Top row: Germans.
Bottow row: Slavs.
Can I get a quick rundown why is top row considered "White" by Jow Forumstards, but bottom row is not?
Top row: Germans.
Bottow row: Slavs.
Can I get a quick rundown why is top row considered "White" by Jow Forumstards, but bottom row is not?
this is a jew slide thread fuck off
I'm white, Pedro.
dont know, dont care. i'd fuck all of them as my dick is not racist.
literally no one on Jow Forums thinks germans are white
We are same race.
Everyone except maybe 1% shitposters like you.
Only shills and retards say that.
I think when some public figrues say white they say it becouse they don't want to say germanic.
Germanic doesn't make sense racially
Bumping for a truth