Big bear is the ultimate Ubermensch

Big bear is the ultimate ubermensch
>blue eyes
>6'7 gigachad
>calls out the Jews with no fear
>lives off the grid
>breeds Aryan children

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Other urls found in this thread:

>all this ceaseless sycophancy
just cum already

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>>breeds Aryan children
his wife is mexican


147 IQ according to his mom... where do I donate my money and free time so he can have a nice living? ... in ohter words, how do I join your cult?

you're probably him posting this because that's how insecure he is. when he was following crowder around before he was let go, he looked like the dumbass kid that follows the group leader as his eyes dart around for approval with his shitty grin like, "yeah im a part of something." who fucking cares. maybe he should play the fucking piano and shut the fuck up.

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Stop with the wizardry

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Used to watch his content on youtube. I didn't really pay too much attention because I'd be playing video gaymes while watching him.

He rarely made me laugh or said anything that funny, when he started doing that 'bears' gimmick basically stopped watching for a while.
Every time I tuned back in, he'd look more and more crazy and say more and more crazy things.
He's an unfunny boomer reinventing himself, while being supported by other boomers that donate to his paypig.
I always found his crazy eyes and intensity a little too much even when I 'liked' him.

To respond to OP directly, Owen is part Jew and has a Mexicali wife. Go watch the documentary on him by Porsalian and the podcasts by revenge of the cis


Terrible comedian though. Not to mention his wife is a literal Mexican and his grandmother was a Jew.

the most extreme case of narcissism I've ever seen
also I'm calling it right now he's actually low iq..he's too fucking dumb to be matter what his mommy says

Owen is based, his redpilling is being documented and streamed for everyone to wtiness, it really is marvelous

He looks like a very potent man. Maybe even a Chad. The only problem is that his skin tone looks a bit washed out and he's probably highly susceptible to skin cancer.

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Your husband spends too much time banning his own fanbase and not enough time and money on investing on equipment.

i enjoy some of his comedy and songs, and i used to watch his podcasts on occasion, but he's going insane. too much alcohol/overdose of redpills is a bad combination. i've been in such mental states, it's not comfy.
i genuinely hope he comes out of this ok.

how come he had to stop drinking the claws

>Aaaaaand you're banned. You're banned forever!

Soooo based. Soooo redpilled.

>can't swallow a red pill without sperging out

Real pillar of the community this guy is.

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I don't care if he's tall or small, he openly says what he believes is true and that's fine with me.
More people should do that.
That society views him as someone who's mentally ill for saying the truth says a lot about us, which is that we are slaves and we know that they can destroy anyone of us, if not even kill us if we step out of line.
It takes a lot of courage to speak the truth knowing what the repercussions will be.

reminder that he was engaged to Christina Ricci
>ywn roleplay as lurch as your fiance roleplays as Wednesday Addams

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1. Hes literally a jew


2. He legit rage quit a stream recently because the chat was complaining about lag. Skip to 59:00 > > > >

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people need to be banned, not everyone deserves to be heard
also BigBear makes some sweet fences

>*plays piano*
>'sup bears
>dood Im like so fucking intelligent dood
>you're banned
>Thats insaayyyyyyyyne
>x is retarded
>Joe Rogan is 5ft.5
>y is retarded
>think this or you are retarded
>I'm tall
>anyway, get a load of these muzzies, amiriteguise?
>you're banned
>*drinks a claw*
>I'm like 148 IQ
>Vox Day
>I've been building fences all day
>you're banned for life
>Bernie Sanders is a jew
>I'm not afraid to say Bernie Sanders is a jew
>Joe Rogan is 5ft.2
>I name the jew but I support Israel
>I hope that makes sense
>you are so banned
>I have jew friends who are cool
>Look at this retard
>*smashes beer on fireplace*
>In my head that was totally going to work
>Because Im too intelligent
>I thought the cap would just pop off
>Joe Rogan is 4ft.9

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He found out the owner of the company donates money to Trudeau.


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>Breeds children
he's a nonce?

Hi Owen SMITH, you Whoopie “Goldberg” ass nigga!

big bear is super cool, but why his youtube channel has not been taken down by the kikes, it is very suspicious

His channel is too small at the moment.

his chat is contantly pruned and his stream is on a burner account because he was banned from a different one

so when big bear hits lets say a million he will cut out??, i think is an important probe, we will see it

Oh, great, thanks for letting me know. I'll have him reported on this account for ban evasion, and they'll ban his new account.

As a GenX fag, who grew up in the country, and with a dad, I find it interesting to see him embracing manhood and the things that define manhood. His joy in building a fence, growing a garden, getting rough hands from hard labor, sharing trust and honor with the salt of the Earth down the street, it is a good thing. Most boys today don't know what this is, so I am glad he is getting the message out and sharing.

