What's Jow Forumss opinion on perscription drugs?
I know alot of you are not sober, everyone I know IRL who browses Jow Forums or even Jow Forums is doing something.
What's Jow Forumss opinion on perscription drugs?
I know alot of you are not sober, everyone I know IRL who browses Jow Forums or even Jow Forums is doing something.
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ban them.
Don't get hooked on them. It's maybe like this era's version of people who got hooked on cigs, except worse.
I don't have any opinion on them.
I know people that were on them for extended periods and never had any addiction problems.
I think that "opioid crisis" is fake news.
Shit is lit nigga
>I am a chinese spy
took xanax to help with my stress once, did the job, now i'm on escitalopram, pretty good experience, but it does not work for everyone
Jew kike
have you tried zuklonopram?
The sob story about people becoming addicted to opioids after being prescribed them is pure bullshit. They are pumping up those numbers with all the kids who got a few vicodin in high school when they got their wisdom teeth out.
You have to be an idiot or have nothing to live for to get addicted to opioids. I had to use them for 3 weeks after a severe leg break, and it was not difficult at all to stop using them. In fact, the vast majority of people who use these drugs legally never go on to become addicted.
It is the slag of society getting hooked on these things and of course no responsibility is ever taken.
I mean like
I used to abuse them pretty regularly but stopped because I stopped hanging out with the person who sold/gave them to me.
language please
Take drugs for the reason they're made.
>pain from tooth removal; Codeine
>panic attack from mental illness; Xanax
And so on.
Heroin isn't prescription.
Kike Jew
They're all based and redpilled.
I got hooked on oxy for a year or so. Don't fuck with them, the withdrawals a pure hell especially when you quit cold turkey and had to work nights. It sucked but it's something I never ever want to go through again.
I never realized how common it really is as far as opioids. I liked them because they really pumped me up and gave me a shit load of energy when I was working. I rarely took them when not at work but it seems pretty common. People I never would have guessed had a 25-50 pill a week habit. I wasted $250 a week on that shit.
So, after surgery, you don't want pain relief?
I've never seen anyone hold out; some refuse at first, but when they can't sleep and constantly moan, they ask.
Back in the day, they'd just chug ethanol until they passed out. There's safer alternatives, i.e., Morphine.
My dad just died 2 weeks ago after being on these things for 3 years. I fucking hate them.
Why were you on it in the first place?
Opioids won't give you energy or make you feel "up", unless you've got pain that's making you unable to function.
Yeah I had to take them when I had my wisdom teeth out and they made me sick. It wasn't until a random Wednesday at work around 4 in the morning when somebody offered me an oxy. Thats when I got hooked.
I know any drug dependency is degenerate, but self medicating on weed > all that pharma jew shit. I feel far better than when I was on anti anxiety/depression meds
I thought it was bullshit back when it was going around my high school friends. Now I hear my parents and grandparents are on this shit and arguing with me about whether or not that's a good idea.
Well guess fucking what. You just watched death in the face. Get back to me when you're ready to admit I told you about it 15 years ago.
1. Oxycodone preferable the 30mg roxi's
2. Xanax bars
Heroin is not a prescription drug.
Thats not true. Oxycodone will give you energy and make you feel amazing. Other opiates will make you nod, buy oxy always makes me want to do something.
I dont know why I had that reaction, I just took one randomly at work and it made me feel amazing. I felt really alert, sharp, confident and the best part was the energy boost it gave me. I mean I get back pain here and there but I was only prescribed them a few times and I didn't like them.
>You have to be an idiot or have nothing to live for to get addicted to opioids. I had to use them for 3 weeks after a severe leg break, and it was not difficult at all to stop using them. In fact, the vast majority of people who use these drugs legally never go on to become addicted.
That's how it is.
I've never seen someone become addicted when used for the purpose it was originally prescribed.
Only those that use them for no reason other than the effects.
Used to make tons of money in early 2000s selling OCs and Xannies. That was the heyday. Got 80s for 50 could sell for 85. Also the docs handed them out like candy.
Legit medical uses for all the drugs but you will get hooked. Especially on the opioids. Anyone who says they cant get hooked, havent taken them at high enough dose long enough.
The benzos suck, i dunno how anyone had fun doing them except to sleep for extended periods of time.
That's why they give them to you. It makes people perform ahead of expectations, at least at first.
Ah. Morphine. Blew out my L3-L5 some years ago, took me ten minutes to be able to lie down on the exam table, took 5 seconds to get back up after the drip took hold. Shit was a miracle.
smoke weed then. Moron
Stop being a fucking sissy and embrace the PAIN!
