I impregnated a turkish girl

I impregnated a turkish girl.

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Abortion macht frei

Does she have a thick ass?

that's alright, chances are you're a turkish woman yourself

I would be more worried if I had impregnated a white woman, sadly.

Will you marry her OP?
How old are you and her?

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Was she hot? If yes, no problem. Make her convert to Christianity

No. 31 and 22.

lol a G*rman being a degenerate. Nordcucks btfo

how did you fit your dick in an insect?

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What is it like to fuck a roach?

Make her have an abortion. Roachbabies are an abomination under God


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Be a man and have another with her


Well as long as you aren't going to get yourself chained to crippling child support payments and waste your time and energy on raising the little mutt then it's actually a good thing.
There is literally nothing wrong with impregnating the enemies women. In fact it is most desirable.

Bring her father a goat to rape as a symbol of peace and good will.

why no? That is degenerate. The child is your blood. By rejecting the child you reject yourself. Pathetic

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germans like gay dance mixes right?

RIP user, you are getting beheaded soon

Based tripsssss


He is white.

MARY or some shit

You guys were drunk

No. It would only be based, if he would convert her to Christianity.

Your son will be a TURKISH CHAD, none of this german whiteboy weak bullshit

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Hallo Papa!

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How big is her nose and how large his her moustache?

Nothing wrong with mixing as long as the man is white.

Extremely unbased

Omae wa mou, shindeiru


Not how mixing works and his skin skin is white. Brown Turks are dicklet manlets

i got a black chick pregnant once. i convinced her that we were too young to start a family, that when i finished school we could plan for a family. seven months after the abortion i dumbed her nigger ass and upgraded to an asian.
best decision of my life

Based, that’s the only way forward OP you have to marry her or you will forever be a POS

Nobody wants to fuck you, La'quisha.

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22 years old means your child will be healthy and full of Chad genes. Accept this girl and your child and raise a family, improve Europe one step at a time


Race mixing is murder in all circumstances. Delete this thread

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Based. She will get honor killed. Now hide because you're going to get killed as well.



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>delete this thread


Hahaha, fuck. Sux to be you.

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Repent you baby murdering scumbag, he was your child.

You didn't answer the question though.

The child is your blood.
Honour compels you to marry her.

Especially if she is atractive or has some more European features, you should breed her and make her convert to Christianity.
I expect that you are a swarthy Swabian or Bavaro-nigger, so you already have the blood of assimilated Syrian archers and Jew merchants, might as well have a family anyway.

See it that way: you outbreed actual Turks.

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Nice. They molest your girls so you engage in a little sexual weltpolitik with their's.


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Answer him faggot.


>Christian encouraging interracial marriage and race mixing. Color me shocked.
OP, kill her

my favourite part of Jow Forums is all those people complaining about bmwf/race mixing/etc. but put theirs dicks in any pussy of any race.. fucking hypocrites

He was half a child, and would have lived a cursed life. Better to end it before birth and prevent the suffering.

Three dead ends of idiocy.

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Congrats OP fatherhood is the best experience a man can have

>Honour compels you to marry her.
>Especially if she is atractive
yep, honor relies heavily on attractiveness

Own it user!
Breed her again and again and raise those children and train your wife in the Aryan ways, such that they will bring glory to our race!
Insofar as nurture overrides nature, you will override those roach genes! Bend nature to your will! Sometimes, the only way out is through.

I want to impregnate a Turkish girl too.

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Monster, you have spilled innocent blood because of your degeneracy. You let lust compel you to murder. May God have mercy on your soul

>I impregnated a turkish girl.
>turkish girl.
Are you really sure it was a girl?

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your new baby in 10 months user, extra hairy
congratulations, I'm proud that you lost your virginity and became a father at the same time, like killing two birds with one stone

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>yep, honor relies heavily on attractiveness
haha no, but it is an incentive

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Trips of truth.

>See it that way: you outbreed actual Turks.
and so does achmed with your sister

>the child is your blood
it's half his blood
the other half is cockroach genome
and the cockroach is much more prominent than the german part


Does she have any brothers? If so you might get killed.

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Low-quality shitpost m8.

The "whiteness" of Turks varies heavily.
Some are halfway mongoloid, some are middle-easterners, other are mediterraneans, a few are even alpinid and many are somewhere between iranian and European.

They are closer to Russians and Greeks than Turks, genetically.
I discourage racemixing, as does the bible (Levithicus 19:19), I am talking about the idea of honour, yes, even outside of religion.

If you abandon a foreign wench you fucked with with a bastard baby, you are an honourless bastard yourself.
Have the honour to marry her, the child exists anyway.
Honour is a matter of succession, as Varg might tell you. In additionI don't care what salty krautcucks do and what not.

Better a Christian Turk and one sullied German lineage than one depressed user shitting up the board.
You aren't the one to talk btw, flaggot.

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permavirgins and those who settle for ethnics. maybe 2% of Jow Forums users have had sexual contact with a white women. and half of those who did are most likely ethnics themselves

you got kebabd

enjoy getting raped by her brothers

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This. Get your zweihander sharpened OP

Reminder that if you colonize a foreign girl you have no obligation to marry or support her. Have as many half breed children as you want before marriage, but only marry within your race.

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Does the woman have brothers? If so, watch your back, they will come for you.

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>It's honorable to marry a war bride.
me and you ancestors are lmaoing at you

t. roach

is she hot

next impregnate her sister and laugh in her brothers' faces

Dobar dobar

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I hope that you two are married.

Is she a traditional girl or a thot?
Well, you probably didn't rape her, so we already know the answer...
Still, raise your child, and maybe she can become a good wife. Usually Muslims train their daughters well.

You don't know me and you didn't catch my drift, so I'll just thank you for the (you)s and tell you flaggot to fuck off.

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i'd leave the country unironically
the German state will rape you for everything it's worth
German fathers are obligated by law not to just pay the usual 18 year long child support but to fund the kid's higher education up until the kid is 27
you're done goofed

Nah, OP needs to be ready for when sand niggers attack.

Enough kekery.

If I were honest I would just kill you all(OP, Turkroach, bastard, (you), amerifaggot, pirate-poster etc.), but we're lowering down the level so NEETs can be advised.

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Well done lad.
> 31 & 22
so what's the problem?