People like him always get bashed eventually, with the same old tired argument: I cannot worship him he is not perfect, therefore he sucks.

its so bad that a guy have to be banned to probe he is a good one, but wait what happen if the kikes know this and just let him unbanned, little creepy loophole

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What's up Owen? Either it's you, or some faggot, because who the fuck would refer to a failed comic/YouTube talker as "Big Bear"?

Your ego is cringe. Intelligence and talent are things we shouldn't have to be reminded of one having, they should be self-evident, no?

Try showing some humility and tact.

"I show is gone get dat watamelon. I is baby, I is..."

My buddy that builds fireplaces says your post checks out user. High tier IQ detected.

drinks lesbian water
has Klinefelter's syndrome
low verbal IQ
cringe jokes
beta neurotic Jew

Guy is a pseudointellectual who has OD'd on red and black pills. He doesn't know up from down right now but most of us have been there, hopefully he sorts it out.

I was wondering when that was going to be brought up. I've been watching Owen for about 2 years and I've never seen this brought up. I don't watch him religiously though. But you'd think by now someone would have got him to address it. What's really weird is his wife took Smith and not Benjamin. Many times the wife will take the fake last name. He also talks about Will Smith quite a bit and also Dave Smith. It's crazy this is never brought up. That being said he chose that name ALONG time ago as his whole 17 year long career he's been Owen Benjamin. For a guy who is open about just about everything it's weird you can't find him adressing this anywhere on the net.

I’m pretty good at guesstimating IQ; yeah no fucking way 147. I’ll give him 127 though.

So he's equal to the Toe?

This. If you cant handle redpills without going crazy instead of maintaining a respectable appearance and using your public persona to undermine the luciferian masterplan then you arent woke.

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Good post. And yeah, don’t forget he’ll be “controlled opposition” soon enough. Never fails with this faggot board.

Yeah but without all the drugs.

Wonder how much mula he makes. Goes hard in the stream game

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20 Dz? I’m guess he makes he makes a decent living off it, considering it is every day for 3-4 hours

Big Bear just doesnt jive with the reddit community they have the hardest time being able to enjoy his streams

He said he makes $20,000+ on Youtube alone. He also have several properties. He's fucking loaded and he's not hiding it.
This is retarded paki hiding in UK,
Bear made premium chat with $5 entry fee, to fend off shills.

>burn the coal
get raped & murdered in the desert

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You do know youtube has streams and chat "on" before the stream officially starts? To let people know it's coming.
Don't even know this guy or his channel but if you're going to criticize someone at least know how the basic system works.

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> 3 hours per day of Owen rambling about things he just learned about on youtube the night before
The end of relevancy is BEARING down on Owen

Said the full blooded Memeflag. He was raised Catholic and is uncircumcised. You still have your foreskin?

I didnt know that because I have a life

He's still hung up on the "muh freedom" meme.
And the "collectivism" bad meme.

Maybe he'll get there someday.

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He has brought the name thing up twice. There is some black comic named Owen Smith so he used his middle name. Owen Benjamin Smith.

hes gotten better in the last month id say
He actively tells people not to derail him from a subject and doesnt fall back on JP and Toegan for an Hour Every Day anymore...

he's a failed comedian turned schizophrenic autist

he's the farthest thing from chad as possible

the unBEARables thing he does is the fucking most cringey, pathetic thing I've ever seen

>That society views him as someone who's mentally ill for saying the truth says a lot about us,

or maybe he's actually mentally ill and it has nothing to do with him be a "truth-teller"

What's up with all this shilling against BB? He calls out kikes, niggers, and pedophiles every night. He teaches soiiiboys how to act like men and promotes a healthy christian lifestyle.
>OMG he raged quit and talks about how he is funny and smart
Bunch of faggots in here that don't understand how alpha males act. His chat was botching about shit he's adressed over and over. Why encourage soiiiboy bitching?

This thread is all kikes and glow niggers trying to shut him down, get rid of his viewership.

Owen needs to take a step back and really think about what kind of show he wants to have. The 3 hour daily ramblings aren’t sustainable. Once the cult shit gets old he won’t be able to make a living.

he's going to get sick of his 'little bears' and eventually quit

I agree.
To his credit I don’t think Owen will ever cuck out to Hollywood but he could just quit and do tree work with occasional stand up.

>There is some black comic named Owen Smith so he used his middle name.
Lol..........right. Let’s be real. He named himself that to pretend to be Jewish.

it's possible to donate before streams go live

That's the proof of his supposed 147 IQ that Vox Day keeps mentioning? That his mommy said that his IQ is 147?

