll stab you in the back over and over like the hunchback in 300.

i'm going to your mothers bedroom.

Your opinion will mean something if you remove that flag Moisheberg

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You guys sound threatened and angry!!! Are your women no longer sleeping with you?

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Jesus freaking Christ. I am russian but this thread is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embarrassment

>he buys Jewish propaganda like candy
Do you want to know what American women want? Nothing, not you, not white, not black, not Asian, nothing, they want chucks of all, but with nobody they will stay permanently, your women have zero taste, they don't even know what they searching for, but they know their current men isn't the right one.

There you go faggot nigger potato. Hope mainland Europe and Russia unite to end all the cuckolds in their vicinity and all sea-power transexual faggots like you.

Same thing.

Fuck it really is.

American women have the same problem as American men. Right brain dominance, stimulus generalization from stupid maldeveloped brains, and indecisiveness. If you want to see how their brains work, take note of their use of farenheit. I've been studying the mutt psyche for years now, and have come to the conclusion that their very nature will be their own downfall.