Well Jow Forums, do you? What great works have shaped your worldview? Books, movies, music, personal experiance.
>He gets his ideology from YouTubers
the obvious:
1984 - orwell
brave new world - huxley
the seawolf - london
how many seconds until someone posts "meinkampf"...
What a retarded thread. What are you fishing for? Another stupid article about how a Sumerian retard radicalizes people into muh nazis? Sorry, my stances are well even outside the pol mainstream, and are in touch with the eternal balance in ways you are not. Read At Home in the Universe, The Timeless Way of Building, and any of Evolas discourse on the world of tradition. Come to understand that life is a network effect of a particular kind of informational flow; what constitutes a balanced network, and why you sin against this balance and are doomed to fail you godamn datamining shill. GTFO my pol
>for myself
>Communist manifesto
Went through a phase in Middle and early High School. Still think Marx's critiques of capitalism were more or less correct but his solutions are fucked.
>the Doctrine of Fascism
First read in my junior year of high school. Strongly reccomend for anyone who wants to get into the actual beliefs of fascism or just kick the NEET lifestyle. Life is a struggle and must be fought for it's own sake. Embrace the inherent war and struggle of humanity Also not written in bullshit jargon like Marx.
>Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
Great book for those who want to explore the inherent flaws with our democratic system and look for viable alternatives. Personally influenced my personal views on democracy significantly.
>The Prince by Machiavelli
This is more of a guide on how to get results than a profound philosophical work, but still very useful personally.
>Holy Bible
Obvious. Even if you're not Christian you should read this. It's easily the most influential book ever written
>Rudyard Kipling
Kipling has some absolutely great stuff. Look up
>Men of my own stock
>Gods of the copy book headings
Both are pure 100% redpill
>Another stupid article about how a Sumerian retard radicalizes people into muh nazis?
The exact opposite faggot. So many well intentioned people end up with shit tier ideolagies because they never move past into level YouTubers. This thread is trying to point them in the right direction by giving them something not full of hot air., and open a discussion between Jow Forumsacks who have read similar works, or even diametrically opposite works, like Hobbes and Locke.
Good taste
>data mining
Oh shit you got me. Now you'll be seeing ads for Oseald Spengler books for the next decade
Not soon enough apparently
Good starter set, but you should honestly move up a bit to some heavier stuff. You're at the tip of the iceberg
Youtubers get their beliefs from us. Nice try though.
I've been wanting to read this but haven't had the chance. How is it?
it's good for your mind
Spengler, Jung, Schmitt, Eliade, the Silesian mystic, Juenger, Schiller, Vico
Atlas Shrugged
if you haven't read it, and you believe the meme reviews, kys
Proof this book is important: watch the kikes rush in to any thread about it and throw their copypasta around like monkey's flinging shit
fugging based
Only name there I recognize
I need to read Atlas Shrugged. Just haven't had the time. I have read Liberty though
also this, and the realisation that ignorance is the key to a happy life. knowledge is pain.
do public schools not teach spelling anymore?
Get the fuck out.
Plato's Republic
Hobbes' Leviathan
Mill's On Liberty
shitposts on Jow Forums
heh, always the pope's butt kisser
Benyamin Shakespearo unironically. Almost 100% except I'm race realist.
No because but that's beside the point. I fucked up because phoneposting
Meme's define who I am.
>>Communist manifesto
>Went through a phase in Middle and early High School. Still think Marx's critiques of capitalism..
thats why socialist parties want to reduce voting age to 16 in germany:
>If you’re not a communist at the age of 20, you haven’t got a heart.
>If you’re still a communist at the age of 30, you haven’t got a brain.
Great writing is just long form shitposting
>the gulag archipelego audiobook on youtube
what now cunt?
These dumb cunts probably don't even know what ideology means