> no fucking way 147. I’ll give him 127 though
Agreed. 1-2 standard deviations absolute fucking most. Definitely smarter than average but he believes even the most shit-tier conspiracies. Moon landing hoax, fine. But, based on some shit that he has said, he seems to be about a cunt hair away from declaring the earth is flat.

Owen also provides conflicting stories of how he spends his days. Is it going on "deep dives" into taboo subjects or is it obsessively building fences, chicken coops and raised garden beds whilst also spend large amounts of time with his family. There are only so many hours in the day.

Fucking kek.

He's not putting on a show, he's just ranting and saying truths for idiots like yourself to hear. He's not trying to make a living off jewtube.

The Earth is flat.
>No observable curvature
>Everything observed on Earth can be explained without gravity, gravity is fake af and was only created to make space seem somewhat legit
>No experiments can prove Earth is moving/ a globe. Plenty that prove beyond a doubt that Earth is stationary and flat.
>What is a gyroscope
>What is water level
>NASA has been caught lying multiple times
>No non-CGI pictures of Earth yet apparently we're taking pictures of pluto ans some obscure asteriod

Space is fake. Heaven and hell are real.

>looking across lake ontario at toronto from america
>for some reason can't see the lower 175m of toronto's skyscrapers
>175m is entirely coincidentally what you would expect to find if the Earth was a globe

> not trying to make a living from his cult streams
> encouraging “donations” from his cult.

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> not trying to make a living off jewtube
"Hey guys, I'm not trying to make a living off Jewtube. Anyway, let's read some superchats..."

OWEN FUCKING WENT THERE and we have found our QUEEN this year is epic

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>disregarding everything else I said
>What is the bedford canal experiment

He literally tells people multiple times not to donate anything if they don't have the extra cash lying around because he does just fine without the money from jewtube.

There are people who donate thousands to twitch thots yet you guys are getting all uppity because people want to support his platform that brings truth and christian values to thousands of viewers. If you have such a big problem with Owen it just shows who you really are. Fucking sodomites.

>bedford canal experiment
what is debunked due to atmospheric refraction?

> he’s not putting on a show
> ok he’s putting on a show where that makes him money but at least I agree with his message and he’s not a cam whore
You seem a little emotionally attached there fella. What’s your bear name faggot?

>>disregarding everything else I said
>>What is the bedford canal experiment
kek, i missed the irony

>>calls out the Jews with no fear

>supports the Jews with no fear too


>>lives off the grid
he's on the internet 24/7 you fucktard

>never names the Jew
>married a Mexican and has mongrel children

Yea this good goy is based and red pilled. You should donate to his paetreon and watch all of his three hour long YouTube videos.

But he supports all the good republican causes like defending Israel and supporting more wars for defending Israel.

He's forty, you pillock.
His vids can ramble a bit, but there's some good material in there. Great to have a counter to various other ecelebs which he has his little feuds with, like Toe Rogan and Jordan Peterson.

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Fuck, a new level of ywn low I'd never even suspected existed. You bastard. I didn't even know I wanted to do that.

He is black listed from every comedy venue and he cant get signed on netflix or anywhere like that. he's burned all his bridges. what options does he have? he's been reduces to youtubing like a pleb, but youtubing is probably more popular these days than TV, and lucritive. he didnt have a choice. its not liek this was risky, but hes probably the most controversial comedian now, and i never even heard of him until his rogan appreanace. hes getting more famous now. and his comedy is... very hit or miss. its kind of pathetic sometimes. cliche and predictable but once in a while he'll give you a name ...say bill maher and just straight forward, a celebrity is telling you bill maher fucks kids and im not joking. this isnt an act. this isnt hyperbole, it isnt sarcasm or satire, no that guy rapes children. well to me thats funny. its bold. i do think he's gonna snap tho and i feel really bad for his kids. you can tell theyre gonna be embarrssed by him and trying to hide who their father is in the future. for now tho, im enjoying the show.

>unironically believes that we never landed on the moon

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His wiki doesn't state he has a middle name.

>Toe Rogan
>Not 'Toe Rogaine'


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dude, NASA deleted some worthless telemetry data to save costs, this is incontrovertible proof that they never went to the moon!

I don't get it. What's the joke? Some odd reference to French orthography?

Not as long as that sweet honey is still flowing

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>his wife is mexican
I only saw her once briefly. Seems more or less castiza, no?

>Immediately bans anyone who even remotely disagrees with him on anything at any point

Bans them from a YouTube live chat, which realistically is just a venue for silly shitposting. If you so need this outlet, review your priorities.