Popular among zoomers in mid/high school
hopefully they cull themselves
Smoke opium or weed for your pain like a real human being with a greater soul instead of a lesser soul NPC test rat
Hydrocodon or atleast I think that's what it is gave me the same feeling. They were 10mg yellow pills so maybe they were something different.
>"haha user you're just a pussy complaining about that stab wound!"
>"You don't need pain meds haha!! you just need to smoke some weed bro! It will somehow take away all pain from a knife going inside my ribs!"
I'm a stoner myself and you're a retarded leaf faggot bitch
Yup, people,all of a sudden started asking me why I was so different and my performance at work started slipping. That was the reality but in my mind I felt like my performance was better than ever.
i was prescribed hydro for a surgery I had. It was worthless. Did not relieve pain at all and make me feel sick. I don't see how people can get addicted to this shit. I still have a full bottle I didn't take any
They are wonderful. If you're naturally anxious be super careful with benzos like xanax. Nothing is better than xanax. BUT...xanax withdrawl is a million time worse opiate withdrawl. Take this advice as the truth because it is.
t. former user of all substances with many additions.
AMA if you wish. I'm a veteran in this field.
opioids are the literal opiate of the masses, you would do well to avoid them even if you have legitimate pain they would dull, stick with NSAIDs if you need relief
Benzodiazepines are medically necessary for just a small sliver of the population. They stop and can prevent panic attacks and PTSD freakouts, but do nothing for melancholy or social anxiety, which are normal human functions and do not need medical intervention.
Amphetamines and other strong stimulants are useful if properly dosed, boosting concentration and productivity while eliminating fatigue in some settings.
Illegal drugs are for niggers and other scum races
DUDEWEED is for teenagers, cancer patients and retarded """adults"""
I've been an addict before. It's so good at first and then everything starts just breaking down and you can't keep it up.
You think addiction is bad?
Try being in a situation where you hate your meds but people keep telling you you're more tolerable on them and that you'll be a miserable failure if you stop taking them.
I remember when the drug scene converted from marijuana and hallucinogens / empathogens to opiates. It coincided with the promotion of pharma products to parents, mostly "oxies" or Oxycontin. Pharma pills started showing up everywhere which slowly converted into heroin use. Then heroin became a main stream drug problem instead of the dirty junkie problem. It was sad to see. Drug users used to have a hierarchy where heroin addiction was beneath dirty pock marked riddled tweakers. It belongs back there at the bottom of the pile just slightly above crack cocaine.
I was addicted to Oxycontin and other opiates for 5-6 years, AMA.
Complete horseshit is what they are. If you use drugs, good. You deserve to suffer.
>Drug users used to have a hierarchy where heroin addiction was beneath dirty pock marked riddled tweakers. It belongs back there at the bottom of the pile just slightly above crack cocaine.
Better times, fuck nodders
I felt like I was living a double life. It really made me hate myself because I knew what a POS I was for taking the fucking things. It's weird how it can quickly turn on you.
What were you spending on it or did you have a prescription.
I guess try reducing the dosage to see if there's a sweet spot.
They cloud your judgement and steer you away from our Good Lord
If you take these drugs for their intended purpose, then you're good.
If you take these drugs to get high or have fun or self-medicate problems you invented out of boredom and lack of discipline, then you're fucked and deserve the hell you find yourself in as a drug-addicted degenerate.
I had to explain that very thing to more than one parent who lost a child. It's not much fun even if they really want you to explain wtf went wrong.
Close to $100 a day, give or take. Never had a script, just a few really good jobs that I ended up losing as a result.
I think virtually all of them should be made legal and the government should invest its money in clinics that help addicts AND drug use should be limited to use exclusively in the users own home home. The same with alcohol. Being high or drunk on the streets or at a party should have a severe penalty, like several years jail time. Fewer people would do it if it becomes associated with being a poorfag loner/addict/alchoholic but the option would still be on the table for those who want to do it and they could get help if they need it. solves literally EVERY PROBLEM if you think about it.
Already at lowest effective dose. Problem is not being weak and surrendering to the will of the pharmaceutical industry.
Psych meds aren't a permanent solution by any means.
Nee how
When I had surgery, I got two bottles of percocet. A full month's worth at least was in there.
Didn't take a single pill. Fuck that, I'd rather pain.
I don't play vidya so I don't know if that's how they spell it these days
>needed pain med crutch after injury
Not gonna make it
Daaaamn! Did you quit cold turkey?
No, opiates do give you what seems like a boost of energy.
Nee how again satan
Any substance/pill that "makes you feel amazing" is probably something you should drop immediately and avoid for-fucking-ever.
