Why are Muslim Balkanites (Albanians & Bosniaks) so much fairer and more handsome than the Christian ones, some of which look like straight up shitskins?
Why are Muslim Balkanites (Albanians & Bosniaks) so much fairer and more handsome than the Christian ones...
How do I get a Balkan bf?
kys queer
they all look like niggers
Offer a green card
I don't think anyone wants to come here, user.
t. actual nigger
Don't be racist pls.
Bosnians didn't breed with gypsys and Turks like Serbians and Bulgarians did.
All of them look like the average prison inmate in Switzerland
Announcing sage is bannable, stormfag.
>tfw Bosniak
>tfw don't have any Islamic prefixes or suffixes in my last name
I don't know, but my last name is common in Croatia perhaps my ancestors were Croats.
we wus white an hansome
Ayy lmao
No dhimmitude or need to send janissary fuccbois to Ottomans historically? Pure speculation if what you're saying is true.
Kraut why are you hiding
Greek and Macedonian are the only really Mediterranean looking one of all, the rest look like Slavic gopniks mixed with some Southern blood
how to into bulgar mode?