That's how you wind up hooked. Nature never intended for us to pop a pill and feel amazing. This is why our society is in the shitter, now.
Good on you for getting off of it, man.
What's fun is to ask the Chinese how they know how to look up their chicken scratch in a dictionary. They just sit there and try to think up an excuse.
full legalization of all drugs is the only way to protect our citizens from narcoterrorism and cripple the cartels.
that said, waiting on a percocet delivery lol. war on drugs is working great i love giving money to criminals
To any young anons, this advice is true. Stay clean, pura vida, etc etc. It's all actually true.
>Posting a meth addict
Digits confirm
antidepressants are worse. I had a scrip for xanax for panic attacks for a few months, it was absurdly easy to drop xanax while the antidepressants made me feel terrible to quit
Don't get hooked on SSRIs. You know it's bad when people start to henpeck at you if you've messed with benzos before.
Benzos are terrible. But they say that because they don't want to hear about SSRIs.
Yeah I never thought one pill would lead to such a terrible thing. Thanks, I'm muuuuuuch happier and healthier since being off them.
Several times, yeah. The last one I slept for 24 hours while the half life wore off. I actually got pretty good at detoxing, I just smoked cigarettes and drank water and dealt with it. I couldn't eat anything for several days, after the initial sleep I just stayed awake until the effects of the detox starting wearing away, watched lots of movies and anything I could to get my mind off how awful I felt. I'm 6'1 180 right now, at my worst I was down to 138lbs. Remarkably I never really got into any sort of trouble or arrested for it or anything. I was really lucky in the regard.
no idea, i have never been stupid enough to do them.
Good for you, I was lucky like you and never got in trouble with the police.
purdue pharma is literally the cancer of the world in regard of spreading those lovely fucking pills but my god they are some evil people. they had people taking 1920 mg a day off oxycodon
I as well...couple of tens and I am ready to clean my garage....no like coke, but its my favorite recreational drug...
Dexamp is the Aryan drug
Benzos and opiates are degenerate
Dude stop lying. No doctor prescribed you the equivalent of 64 roxi 30's a day.
Numbs the pain, helps me work.
Xanax is too strong, etizolam or phenibut is better for anxiety.
yeah for real. opiate addiction is exactly as bad as everyone tells you it is. it's better to never experience opiation.
not me you retard. its in the lawsuit against the company. they had people pushing docs to sell out maximum subscriptions to patients to increase benefits no joke
the rx drug industry is more jewy than peak auschwitz
Panic attacks and anxiety are different things
that picture by itself tickles my receptors
never had the urge to suppress my human emotions. When I get sad I get sad. When I get depressed I get depressed. When I get clinically depressed I'm trying to find the root of it and eliminate it or deal with it. I don't mask my problems. I deal with them.
Same applies for both. Etizolam sublingual or the weaker Japanese benzos are more than enough for panic attacks. Anything strong enough to inebriate you shouldn't be taken regularly.
Depends on the person. Maybe it's because I'm bi-polar but every time I've taken a benzo my body reacts like I took an upper unless I go nuts with them.
Nature never intended us to use the internet ever, and we see how that turned out.
If the medications can help you see an alternative life to rot and dying slowly, why is that so bad?
You obviously can't say "just grow up lol" and it's all fixed and people become happy, chase healthy hobbies and activities and raise a child properly.
Not to mention, the people "losers" will compete against are people who are groomed for this, andd on performance enhancing drugs.
This. Drugs should either show you new things or enhance your performance. Psychs are fine, some stims are fine, PEDs are fine. But benzos, opis, alc, weed are all degenerate and a waste of time. Weed/alc is only slightly worth it with friends and that's about it.
I already quit both cold turkey after I wasn't having panic attacks anymore. The xanax was literally babby tier compared to the dizziness and out of body feeling that quitting ssris incurred for about a month
What compounds and doses? If you took a weak one or have a huge tolerance then that's believable.
Play jew games win jew prizes
> Dr. Walter Jacobs in North Andover.51 He practiced alone. He often worked
only three days a week. Nevertheless, in five years, he prescribed more than 347,000 pills of
Purdue opioids
That's fucking dangerous desu you should've tapered
I drink, in excess. Opiate addiction is pure hell, but at least if you go cold turkey the withdrawal will not kill you. I've done it and it is only a few days of hell. On my 6th pint right now and I've just got the shakes out of me. I have 2 weeks of vacation time to sober up.
To alcohol! the cause and solution to all our problems.
>>> To target veterans, Purdue funded a book, Exit Wounds, which was packaged as
the story of a wounded veteran but was really part of Purdue’s deceptive marketing campaign.
Probably not. He wasn't on them for long enough to get crazy.